Evil Nanny:L
Oh my gawd!:S Okaaay... So i was playing sims 2 and My family wich i had a baby and my simself! I went to work and because I had no one to look after my baby (Violet) I had to hire her a nanny so I did and then i was ready to leave .. as I left the nanny picked up my baby and took care of it! and then in real life i thought ill wait til i come back from work and ill just quickly run to the toilet for 1 min, And as a come back the nanny is juggling violet! Violet's Needs were low, she was hungry, sleepy, dirty, and was bored.. :L As i came back from work i dismised nanny and when nanny left she took my BABY with her! she actually stole my baby!:'(
My Game is really glitchy.. :l it glitches everytime! and then my game starts to crash! But anyway i miss my baby viliot:(
Violet - Toodler (My baby)
Simslef - Adult (Suzie)