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simmaniac2005's Guestbook

lisa9999Nov 22, 2008

Hey simmaniac, I thought I would help Hiedi out a little and sign your guest book. I will try to drop by tommorrow! Have fun.Lisa\:\)

hiedibear75Nov 21, 2008

Having your guest book signed helps gain kudos. \:cool\: You may want to click on the "K" and see what the daily earnings max are.....that way you can see where you can gain more kudos etc. , & also that way you know what to do say 5 pix cuz that's all that will the 1 or 2 for the next day if you don't take that many. Well happy kudos hunting. \:rah\:

hiedibear75Nov 21, 2008

No kudos are NOT transferable. What I meant was that members who have a mini-site can change their poll around, or keep an eye out for polls, or help make sure people get their GB signed at least 5x.....that sort of thing. \;\) If you're going to keep creating things you may want to think about saving up for a mini-site; the banner comes as part of the package, and it's easier for members to find your work, and you can showcase your best or favorite items. \:cool\: I just figured since I knew of 3 TSRians actively trying to get kudos.....#1 they may not be the only ones,  more eyes out for polls and help for those who need the kudos. \:wub\:

StudioKhagerksNov 14, 2008

The closest color that I have to black wood would be the charcoal or the slate. I am enjoying your creations. I would enjoy them more if I could find the time to play the game more. Oh well. Have fun with your creations and I hope you get your mini-site soon! - Kimberly \:cool\:

StudioKhagerksNov 14, 2008

Ooooo, I see someone is on a Studio K creating rampage! I hope you're having fun with your projects. And again, thanks so much for thinking of my creations! You are way too sweet. Have fun and have an AMAZING day! - Kimberly \:cool\:

hiedibear75Nov 13, 2008

Hey I saw the sets of bedding you have coming out soon. \;\) I love using Studio K walls & floors all the I'll be downloading them AND even making a special folder just for you \ them. \:D Thanks for creating. \:cool\:

undefinedmuseNov 3, 2008

Hi again! Thanks for taking the time to comment on more of my art sets! I hope your enjoying your downloads!

EisbaerbonzoOct 21, 2008

\:\) Yes, I meant a link to the whole meshset. But I'm afraid it's too late for the already published sets - despite you can edit your published sets. For further sets you can add the link to the meshset the same way as you add the link to meshes to the single item. In the submissions area there are the same functions for the set as for single items. You can relate your set to any TSR set or any set at another site by adding the TSR numer or a site link.

EisbaerbonzoOct 11, 2008

\:\) Hello Simmanic, many thanks for your nice comment on my Mira Habily Hawaii set. A beachhose was exactly what I had in mind. I found a very nice Tuscan wallset amoung your work, many thanks! And a question: Why don't you add a link to the Mira's meshset to your Leyris sets? When I search for recols, I usually go to the meshset and click "look for recolours". But the option works only when the recolourer added the mesh-link to his/her set. That's the reason why I have found your great Leyris choice so late. But better late than never...

DOTSep 15, 2008

Thanks so much for the kind comment on my Sim things. I am glad you like them. I like what you are working on also \:cool\:

StudioKhagerksSep 9, 2008

Jo D, No \:\( anymore. I'm sure that you are doing a fine job. I haven't downloaded any of your sets as of yet, but will do so this weekend. I am so excited to see them. I'm sure they're going to be wonderful! Have fun and have an AMAZING day! - Kimberly \:cool\:

StudioKhagerksSep 8, 2008

Thank you for making my day! I had a comment this morning left on one of my sets that made my heart hurt. But then, I found your sets waiting to uploaded, and it completely made me smile \:D . Thanks so much for loving my creations. It's people like you that make it soooo worth getting up each day! Have fun and have an AMAZING day! - Kimberly \:cool\:

SIMcredible!Sep 4, 2008

Thanks for commenting on my shock shot \:D

Vanilla SimSep 3, 2008

Hi, I'm so happy to see you downloaded and commenting on my Space Add ons. I hope your daughter enjoys them. I'm not sure if you saw but I created them for my daughter lol! and thought I bet other people would like these. \;\) Tell her I said Happy Simming! \:D \:wub\:

mirakeSep 3, 2008

Thank you for all your sweet comments \;\) Happy simming! Mira

undefinedmuseAug 29, 2008

Hi there! Thank you so much for downloading and taking the time to comment on so many of my art sets! I hope you enjoy them! Have a wonderful weekend and happy simming! \:cool\: \:D

mirakeAug 27, 2008

Hi there \;\) Yeah you will indeed need an invisible surface. There is one on bed hight in my oala set, I used that one!! (and don't forget to get the invisible recolor as well \;\) Happy simming! Mira

mirakeAug 16, 2008

Hi Simmaniac \:\) I've been thinking about a Leyris livingroom as well, but I'm not all to good in shaping seatings. I will try though, and if I come up with something not to bad looking, I'll share it, that's a promess \;\) Happy simming, Mira

qth11Apr 30, 2008

Hi!! Thanks for your comment on livingroom set, it´s aprreciated!! I´m glad to hear that it reminds you the beach, it was my intention but I think I didn´t achieve it. Thanks!

grannybearApr 28, 2008

\:D You are beary welcome!!!!

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