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simonandy's Guestbook

shadow66Sep 11, 2008

Hey! Glad you like the bedroom - and such enthusiasm too! \:D I was wondering whether it was a little too red, but if you're happy, that's cool! \:P I'll get the final preview pics done over the weekend, so it'll be all ready to upload when you're back & 'fully functioning'!! \:o \:D (You'll have to let me know when that is!) Hope all goes well Friday - Take care & Have fun! \:D

SesSep 11, 2008

Hi there, thank you ever so much for taking the time to comment on my 'Sayonara Blossom' download, I'm glad you liked it \:\) (love your display picture: the Borg are awesome!)

shadow66Sep 11, 2008

Me again! \:P Now what's the betting I've timed this perfectly for when you're off-line! \:o Just thought I'd let you know that I've finished the bedroom & have posted a couple of pics in my Blog so you can have a look & let me know what you think, or if there's anything else you want added/changed. I won't upload it til I hear from you in case you do! (Aren't I nice?! \:P ). Anyway, get back to me when you can - & if you are in the process of moving, don't get too stressed! \:o \:P Have fun! \:D

shadow66Sep 7, 2008

OK, a quick update! \:D I've done all the furniture & accessories (I ended up changing and re-doing the furniture, using the 'stars' version rather than the 'planets' one that I started off with!). Found a couple of red spaceships to go with the theme, so you've got those on the bedding and a rug. Got a red 'starry/space' pic that I turned into a painting and also put on another rug, so I'm thinking of calling it 'My Little Starship Bedroom' - what do you reckon? Rather 'Enterprising' I thought!!!!!! \:D \:D All I've got left to create are the walls & floors, which I should be able to knock up tomorrow, which just leaves all the testing, packaging & previews! \:\( (that's the boring, tedious bit!). Right, it's nearly 4am now, so I'm off to bed - Night-night! \:D

shadow66Sep 4, 2008

Yep! I have the 'power'! \:D Glad you like the flower paintings - thanks for your comment - appreciated as always! \:D OK, whole room it is then! I've done the furniture already - that's the easy/quickest bit! - just need to do all the little extras! \;\) \:P So while I'M doing that, YOU can think of a name for it! A good one mind! It's got to be: 'My Little ....... Bedroom Collection' that fits with the red space rocket theme (and it can't be 'Rocket' coz I'm already using that one for another set! \;\) ). Completely changing the subject (coz I'm good at that! \:P ) - how do you feel about Penguins? \:D That'll be the next set out (after my 'Wildlife' one anyway!) - there's a preview in my Blog if you're curious! \;\) (and I posted the 'name-game' on your behalf - but that doesn't mean you're getting away with it tho'!!! \:P ) I look forward to what you come up with! \:D

shadow66Sep 1, 2008

I see you've been at the 'Jolly Green' ones again! \:o \:P Thanks for your comment on my 'Alluring Lakes' - they worked then, 'luring' you in like that!! \:D I've done a bit towards your 'Red' request - so do you just want the furniture, or do you want the whole room like with the others I did? Don't mind doing either, but if you want a whole room, do you want the bedding with motifs, along with the walls & floors, or do you just want plain, or something else (if so, what?). I tried the re-coloured bedframe with my dark burgundy bedding and it looked good - it matched the highlights (or should that be lowlights?!) of the pics on the furniture - I was gonna try & do all the other furniture frames the same dark red - what do you reckon? Give me some ideas here - or it'll turn out CUTE!!!!!! (You have been warned!! \;\) \:eek\: \:P )

SpaciKathyAug 31, 2008

Hi, thanks for your comment you left on my *Purple Atomic Age Kids Set*. I'm really happy you like the set. Have a wonderfull day, SpaciKathy!! \:D

shadow66Aug 30, 2008

Sorry to hear about your daughter - it puts a lot of pressure on families when something like that happens. I've kinda been there with my daughter, but not as bad (luckily!). Still, 4 weeks will fly by, and if the short term inconvenience of not seeing her helps in the long term, then it's gotta be worth it! \:\) Are you sure you want PINK?! YOU did a pink set! A very wow! that IS pink set! \:P I might lean more towards red if I do do it - I've got my 'Little Unicorn Bedroom' to upload at the weekend and that's pink & white, and also another set I've been working on is predominantly pink - I seem to be having a pink overdose at the moment! \:o \:P So instead of 'going up' in the world, you're 'moving right' in the world!! \:P \:D - that's cool! Or is it you just want to be closer to me!!!!!!! \:P \:P \:P

