Happy 2009!
I hope 2009 is a better year for you than it has been so far for me. We found out our centre is closing so nearly 300 people will be laid off. I'll miss all the people I worked with. Some became really good friends these past two years and we do plan to keep in touch and meet when we can. I'm not letting it bring me down, though. I've plans to continue my education by taking Japanese language courses to further what Japanese I already know, take teaching English as a second language, and I plan to finally finish writing my novel. I had stopped when the girls were little to raise them because their father was not around so I was a single parent. We have a month left, and some people have already left to new jobs. I'm glad for them. But that means I'm now left with more responsibility in my small administrative department.
By end of February I'll have more time to devote to the Sims! I hope to have the Sims 3 by then, and they will go on the new laptop I will get for my courses and writing. I need some kind of entertainment on it when I'm tired of studying and working! LOL That's when I'll work even harder at recolouring and learning to create my own content.
Well, time to finish fixing my minisite. Go away for a bit, and everything changes!
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