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siminulator2's Blog


Wow, just realized almost 5 years........dang


Hi guys....been a long time, years in fact, but oh well that is the way of things.   Of course I have had Sims 4 since the release and all the updates and the new expansion which I love (competition going on in my head between it and World Expansion).   I think I have turned into a chicken scared former player of morrowind and oblivion.  For some reason, (cannot rule old age completely out yet), those games make me too nervous (even though i know it cannot be real). 


Anyway, even though I am probably the only one tha cares.  I love playing the game again.  I lost that somewhere since sims 1.  Building still does not have any draw for me yet.....hopefully it will again but I am not sure.  I crochet now (well again, mama hale (granny) taught me when I was very young.  And my love for sims is returning like a long lost friend.

New home submission

I have just submitted another house.  It is a remake of one of my big Sims 2 houses.....didn't realize I used to build such huge  Did this one as a special request for munchoz32....she said Sims 3 just wasn't the same without it.  So of course I had to try to redo it.  Might have went a little overboard with the decorations, still experimenting with sims 3, so many options.  Anyway it has 5 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms, 2 stories, and a large unfinished basement for whatever you want to use it for.  I built it on 15 Summerhill Court, up by the Landgraab's & Alto's...only lot I could find large enought for it.  lol

Still playing my adventurer named after me....almost completed all the quests in all 3 vacations spots.  Still thinking about building her a house in Egypt & France.


Inventory Categories

Since playing WA I have found that my sims have lots of things in their inventory...and it usually takes time to find the items I want to find.   It would be nice to have inventory categories....such as fish, rocks, seeds, vegetables, fruit, relics, etc.  I hope they are working on this for the next expansion packj or patch.

I have just finished redoing one of my TSR sims 2 houses per request by munchoz32.  She said it was her favorite house and really missed having in in sims 3.  I forgot I used to build such hugh houses.   :)  Had to use the biggest empty lot in game, by the Landgraaab's & Alto's.  I think its a good recreation.....but I admit I went a little wild on the decorating, too many options in Sims 3.  Munchoz32 is testing it for me now and I'm about to move my explorer into when she returns from Egypt.  If all goes well this will be my next submission to TSR.

I am still enjoying playing my adventurer named after myself...she is doing quests in Egypt that I have never done before.  Really do love the World Adventures expansion pack. 




China Vacation Home Finally Submitted

I finally submitted my China vacaction home (100 Dragon Hills) tonight.  I've tested it with two different sims and have enjoyed it.  Hope others do too.  :) 

I watched the video for the new stuff pack tonight and decided I've got to go buy it tomorrow.  I'm a big fan of the modern furnishings so I decided it looked interesting.  Thought I needed to submit my house before adding another pack to my game.

I have still been enjoying playing WA with the sim I named after myself (Kathy), but have lately got a little sidetracked by Texas Holdem on Facebook and have been very lucky.  :) 

Last night Kathy went on another vacation to China.  I remembered a sim she knew dying the last time she visited China but didn't think much about it.  When she arrived in China this time I got a message that she had witnessed a death.  Okay, fine but then she cried for 2 days over an elderly sim named Chen, with the same last name as mine (and my adventurer).  I created this sim and she has no relatives, but it's like the game made this guy her father.  I know none of the sims in China had my last name before he died, it's not an oriental name.  Strange, but it's little things like that that keep me playing.

WA Favorite Expansion Pack Ever

I have really enjoyed playing the World Adventures expansion.  This is my favorite expansion pack ever (even with the minor bugs I have from the latest patch......knew it was causing problems but couldn't stand it unless I patched my game).  I have played Sims 1 & 2 before and bought every expansion back for both of them.  I have enjoyed playing adventure and role playing games (Grim Fandango, Siberia 1 & 2, The Longest Journey, Morrowind, Oblivion, KOTOR 1 & 2) for many years.  This expansion adds both the adventure and role playing aspects to the Sims 3, which I really am enjoying.  And it doesn't scare me like many of the role playing games do.  :)

Tom Harper completed all the China adventures and was adventuring in France when I installed the latest patch.  France had no custom content so it worked fine but Tom's home base was in Riverview, and he can't go home.  So I created a new adventurer named after me with traits that I would like to have, but don't.  She's brave (I'm a big coward), athletic (I'm lazy), adventuresome (maybe I am that a very little bit), a genius (I'm not one of those either), and a photographer (I can take some okay pictures but don't get the camera out very often).  She does sing very badly though, but not quite as bad as I do.

