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twinkletoeMay 9, 2008

Knock on wood (as you say it you would knock on something that is wood), it would mean that you hope that nothing bad would happen to stop it.\:D

twinkletoeMay 8, 2008

That does sound looney\:wacko\: Too challenging for me to wrap my mind around, thats for sure. So does touchwood mean the same thing as knock on wood?

twinkletoeMay 7, 2008

Funny Paul\:D about the pictures\:D As I was reading your comments about exams and social life I had to laugh because it really is a lot like work and social life only we have things due at different times that are like exams. So I guess what I am saying is school really does prepare you for work without you even knowing it\;\) So enjoy your summer break when it comes.

twinkletoeMay 7, 2008

Thanks for the well wishes for my hubby. I can't seem to put up any pics of the cakes. I've tried every day and I don't know why it is not working\:confused\: How much longer do you have untill school is out? My kids are out in June.

twinkletoeMay 2, 2008

I've been a slacker about getting the pics up. Today is my hubby's birthday so we have been real busy lately.

twinkletoeMay 2, 2008

My first name is Michelle. TBall is kids baseball where they hit a soft ball off what they call a T(it's a post you but the ball on). It is for young kids. Then you graduate to hitting the ball when someone pitches it to you.\:D

twinkletoeMay 1, 2008

Hey Paul How are you doin? Hope things are good with you. I've been taking my kids to TBall.

JubilantApr 28, 2008

Nah, my desktop is like 5 years old. It's good. I had to get a new graphics card for it when University came out. So that was the last time I updated it. It does what I need it to do. The comp is my husbands and is always dying. The laptop is the newest and I got it for writing. I want to try to write a novel but haven't really started. I'm kind of scared to. I'm afraid once I write I'll ealize that I'll suck. Well we're going to NYC today to watch a Mets game. It might get cancelled b/c its raining and then tomorrow I leave for Florida. I don't know if I'll be around so have a great week!\:wub\: erin

twinkletoeApr 24, 2008

Yes that was fancy lighting\:D We will be gone for the weekend\:D I hope we have good weather for it it has been cold here.\:D Hope you have a good weekend\:D

twinkletoeApr 22, 2008

Wow your hair is curly! It looks kind of red? Is it? Or is that the lighting? Cause I thought it was more blonde\:confused\: How are you?

JubilantApr 21, 2008

Yeah the computers here aren't worth stealing. Anyways I got three at home I really don't want another one. \:P erin

twinkletoeApr 19, 2008

A haircut? Is it any shorter than your center pic on your about me page? Or is that the new pic?

JubilantApr 18, 2008

It was the burglar alarm. Good thing a cop didn't run in and start attacking me. I surely would have lost. \:P erin

twinkletoeApr 18, 2008

Well my daughter just turned 7 and my son turned 5. When I post a picture of the cakes I'll let you know. What else have you been doing?

twinkletoeApr 18, 2008

Sorry I haven't been around much. My two kids had birthdays on the 12th and the 16th. I spend hours making their cakes and was busy getting the party stuff together. It really did consume a lot of my time. I'll let you know if I put up a pic of the cakes. How are you?

JubilantApr 17, 2008

My day started badly but it seems to be getting better. I set off an alaram at work. Yeah, I'm a designer. Been working on a newsletter last couple days and will be starting the design for a bank website. There are good jobs available for computers. It's a wise choice. How's your day? \:wub\: erin

JubilantApr 17, 2008

I'm happy you feel that way. \:wub\: erin

DeathinblackandwhiteApr 15, 2008

Lol u shud see mine! I like skiddding it acrros concrete floors mjy friends describe me as CARZY! \:ph34r\:

JubilantApr 15, 2008

Are you cheering b/c I'm from New York? \:P erin

DeathinblackandwhiteApr 14, 2008

Hehe Mines sliver too i got my iPhone and K750i from but you can only have one at a time because it overwrited the game phone \:\) Just search for iPhone \:\)

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