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Created for: The Sims 4
When Ms. Baroque met Mr. Modern it was amour at first sight! But they couldn't decide on a style, thus a compromise: buy a Baroque house and replace the inside with ultra-modern furnishings! Who wants 17thcentury appliances anyway?
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1396497
ItemID: 1396497
Revision: 4
Filesize: 418 KB
Expansions: Get Together, Romantic Garden Stuff, Spa Day, Perfect Patio Stuff, Dine Out, Holiday Pack
Number of bedrooms: 3; Number of bathrooms: 4
Ms. Baroque, though, couldn’t give up her beloved style and snuck in a #Parisian #woman-cave! #noCC #French #Renaissance #mansion #family #flowerbed #undergroundpool #hometheatre #balcony #openfloorplan #waterfall #statues #playtested #winecellar #attic
Because women can have man-caves too, but just classier! Now, however, the quirky couple has moved to the French country and their home is yours to explore and take care of! There are many small details to delight your sims in ever nook and cranny. This is likely the most detailed build I have ever attempted. I wanted to go for a clashing styles theme, modelled after the many old buildings in Europe that have recently been renovated inside. In my pictures I placed the lot in the middle of an urban area, however, I imagine it would work well in a more country lot as a decadent little mansion. Enjoy!
Note that you do NOT have to have MOO on to place the lot. I tried both with and without and everything places the same way :)
More pictures: http://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/comment/16172973#Comment_16172973
- Value: 799478
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 4
- Stories: 4
- Lot Size: 30x20
- Custom content: No custom content used for this creation
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