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simboy161's Guestbook

twinkletoeNov 12, 2008

I'll be fine it's just a pain. How cold is it where you are? You mentioned it was freezing. Our weather has been 60 degrees and raining.

popsewiniNov 11, 2008

Thankie for you comment on my legacy!\:wub\:

SpaciKathyNov 11, 2008

Hi, thanks so much for leave a comment on my *the cheeks are funny* screenshot\:D ! I wish you a nice day, SpaciKathy!!!

twinkletoeNov 11, 2008

Hey Paul good to hear from ya. How are the exams going? Sorry to hear you are on your third cold. I have one that has turned into Broncitis. Disneyland was super. We took the kids Trick or Treating in the California Adventure park. It was the best party ever. They had candy stations, rides open late, characters and crafts and music and activities. It was the best. We had lunch at Ariel's Grotto with the Princesses for my daughter and breakfast with Goofy for my son. Did lots of shopping at World of Disney, Build A Bear etc. Enjoyed almost every ride in the park. It was a super vacation. Hang in there with your exams.

HellfrozeoverNov 9, 2008

Meh prelims are evil and must be destroyed...especially when they put them just before Christmas! I'm sure you'll be fine though. They just let you know how much work you need to do before the real thing so nothing is really set in stone from them\:\) . Hope everything else is going well though, I've just been settling back into the cheapness of living with the parentals again and getting people's presents sorted. Best of luck with the rest of the prelims! Alyx(twice maths higher failure title holder)x.

NewtlcoOct 4, 2008

Thanks so much for your kind comment \:\)

HellfrozeoverOct 2, 2008

Very very belated happy birthday (sorry\:\( !) I hope you had a great time at M&Ds and the weather wasn't too bad \:\). My harddrive decided it was time to depart from this life so I'm left with my Times Change characters in Bodyshop saved format (I backed them up at least) and the writen version of the story in word format so yeah...I've decided to redo the whole story from scratch, more along the lines of the written version.

JubilantOct 1, 2008

I'm not totally leaving. Although I am very ever on anymore. I'll PM you my email address. I check that regularly. And I see you as a little brother. \:wub\: erin

HellfrozeoverSep 21, 2008

Ooh prelims! That makes me feel old....As for panic, no idea on how to prevent that. People will tell you "take deep breaths"...well if it doesn't work in childbirth (so I'm told), I doubt it'll work in prelims! One thing I'd say is don't revise *too* much and on the night before just do a quick summary, don't bomard yourself with the subjects. As for "Times Change...", Well I've been doing lots of overtime so not had much of a chance buuuut two stories will be coming out at once so not so bad! Also, squee wins.

josh1092Aug 19, 2008

Haii Paul! We haven't spoke in awhile dude. \:P So how are you? I can't do anything with my Sims 2 right now. T_T Lucky for me I'll be getting a new computer before Christmas, all ready for Sims 3 too. Reply backkk. \:P Josh.

HellfrozeoverAug 14, 2008

Lol don't mock Morrisons, they have four burgers for 50p don't you know! Meh I've been there way too long! I'm on about £5.65 an hour which is soon to go up and I usually work somewhere between twenty and thirty hours. It sucks but it means I get to spend at the end of the month. Game are evil these days they want like qualifications in computing and stuff\:mad\: !

HellfrozeoverAug 13, 2008

I work in Morrisons, it's evil incarnate. Stay away from supermarkets lol!

hardCORPSEAug 11, 2008

Byyyeeeeee!!!! Speak again soon! -love and hugs!- xx

hardCORPSEAug 11, 2008

Currly hair's fuuun! Mine's naturally curly, but it's too short to look curly Dx. Nah I love your hair! Hee, yeah! Super Geeks United! It could a spazzy super hero group, or the worst football team ever xD

hardCORPSEAug 11, 2008

Treasure hunts are fun! Not been on one in ages though =[

hardCORPSEAug 11, 2008

Yep it is! I could never have my hair long! Hate it! In primary seven is was down to my waist, then I got bored and got it all chopped off xD Mum was nearly in tears! Ha! Oooft Naw! I'm a really big geek too xD I just swear a bit more often ^^ Actually.. too much! You're hair looks fuzzy xD I know it doesn't sound like one, but that is a compliment!!

hardCORPSEAug 11, 2008

Cool! That's fine, my url is so just to that and you'll have found me ^^. Ooft, it's like a treasure hunt!! xD

hardCORPSEAug 11, 2008

Nice =] Still at this homework ¬¬;; Almost finished the summary folder! My sisters on my laptop, so i'll have to prise it away from her before I get to play the sims! Hey, do you have Bebo or something? Just this guestbook thing's a bit of a drag Dx -impatient- ^^;;;

hardCORPSEAug 11, 2008

Oooft! Thats a bugger! I got mine in February ^^. Ha, well hopefullys you will,don't want to end up like Carlos Cuellar xD (Rangers player, 25 still has train tracks!) Yeah I had one of those twin block thingys to move my jaw forwards ^^ Not sure why, but I did xD. God, dental treatemnt is a pain. Can't wait until mine are off!!! You up to much? xx

hardCORPSEAug 11, 2008

Urg, I know! I've got them too ¬¬;; It's hit me hard, I used to love strawberry bon bons, with all the toffee in the middle. I'd go through two packets when a a football match! But no more ¬¬;; Well, not until October! I was supposed to have them for 2 years, but apparantly my gums are soft, or something, and the treatments worked within 8 months ^^ xD Mwahaha. When do you get your braces off? I know! They do nothing but irritate me. I got shouted at once cause I wrote that the character was a slut x]. I hate FOB too XD Pete Wents is the most irritating man alive! And it's her accent, the one from the ting tings! I hate it! Aw thanks! I got it in Germany, I visited there with my school on an exchange. We stayed in a really small town where all they had was H&M, ice cream shops and lap dancing bars! Seriously! They're horny fuckers over in Deutschland!

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