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The Naturos Family

Not much is known about the generally reclusive Naturos family, not even the correct pronunciation of their family name.  What is known is that they are of Greek ancestry, they are all brothers and sisters (4 of each) with the same parents, and that they all have some strange, unusual talents that defy rational explanation.  Then again, since Old Town is connected to Magic Town, the citizens are used to not having rational explanations for a lot of things.

Nychtos Naturos, the oldest brother and the oldest child, has an unusual fondness for black.  With black hair and predominantly black clothing, it's easy to think him somber and serious.  However, despite his color preferences, he has been making it big as a Rock seems the babes (and some buds) dig his pseudo-Goth civilian persona, even if his music doesn't quite match the image.

Lumina Naturos is the oldest sister and the second oldest child.  Unlike her brother, she enjoys the light and dresses in the colors of the sunrise (or sunset).  With her golden hair, it's hard to believe that she and Nychtos are related at all.  However, what they do share is a notable physical beauty, which stood her well as she pursued a career in fashion.  She retired from active modeling to become a Fashion Columnist, though she occasionally returns to life in front of the cameras as favors for dear friends in the industry.

Pyros and Hydros Naturos, the second and third boys, are twins.  However, they are markedly different in personalities and preferences.  Pyros is really big on physical fitness and has a fiery personality that really ignites passions in others.  Hydros, by comparison, though no slouch physically, has a more relaxed, go-with-the-flow personality that more or less goes along passively with what others say.  However, Pyros knows better than to go directly against Hydros in any way, because while Hydros generally yields to others, if he feels strongly enough about something, his will won't bend and he will wash over and carry away anything in his path.  With their differing personalities, Pyros uses his charisma best in the boardroom as a CEO, while Hydros can be counted on to carry floundering stage shows to success--supporting weaker, less experienced performers as needed--as a Broadway Star.

Actually, originally Pyros used his charisma for stirring up audiences as a Rock Star while Nychtos' dark preferences allowed him to bully weaker personalities in the board room as a CEO.  However, both felt unfulfilled, and because their talents and skills were complimentary (Nychtos had always followed Music as a hobby, and Pyros had a business degree and did his own self-marketing to great success), they wound up switching professions with each other.  It didn't take long for both to find new success, with Pyros carrying Nychtos' company to new heights and Nychtos' career eclipsing Pyros' in no time at all.

Unlike her brothers, Eartha Naturos is a more down-to-earth person.  Not for the second sister the path to fame and fortune.  Eartha instead chose to pursue education as a career, believing she could do a better job helping others find glory than she could finding it for herself.  Still, she's done all right.  As a College Dean, she does occasionally figure into news stories and politics, but she does her best to avoid the publicity, feeling that it distracts and detracts from the goals of education.  There are some who might say she lets others (including her family) walk all over her, but that's because they've never come up against her directly:  she can be as immovable as a mountain if she feels strongly enough about something.

Windia Naturos, the third sister, doesn't seek fame and fortune either, but that's more because she doesn't really have the focus and determination to see things through.  Except for her career, she flits from one thing to the next, jumping from one fad to another, her opinions always shifting depending which way the figurative wind is blowing.  However, if she does ever settle onto one thing--such as her career--it's a risk to go up against her:  once she sets her mind on something, she will bowl through anything in her path to achieve it.  Thus, her path to becoming and Astronaut was filled with angry and disgruntled fellow recruits who couldn't make the cut, many of whom had actually helped her along her way but who had been unable to follow her as she assimilated everything they had to teach and surpassed them all.

Lectros Naturos, the youngest brother, has a lot of things going for him.  Besides sharing in the family's good looks, he also has a sharp mind, a quick wit, and devastating sense of humor, and an utterly inappropriately uncanny timing for inserting quips and puns, striking suddenly and without warning to change the mood of the room, should it ever be needed.  All his friends in school like him, and it's not unusual for him to be surrounded by a group of boys and girls, planning for outrageous (but never dangerous) pranks to amuse and entertain even the strictest, sternest, stodgiest teachers in school.

Frigia Naturos, the youngest sister and the youngest child, often watches her older brother's antics with disdain.  Though she shares in her family's beauty, her cool personality either makes her seem more mature or less mature than she actually is.  She has her friends, of course, and her own gang of hangers-on in school, but while she knows she is far less popular than Lectros, she also has a clear career path in mind for herself:  Journalist.  She sees herself as being the cool, impartial investigative reporter able to present the facts objectively, without the political commentary or clever plays on words that so many reporters and news anchors seem to employ.

From the moment of their arrival in Old Town, the Naturos family has been the subject of a great deal of gossip.  Rumors have been flying that pedestrians walking by in the street have caught glimpses of a little man in a blue shirt and a tall red cap has been puttering around in the family garden, but on subsequent visits, only an immobile stationary garden gnome could be seen.  It's also been reported that someone saw one of the Naturos sisters spinning some sort of thread on a spinning wheel--a thread the gleamed and shimmered in the light.  One night-time stroller recalls seeing one of the Naturos brothers picking toadstools out of the lawn and sticking them in his pocket instead of throwing them into the trash.  And among other things, the Naturos brothers and sisters have made names for themselves as excellent duelists and performers in Magic Town.  Other citizens believe it's all part of the show, and their skill as performers in the sideshows isn't unlikely since so many of them are or were in performance-related industries...but people still wonder what the Naturos family is all about.

For a brief time, Nychtos considered moving the family into Magic Town, because they already spent so much time in Magic Town anyway.  However, after seeing the available properties, he felt that his brothers and sisters--especially Lumina, Eartha, and Lectros--would be unahppy there.  He had no problem with the darkness that was so prevalent in Magic Town, but his family's interests came first...always.  So, he's content to being the occasional visitor instead of the long-term resident.  It bodes well to make life a little harder...but it would be nothing compared to how difficult life would be if his family was unhappy and made their feelings known.

***Update 27 August 2010***

Deciding to take a chance, Hydros left the Broadway stage for Studio Town.  After some ups and downs--though really, more ups than downs--he came out on top and joined the elite as a Superstar.  Despite some initial competition with Ron Nocturne, who was wary of any up-and-comers, the two collaborated on a few projects and became good friends.  However, because their careers are always moving in different directions, since achieiving Superstar Status Hydros has been unable to work with Ron.  They maintain their friendship with occasional chats in Studio Town and infrequent visits with each other at home.  On the really rare instances when neither is working or when they both have early calls for film shoots, they get together in Downtown for time.

Family Base Income:  $4425 (CEO-$950; College Dean-$700; Astronaut-$625; Rock Star-$1100; Fashion Columnist-$1050)

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