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simboy161's Guestbook

hardCORPSEAug 11, 2008

xD I did bad in alot of my 3rd year exams. Mainly because I have really poor handwriting! I lost 15 marks in the english close reading because MY OWN TEACHER (of 3 years) couldn't read what i'd writting ^^;; she makes me type up everthing!. I got a 5 and a 7 in the biology exams x]. Ah! Lucky bugger! Jaffa cakes rule ^^;; There's like no food in our house, mum's on a diet ¬¬;; Dx ting tings? Bad paul! They're shite!!!! xx

hardCORPSEAug 11, 2008

Hehe =] I know! It feels really short! I'm having so much difficulty with my homework, I mean it takes 1000 words to write about the first three chapters of my book, yet it's a 600 word maximum! Lucky xP I hate Biology ¬¬;; I don't get it, I don't want to understand it and don't want to sit an exam on it, because i'll be shit. I fail. I mean, I did ell in class tests but that's becaus eI cheated xD. The teacher sits me outside to do it when she's going over the answers in the class, witht he door open!!! Lol, yeah I can't be arsed getting up early next week ¬¬;; I'm not a day person x] xx

hardCORPSEAug 11, 2008

Boo you! xP Do love those pesky sims though ^^ Ugh I know. Last year my gran had to stay with us cause all those winds knocked some of the roofing off! xD She had a big stream like running in her house! Sigh. The weather's always bad in summer holidays ¬¬;;. I go back to school next week, bet you the weathers lovely! Which reminds me, i've got an essay, a book review and a summary folder to do. Within the week. DX!!! You got much summer homework? It's the absoloute bollocks. xx

hardCORPSEAug 9, 2008

Woman ^^;; But I could curse out half the guys in this country xD My name's Sophie=] Yours? Oooh, Edinbugger xD I'm from Glasgow, west is best ya' know xP Sunny my arse. The weathers so depressing ¬¬;; It was bright yesterday, still cold though! Christ, I think we're the only nation who welcome Global Warming x] You have a favourite team over your end? Don't know if you've guessed i'm a bluenose. xx

HellfrozeoverAug 9, 2008

Yup Silverburn's a big shopping centre! As for jobs...well I managed to avoid that until I was eighteen! Drove my parents mad... I see grey sky. It sucks lol.

HellfrozeoverAug 8, 2008

Nono, a camping holiday beside a river called...wait for it....Silverburn\:eek\: ! I come up with these names all by my self\;\) ! Sucks about the weather. I'm spending most of my time inside though....working! Not sure when the next chapter will be up but it shouldn't be long\:\) .

HellfrozeoverAug 5, 2008

Yes, I stalk the night, stealing the names of shopping districts as I go\;\) ! I didn't realise I had done it until I uploaded it and re-read it. Hmm lol. How're things with you? Still free from the evils of education? Alyx x

marilynmonroeJul 28, 2008

Im happy you like my Harry Potter story\:D

twinkletoeJul 24, 2008

I read that you may soon get to play the Sims again on your about me page \:rah\: Is your new house done?

JubilantJul 19, 2008

That's a good question. I have a very bare version of sims on my laptop. I have the following: original, hobbies, teen stuff, kitchen and bath, and h&m. I also have no hacks or custom content. And I have fun with it. Sorry I haven't been around much. \:wub\: erin

iLOVÉTHÉS¡MSJul 14, 2008

hey! haha! ahh can't wait >.< I haven't been very active on here lately, just came to download some nice skins for my sims. how have you been lately? it's freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing over here in adelaide. xx \:wub\:

jjbird9494Jul 13, 2008

Hey thanks for the feedback. Yes I do have every sims 2 pack my computer is a gateway that has a 500GB hard drive, 4 GB in ram and a nvidia 8800 series graphics card. I have done a lot to my computer just to run the sims And it is not cheap to do so. \;\)

MsBarrowsJul 10, 2008

Thanks for your comment on my "One Man, Seven Children" story, I'm glad you enjoyed it. It wasn't too bad, once I gave up on the idea of trying to teach the toddlers anything - I just let them do what they wanted while poor Van changed diapers darn near non-stop.

HellfrozeoverJul 3, 2008

Hiya, I've only done a couple of shoots so far to my folio but I'd say it's going okay, keeping up my normal job too. I'm in Ayr, just south(or west, one of the two) of Glasgow, back with my parents. How're things going for you? HFOxx

HellfrozeoverJul 2, 2008

Sorry for the loooong wait but just to let you know, "Times Change..." part 11 is up. Thanks for reading the previous parts, I know it's a bit of a time-gap but here's hoping you remember enough to enjoy part 11\:\) ! HFOxx

JubilantJun 26, 2008

yeah summer! I wish i still had summer vk. Ah, to be a kid again. Make sure you have lots of fun. so what is a skip? \:wub\: erin

twinkletoeJun 24, 2008

Hey Paul good luck on your math. It is a very important skill. My kids are enjoying their break already we have nothing going on with them for 2 more weeks. After that they will have swimming every day and a a few camps like golf camp and Magic Tree House camp for my daughter and Busy Runners for my son. I hope you work really hard on your homework and get a good grade out of it. When do you move?

maxi kingJun 7, 2008

\:rah\:thank you for your nice comment on my story,sorry I'm late! \:rah\:

twinkletoeMay 28, 2008

Just wanted to let you know you were not forgotten and wanted to make sure you were ok. Good luck on your project and it sounds like you will be off here for a while if you are moving. Good luck with it all.

twinkletoeMay 27, 2008

Just checking in.\:D

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