Last of the cozy lavender items!
The cozy lavender set is drawing to a close, with just a few items left to publish. a single bed will be up first, followed by a cozy lavender bedroom #2, This will have a larger frame on the bed, a ottoman and some sheer lavender net curtains. Publish date Feb 3rd
For those of you that know I'm trying to give up smoking, I'm now on day 23 (whooooo hooo!) smoke free and I haven't cheated yet! I am/was a heavy smoker (20 - 30 a day), and I have smoked for about 20 years, this is the longest I have given up for, 7 days was my last failed attempt. After 23 days I'm really hoping to give up for good now. To keep myself occupied I'm concentrating on my sims creating.
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