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squeakers's Guestbook

maxi kingJan 14, 2010

\:wub\:Hey sweety!I wish you and your husband a wonderful day!TC, huge hugges! Irmtraut\:wub\:

hiedibear75Jan 14, 2010

Hey hun. \:wub\:  No you're right.....I haven't been getting a lot of sleep.  \:rolleyes:  You should see my FaceBook it's a constant streem of activity. \:P LOL  Someone who only knew me through FB was kinda surprised "Don't you ever sleep?" un no not really. \:ph34r\:  I explained to her though why I am always up.  \;\)  When I was living in an apartment one of our neighbors thought I was like some sort of druggy staying up all the time......until my Mom explained it to her........so now I know what people tend to assume & we all know what happens when ya break THAT word up into 3 smaller ones don't we. :P  Cuz when U assume U make a U know what out of U & ME . \:D  I need to go look & see if you gave me any examples of colors that you want in my e-mail. \:\)  I'm glad that you liked the colors I came up with. \:cool\:  I've also been making my Dolphin Island walls. \:cool\:  I've been having to just stay as busy as I can. \:wacko\:  I rest here & there but it's not real SLEEP. \:rolleyes:  Darn ants! \:mad\:  Tell Prince hi for me. \:cool\:  I'll be sure & give Yogi an extra big bear hug from Squeaky. \:D  I told Mike that I'm now up to 209 people bookmarking me & his answer "well of course you have". \:P LOL  I'll have to give ya a ring again & give ya another dose of happy. \:cool\:  Well I'm off to check my e-mail. \:D  Take care & stay away from the bucket. \:wub\:

cashcraftJan 13, 2010

Hi Denise, thanks for another fantastic comment on my Nautical Boy's Bedroom, it's a great pleasure to hear you like the set and want additional pieces. I can't promise a nursery or bathroom set, but I will consider it. Thanks for downloading the set and take care. Happy Simming, Carolyn \:\)

maxi kingJan 13, 2010

\:wub\: \:rah\:and thank you so much for your lovely comment on my new house!You such a darling!\:rah\: \:wub\:

maxi kingJan 13, 2010

\:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:Hi Denise!I'm so glad you doing ok!\:DMy cat don't go outsite at all,he hats the snow!I open the door for him and he looks outsite and then vanish into my bedroom!Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night because I can't move!Then the cat is on one site and the dog on the other!I have to move them then!\;\)Alot people don't like there animals in bed but I grow up with it\;\)And I know if something happends they wake me up,so I sleep much better!\:DWe had sun yesterday,cloudy today but at least no more snow!It will stay cold,so the snow will not melt that quick!\;\)I hope you doing soon some of your lovely pic's!\:DWell have the most wonderful day and say Hi to your husband!TC, big,big hugges! Irmtraut\:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:\:wub\:

hiedibear75Jan 12, 2010

Sent you a preview to your E-mail. \:cool\:

hiedibear75Jan 12, 2010

Another color for the pallette: Pink Roses (took the color of a light pink petal from a picture of a pink rose \:D ) \:cool\:

hiedibear75Jan 12, 2010

Well I'm glad it helped. \:wub\:  I know it doesn't make you keep your bucket any further away........but......every bit help......even if it's just being able to have somebody who KNOWS what you're going through. \;\)  I've come up with all sorts of ideas......& I put the petal to the metal so to speak on getting some walls on their way to completion; Berry Berry Blue, Blue Mist, Cotton Candy, Country Kitchen Blue, Crushed Rose Petals, Lo Lo Lellow, Miami Pink, Raspberry Kisses, Rasberry Wine, Red Grapes, Red Rose Petals, Rooster Red (MAXIS match......it should match up fairly well with the red rooster wall that maxis made since I cloned the color from it), Sunny Day Blue, Sweet Sweet Tangerine, & Violet Vitality are all ready for the homecrafter portion of the process.  And then I still need to make the fallowing color pallettes into the image that goes into homecrafter; Easter Egg Green, Rosey, Lightest Lilac, Baby Pink, Pink Lipstick, Tweety Bird Yellow, Newborn Baby Yellow, & Caribbean Island Blue + what ever else I come up with. :P  I've been keeping myslef busy. \:D This should keep my busy for a while.....wouldn't you say? \:P LOL  Glad you liked the walls & that they were as handy for you as they were for me. \:cool\:  I'm not sure how I'll be feeling......both Mike & I started popping & snapping......and what do ya know........a storm is on it's way.......hmmmm......ya don't say! \:rolleyes:  But if nothing else I'll call ya when I poke my head out of my bucket and/or Rx hybernation. \;\)  Take care hun. \:wub\:  And I hope that you start feeling well enough to eat.......I know how hard it is to eat when you're 90% sure you'll be eating it again \:puke\: ......BUT.....we gotta anyway. \:wacko\:  BIG gentle hugs! \:wub\:

