shaml_sim_'s Blog
Uninstalling Sims 2 :-/
I must say, I never thought I'd see the day I would consider uninstalling the Sims 2 for good :-/ Since purchasing the Sims 3 (for the second time) a few weeks ago and downloading plenty of custom content for it, I have had so much fun with it. I have written my first Sims 3 story which came out almost a week ago (A Night to Remember - thank you to all those who read, rated and commented on it!) and I can see myself writing many more stories with it. I am currently writing another Sims 2 story at the moment because I have had this storyline in mind since before I finished Learning to Love. It is called My Own... and the first part should be out very soon if you want to keep an eye out for it! ;-)
Anyway, what I'm trying to say, is that after I finish this current story, I am considering unistalling the Sims 2 for good as I don't think I will play it anymore and it will free a great deal of space from my computer (I have about 8GB worth of custom content for it!). Has anyone who bought the Sims 3, uninstalled Sims 2 and regretted it? Or is it a good idea? I would love to hear your thoughts!!
Sims 3
I officially have bought the Sims 3 for the second time, haha :-) I have posted my first Sims 3 screenshot and am having fun downloading lots of custom content right now. Then once I am happy with everything I have, I will have a bit of fun playing around and will sometime get around to starting my new story!
This must be a very random blog, but i must admit I'm in love with sushi :-O I can't get enough of it lately, I get sushi cravings all through the day! For all those sushi lovers out there, you know what I mean ;-) I had it for dinner tonight and it was delicious. The chicken and avacado rolls and the unagi (eel) rolls are my favourites!! Mmmm....
Sims 3 Story
I've been thinking about writing a Sims 3 story for awhile now. I did try the game when it first came out but wasn't too impressed with the way the characters looked. I still think they could look better, but now that there's a heap of custom content out, I think I will buy it again. I won't be doing all future stories with Sims 3 but I want to do at least one. It won't be until Learning to Love is finished and my computer gets fixed (again!), but I am planning on doing it. I've even got a story line in mind :-)
Well, I'm getting through my assginments slowly but surely. I'm trying to get my story done in between doing this but forgive me if they're taking slightly longer to come out. I've got an exam in a few minutes so fingers crossed, I'm pretty confident about it though so I should be ok! ;-) I'm looking out the window right now and there's a huge dust storm out there so I don't really want to go out, but what can I do? haha. Well, I better go, ciao!
Story Went Missing
Well, Part 7 of my Learning to Love story went missing off the site a little earlier :-/ I have heard of stories going missing occassionally but this is the first time it's happened to me! It should be back on the site sometime soon, though, so never fear :-D
Story Delays
Well...assignment time has come around, again. :( My stories may not be coming out as often as they have been due to this, but I will still be writing them! The time between when I get each new chapter out will vary but I will be trying to get them out as soon as I can :D
Yay! A technician came to my place today and my computer is fixed :D :D Hopefully nothing will need fixing again for awhile! Now I can play Sims and write my stories without worrying I'm going to lose everything....;)
Poll Results
Well, I have decided it's time for a new poll! The 'Story Types' poll results are in...and it looks as if most of you like to read all types of stories, which is great! :D Romance stories came in second, and there was a tie for third between drama and comedy. Thank you everyone for participating, and feel free to cast your vote on who your favourite Learning to Love character is, in my new poll! ;)
Computers! :/
Grrrr...computers are a wonderful but frustrating invention!! The video card has stopped working again...for the third time, which causes it to not show any picture on the screen when the computer is turned on. I've had to use the back-up video card for now but will have to get another replacement sent out. The last time this happened, they made us wipe everything, but I won't be doing that again. Took so much time to save everything, then install everything again, and it wasn't even necessary. Well, that's my rant for the day, haha :P I'm just glad I got Part 5 submitted before this happened :D