I was playing the other night and Kathy (aforementioned adventurer) was exploring a tomb.  I saved my game and went to the kitchen to get a baked potato buttered up and ready to eat.  I brought my baked potato backed to the computer and adventurer Kathy decided she was hungry.  Out of everything available to her to eat in her inventory, she chose a potato.  :)  A few minutes later one of my dogs, Ruby, came into my office and laid down behind me to nap.  Adventurer Kathy was excavating a rubble pile and the 2nd thing she found was a ruby.  Pretty funny coincidences for me.  :lol:

My China vacation house is completed and has been 1st tested by Tom, now being tested by Kathy.  Hopefully I'll get it ready to upload to TSR soon.




Temple of the Dragon

After a long and sometimes tedious journey, Tom finally got to explore the Temple of the Dragon.  I really enjoyed it, and Tom spent several days exploring the temple.  This was the first time his moodlet manager really came in's awfully hard to find a place to put a tent up without backtracking too much in a tomb.  :)

He got lots of loot and met up with his first mummies, which of course he fought and defeated.  After completing the quest he was granted Visa level 3 and was able to buy his first vacation home.  He purchased the West Temple House for now, until his new home can be completed (next mission for a great China vacation home and submit it to TSR).  The kitchen in the house only had access from the outside, had no lights, and contained a bathroom with no door.  :)  All that's fixed now.  He just needs to have his dream vacation home built.

Next......a China vacation home.


World Adventure Thoughts

Okay, I've finally decided to start a blog.  Not sure how entertaining it will be, but that probably doesn't much matter since my proifile page doesn't get a low of views......but here we are.  :)

Stereos:  Every time my travleing sim returns home , his stereo is very loud.  I enjoy the music, just at a lower volume, so I usually have my stereos set on low.  I can now change the stereo to medium, and it get's quieter.....then adjust to low volume and it's fine until he comes home again.

Regfrigerators:  Having the same problem as everyone else.  There's now absolutely no reason for my single sim to serve a group meal, since it will be spoiled by the next morning.  Aggravating!

Cars:  I am currently taking my sim to China just as soon as he can recover from his last trip.  Almost to the final visa level, I think he's on his 5th trip, hopefully he will be able to buy a home on his next trip.  He had a car during his first 3 trips, but didn't take the car with him.  It sure does take a while to travel from locations on foot and bicycle.  Then he got an adventure which required him to go to France.  Before he left, he got a new car (not sure if that matters, but it's either that or a patch made them able to take cars on trips).  He took his new car to France and that made traveling so much faster.  Also I believe I'm addicted to the moodlet from new car smell.........I use money cheats anyway and I just seem to always have to have a car that is very fast and gives that moodlet.  :)  Luckily, he took the car on his next trip to China....made traveling so much faster!

I am mostly concentrating on completing the China adventures, but did enjoy the short trip to France.  I love tomb exploring, but it does seem like it takes a while to get to that point.  After Tom returned from France, I thought I was going to finally get to explore the Temple of the Dragon, but no......I have to reach martial arts level 10 first.  Since Tom's at level 7, that is going to take up most of this 8 day vacation.  Oh well, he is doing martial arts until he gets fatiqued, then excavating anywhere I can find a place to excavate.  :)

Next trip, the Temple of the Dragon!



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Rejuvination Rejuvination New home submission Inventory Categories China Vacation Home Finally... WA Favorite Expansion Pack Ever Temple of the Dragon World Adventure Thoughts
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