shadow66Aug 29, 2008

Hey! \:\) Are you feeling alright? Not got sunstroke (Ha-Ha!!) or something? \:confused\: It's just..... my 'Bees' are cute, and YOU don't do 'cute'!! (Or so you say!!! \:P ). Anyway, thanks very much for your comment \:D - it's not ONLY the 'bees knees' you're getting tho', you do get their legs, torso, head and wings too!!!! \:P You didn't like the 'Alien/Space' ones then? \:\( - thought you might have! So, what you been up to? - you've been ominously silent lately! \:P I gotta go back to work next week (Boo! \:\( ) - that's gonna be a shock to the system! \:eek\: \:P Catch ya later! \:D

TabbyLouAug 27, 2008

Cool, thanks for the wonderful comments on more of my latest MM & SM sets. So glad you like them and can use them. Keep On Simmin'! \:rah\: Enjoy! \:cool\:

TabbyLouAug 23, 2008

Hi & thanks for all the wonderful, lovely comments on my latest MM & SM recolor sets you have downloaded. I am so glad you like my recolor sets. Keep On Simmin'! \:rah\: Enjoy! \:cool\:

Gumby_GirlAug 23, 2008

Hey there simonandy \:D Thanks for the comment on my Wooden Floor board set, it made me laugh \:P Glad you like them. Have a great weekend and happy simming \:D

SpaikAug 22, 2008

Hi there! Just wanted to thank you for the nice comment you left on my Erica buils set. I so appreciate it. \:\) Silvia

lirunchikAug 21, 2008

Hi there! \:D Thank you very much for the comment you left on my The Motion Set. It's so nice of you to write kind word for me \:o Have a nice day! ~Marina

shadow66Aug 21, 2008

Just thought I'd let you know that my 'Little Alien Bedroom' will be published on the 21st, and my 'Little Space Bedroom' on the 22nd - go on, give your little sim kids a break!! \:P \:D

MichelleySim95Aug 18, 2008

Hiya, Andy! Thank you SOOOO much for commenting on my "Summer Love" bikinis. It means a lot to me that you enjoy my creations and it inspires me to make more. Your feedback is completely appreciated. Have an awesome day!

shadow66Aug 17, 2008

I know them! Went to the H&G for an anniversary meal with my parents - a few years back now though! \:P Sounds like you've been quite busy and got around a bit, one way or another! \:D Yeah, I did guess it was your milk bills - I just have a very silly sense of humour at times (at least 7 times a week, sometimes more!! \:P ) - you weren't the only one to get obtuse comments that day!! \:o \:P Life would be so boring & tedious if you couldn't have a bit of fun & silliness once in a while, don't you think?! \:D So, you know you said your poor little sim kids only ever get pink or blue bedrooms coz YOU'RE not into the 'cute' stuff - well, how about an 'Alien' and/or 'Space' themed bedroom? - kind of cute, but not really 'cuddly cute'!! Interested? I've been working on some for a request I had, and have finally finished them - will probably upload the first set tomorrow night! - got some bedding to upload now! \:D Take care, and catch ya later! \:D

zvaellaAug 16, 2008

Hello there! \:\) Thank you very much for leaving such nice comments on my creations, I appreciate it a lot! Have a nice day!\:wub\: \:cool\:

shadow66Aug 16, 2008

So is that Dollar Bills?! Duck Bills?! or are you just madly obsessed with Bill Gates?! \:eek\: \:P Yeah, it does get a bit samey after all these years - it's just quite nice to laze on the beach with fish & chips, followed by ice cream, and have a bit of entertainment in the process! \:D So where did you used to work in EB then? Cooking or milking?! Got some more paintings out today (16th) as part of my new bathroom collection - just thought I'd mention it since you luv 'em so much! \;\) \:P Hope you get some 'play' time - Enjoy! \:D

TabbyLouAug 15, 2008

Hi, Glad you like the MM recs of the FreeTime Don't Wake the Llama board game. Thanks for the lovely comment. Keep On Simmin'! \:rah\: Enjoy! \:cool\:

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