
384Creations 183,722Downloads

simonandy's Guestbook

Cerulean TalonOct 24, 2008

Hello simonandy, \:cool\: It is such a joy to hear from you! I am very flattered that you liked my creations enough to download them. Thank you for those fabulous comments -- they were all really appreciated! Cheers, CT \:wub\:

shadow66Oct 24, 2008

Hey! \:D Thanks for your comment on my 'Diagonal Wood Floors' \:D - yep, I 'wood' believe it coz I made them! \;\) \:P So how's things? - it's been a while! Got a new set of paintings out on the 25th - probably not up your street, but thought I'd mention it anyway - maybe you'll surprise me! \;\) \:P Half term next week, so I might actually find some time for creating - my stockpile from the summer is running pretty low now \:\( - perhaps I could earn a 're-stocking' badge! \:P Anyway, hope everything's ok with you - have fun! \:D

GrayDragonflyOct 23, 2008

Hello! Thanks again for the great comments on my SS Adult Belted Coat & Teen Undies sets! I hope you and your simmies are enjoying them! Have a great day! ~Priscilla \:D

MoMamaOct 23, 2008

Thanks for commenting on that very bright orange sink. I'm sensing a bit of Halloween planning, perhaps? Thanks for stopping by! \:D \:D

Gumby_GirlOct 19, 2008

Hi there simonandy \:\) Thanks for the comment on my Patrician Stone Wall Fence Set. Glad it's what you were looking for. Hope you're having a great weekend \:\) Louise

alunia6191Oct 17, 2008

Hi simonandy! Thank you for your comments on my walls\:\) Glad you like it\:D

ziggy28Oct 17, 2008

\:D Hi there!! First sorry I havent got back to you before now, but I would like to say thank for taking time to post such nice comments on my Romance Master Bedroom Collection, they are much appreciated \:D Have a great day and happy simming \:rah\:

lisa9999Oct 14, 2008

Hey simonandy, Thanks for the comment on the haunted pumpkin patch! Hope to have more soon!\:\) Lisa

jsfOct 14, 2008

You're welcome. I hope your Sims like all those neutrals. Thanks for your coment. \:\) judi

06bekOct 14, 2008

Thankyou for your lovely comment on my new Sarong Swimwear set \:D It's appreciated!!

MoMamaOct 13, 2008

Thanks for your nice comment on my NK Broadbent Dining Room. I'm glad you like it! \:D \:D

FrozenStarRoOct 13, 2008

thank you for the lovely comment on my new female lingerie set \:D

shadow66Oct 12, 2008

Ha-Ha! Is that the best you cod do?! \:P All we need is some chips now! So what's 'fish n chips' in Klingon then? - seems it's not just the plaice that's a bit fishy! \:eek\: \:P Did you find the add-ons? If not, let me know and I can send them to you if you'd like \;\) - only coz I'm in a good mood mind - Queen again tomorrow! \:rah\: You like Queen? It was brilliant on Friday - more than made up for the 10 hours behind the wheel! \:rolleyes: \:P Anyway, I'm off to upload, then get some dinner - quite fancy fish n chips for some crazy reason! \:o \:D

lisa9999Oct 12, 2008

Hey Simonandy, Thanks for the comment on the ghosts. I am working on somemore and hopefully they will be more detailed. Have a fun day. Lisa

GrayDragonflyOct 12, 2008

Hi! Thanks for the great comment on my Teen Undies Set! I appreciate the feedback and am glad you're enjoying my work! Happy Simming! ~Priscilla \:D

shadow66Oct 11, 2008

Hi! \:D Thanks very much for your comments on my 'Colourful Computers' (Yes, they do!! \:P ), my 'OakTowne Doors' (That's right!), and the 'Little Starship Bedroom' (ONLY 100 times?! \:\( \:P ) - so what's with the Irish? - thought it would have been 'Klingon'!! \:cool\: \:D

jsfOct 11, 2008

Hi simonandy, I really appreciate your comment on my mahogany half panels. Thank you \:\) There will be more matching bookcases and another set of floors coming soon. Have a great weekend, judi

lisa9999Oct 11, 2008

Hey simonandy, Thanks for the comment on the graveyard stuff. More to come. Have a fun day!\:\) Lisa

VeronnOct 11, 2008

Hi.\:\) Thanks for comment on my brick set.\;\) Have a great day. \:\) Veronn

hatshepsutOct 11, 2008

Thank you for the comment on my Bricks Galore wall set. Happy wallpapering!\:D

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