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simonandy's Guestbook

Mishu999 Oct 11, 2008

Hi! Thank you so much for comment to my creation.\:D Have fun!

danaszyOct 11, 2008

Hey! Thank you so much for your lovely comments on my creations. I really appreciate it and I'm glad you like my work. Have a wonderful day\:D

Birba32Oct 11, 2008

Thank you for your comment on my Kitchen recolor \:D

shadow66Oct 9, 2008

Yeah, of course I remember the 'bees knees' comment - but that was on the BEDROOM set, not the NURSERY! \:rolleyes: \:P (that came out whilst you were 'otherwise engaged'! \;\) - but it is on my front page, so you've got no excuses!! \:P ). So how's things? Got your new house/flat/whatever sorted out yet? Or still catching up on your sleep? \:o \:D We're off to Nottingham tomorrow to see Queen \:cool\:, then London on Monday, and Liverpool the following Saturday - been looking forward to it for ages, and if it's anything like it was in 2005, it's gonna be great! \:D Anyway, catch ya later - I've got some batteries to charge! \;\) \:P \:D

shadow66Oct 8, 2008

Hey! \:D Just thought I'd let you know that your 'Little Starship Bedroom' is due to be published on the 10th \;\) \:rah\: - Enjoy! \:D

gil_shalosOct 7, 2008

Hi Simonandy, thank you for your lovely comments on my Smartie Wall sets \:D I'm really glad you like them. Happy Simming Kathryn

annasims2Oct 6, 2008

Hi Thank you so much for your great comment on my clothes. It's much appreciated. Enjoy my creations and have a nice day

MoMamaOct 6, 2008

Just thought I'd drop by to thank you on your comments on my NK Elegant Stoves, NK Ciao Fridges, NK Trash Compactors and NK Broadbent DR Tables. I hope you enjoy them and thanks for stopping by! \:D \:D

jsfOct 6, 2008

Hi simonandy, Thank you for your nice comments on my mahogany panels, bookcases and floors. I hope you'll enjoy using them in your Sims' homes. \:\) judi

hatshepsutOct 6, 2008

Hello again and thank you for commenting on my patio recolours. I hope you find them useful.\:D

SpaikOct 6, 2008

Hello again simonandy, thanks for the nice comment on my Brick Pediment Set. Hope you enjoy them in your game. \:\) Silvia

Birba32Oct 5, 2008

... and thank you very very much for ALL others comment! \:D P.S. I love your wonderful cats \:wub\:

Birba32Oct 5, 2008

Hi! Thank you so much for your comment on my teen formal dresses, I'm glad you like them \:\)

FrozenStarRoOct 5, 2008

hey glad you like my luxe light parquet set \:D

shadow66Oct 5, 2008

Well, you've been a busy little bee, making up for lost time! \:P Thank you for all your wonderfully sweet-corny comments - no 'corn' for months, now I've got it coming out my 'ears'!!! \:cool\: LOL \:D - they made me laugh, especially the 'rug' one! \;\) \:D Showing your age a bit though - Sandie Shaw?! \:eek\: - or you just got a foot fetish?! \:o \:P No 'Bee Nursery'? - thought you would have made a 'bee-line' for that one since you liked the bedroom so much! \;\) Guess you'll be wanting your 'Little Starship Bedroom' I've been patiently saving for your return - call it a house-warming present! \;\) \:D (I've got a couple of other things to upload tonight, so I'll probably do it tomorrow night!). Anyway, nice to see you back - have fun with all the new stuff! \:D

ekinegeOct 5, 2008

Hi! Thank you for your comment on the EKNSet-13. I'm glad you enjoy them.\:\)Ekin

lisa9999Oct 5, 2008

Hey sominandy, Thanks for the very nice comments on the haunted basement walls and the gravestones. I just love all that is scary! Lisa

shakeshaftSep 30, 2008

Hi, thanks for taking the time to comment on my creations. Happy Simming!! Andrea \:\)

Gumby_GirlSep 20, 2008

Hi there simonandy, thanks for the nice comment on my Brick Pavers Set. I appreciate it \:D Sorry for the late response, been moving in between work and only got the internet sorted today. Hope you're having a great weekend \:\)

SpaikSep 18, 2008

Hi there, thanks for the nice comment on my Brick Patio Set. I'm glad you like it. \:\) Silvia

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