maxi kingJan 12, 2010

\:wub\: \:D and Thank you for you lovely comments on my new pic's! \:D \:wub\:

maxi kingJan 12, 2010

\:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:Hi Denise!I'm so glad you doing better today!That is good new with your hand,I was worried about it!My car is doing ok for now,I still have to get a spare part in it but I can drive without it as well and all the water stuff is fixt so it don't leak anymore!So I'm happy about it!\:DIt's all withe here,even our road,the bigger once are clean!It looks so nice but it is so cold!I can't wait for sping as well!\;\)I hope you doing alot of pic's!I love them so much and missed them!Hey,say hello to your husband,he is such a darling and I hope he finds some work soon!Have a wonderful day,TC and lots of huge hugges from far away!Irmtraut\:wub\:\:wub\: \:wub\:

SqueaxJan 12, 2010

Hi there! I was just browsing and saw your name and just had to say something. Our names are so close. It's so cute. \:\) \:wub\:

jsfJan 12, 2010

Hi Denise, I was just looking at the screenshots you left me in "just judi"  AWESOME!! I responded about them right below your entry...they are just beautiful. I hope I can entice Carolyn to create a matching bathroom for the Nautical set; I can just see the kids playing pirate in a boat shaped tub that's outfitted with a sail and a flag. I hope she'll respond positively; I know she's very busy with school and Sims3 though. Thank you for your very generous compliments, I think we both love this collaberation. Be well, my friend. judi

cashcraftJan 11, 2010

Hi Denise, thanks so much for your wonderful comment and compliment on the Nautical set. I really appreciate your feedback and I hope you enjoy the set. Take Care, Carolyn \:\)

jsfJan 11, 2010

Hi Denise, I'm looking out my office window and I see two three foot icicles! The temperature has been in the teens and the windchill makes it below zero some days...a good time to be inside and create. I've been looking at your beautiful screenshots and I think I must buy Bon Voyage. I could use a trip to a nice warm island. Thanks so much for your heartfelt comments on the cashcraft nautical matches, I appreciate them more than you know. Its because of people like you that I'm still here. \:wub\:  judi

hiedibear75Jan 11, 2010

e-mail me the examples. \;\) (2nd part of next post)

hiedibear75Jan 11, 2010

Tell ya what.......how about you find an example of some colors that you would REALLY REALLY LIKE TO HAVE.......& then I'll get to work on the rest. \:cool\:

hiedibear75Jan 11, 2010

Oh & PS Yogi says you din't have anyone's permission to have any bucket days. \;\) LOL  We are ALL hoping you get less bucket & less sitting around on your tuffet. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jan 11, 2010

Well as far as walls go you're in luck. \;\)  I've made one red-ish color "Raspberry Kisses" is what I called it.....I think . \:D  But yes I was going to be submitting a whole rainbow of those walls. \:cool\:  I really liked them & found them majorly usefull so hopefully others will as well. \:\)  I'll have 2 speed up the wall making process for ya. :P  I am so sorry you've been having so much time with your bucket. \:\(  It has been taking a LOT of medicine to keep me from my bucket.......so although I'm keeping my tummy where it belongs.......I've been SOOOOO loopy. \:rolleyes:  I'm glad you've been getting fuzzy company.......Timber & Oreo are always EXTRA snuggely when I'm not feeling good. \:wub\:  I've been worried about you too! \:\(  Well they say spring is around the corner.......it couldn't come soon enough if ya ask me. \:P LOL  I'll have to give you a gingle sometime this week. \;\)  TTFN \:\)  Take care & try & stay away from that darn bucket. \:wub\:

maxi kingJan 11, 2010

\:\(I ment big,big hugges,not bib\:\(

maxi kingJan 11, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Denise,my dear friend!It's so good to hear from you!Say Hi to your husband for me!\:DIt's snowing here as well and it's cold but we are lucky where I live,we didn't get the blissard realy,only a bit snow and a bit wind!\:\(My EX didn't come to get my daughter,too snowy!She was'nd happy about it and hopes she can go in two weeks!\;\)I think your son will be ok,he only need a bit time to get used to everything!:PWell I hope you doing better and enjoy your swim!TC and bib,big hugges! Irmtraut\:wub\:

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