Our cats new freind
Well, our cat is full of surprises! Last week, he came home with a young kitten that has no home. The little one is about 6 to 9 weeks, and is scared of people big time. It was hungry, and wouldn't go anywhere without my cat. We have been leaving our door open and food close to the door in order to encourage the kitten to come in, eat, and get used to people, it's a darling little thing, and we have named it Shadow, because it is so black it isn't funny, when it is dark out, you can't see him, he is that black! We were really surprised to see our cat bring around a freind, especially since he is male, and doesn't get along with any other cats around here, but he looks after the little one, and they even sleep together outside! Hopefully soon, Shadow will trust us, and will stay in the house, as it's getting really chilly out at night, and I worry about him(or her?) being out there at such a young age!