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tambriah's Guestbook

lisa9999Mar 28, 2009

Evening,  I waited until this evening to go on line.  It was take my mom out day. It sounds like all your treatments are going good. Trust me from a person who had to put needles into other people it is not always easy.  I loved when I got a patient with nice big veins, and then you had the ones with rolloing veins, you would go to put the needle in and the vein would roll off in another direction. So I know both sides, and the person putting in the IV always feels terrible when they have to keep trying to get it in. You would think that after all of these years they would figure a better way of doing it. I am so glad you are going to get to see your daughter.  That must have been hard to do, and it is great she wants to see you. I bet you will be lonely when your son leaves.  It is a shame everyone has to live so far away from one another. Years ago you grew up in one town, got married there, had kids there, and died there, but they way the economy has been the last fourty years people have to go where the jobs are. Have a fantastic evening. I'll write again tomorrow! Lisa\:wub\:

topaz27Mar 28, 2009

Hi tambriah, I have just checked and the wallpaper you liked in my screenshot, is on page 8 of 'wallpapers' using 'full screen', it does look pretty in the game \:wub\:

lisa9999Mar 27, 2009

Morning, I had a terrible time yesterday and apparently so did  alot of other people. TSR must have been busy or they were working on the site. I could not get into any guest books and if I got on a page it took a half an hour to load, so I just shut it down. Today it is better but still slow.  How are you? I opened my mouth too soon the other day.  I went nine months without a period and now I have it worse than ever. Cramps and retaining water and heavy. Trust me I didn't miss it. (it is a good thing not too many guys read this stuff.) Did you go to the doctor yet? If so what did he say? How is your visit going?  How much longer will they be there? Do you feel like you are being questioned? LOL\:\) I have to take the puppy for a shot in an hour.  Good thing it is only a five minute walk. He is not a car dog.  He won't sit still and tries to jump on you when you are driving. Not a good thing. I submitted a recolor on Monday and it still has not been approved. Usually the next day it is approved, I wounder what is going on. How is your weather?  I keep seeing all the storms and rain and then snow out west. It is worse than it has ever been. Well stay dry and warm and safe. Have a very good day! Lisa\:wub\:

topaz27Mar 26, 2009

Hi tambriah, Do hope your feeling good today \:\)  here are a few kudos \:D , check out my new screenshots sometime, I can at last show you my sims and their homes \:D  \:wub\:

damnanoirMar 25, 2009

thanks ^^ and nice avatar ^^

damnanoirMar 24, 2009

good thanks ^^ i'm a bit busy in these few days and i can't uploads stories/screenies and everything i'm doing... maybe tomorrow i'll do something ^^

topaz27Mar 24, 2009

Hi tambriah, I love your new avatar so much, your grandsons look so cute and sweet \:\)  what a beautiful thing to do \:\) , hope you have a wonderful day \:wub\:

lisa9999Mar 24, 2009

Morning! I love the new avatar!\:wub\: Did you take them while they have been there? making the pics into your avatar was a brilliant idea! I hope everything goes well for you at the doctors! I seem to be having a premenopause moment today. It is a long moment. Can't think, feel frustrated and cold.  Could also be the fact that my body is so tired of getting up in the dark and dealing with freezing temperature! LOL Who ever decided to change the clocks in March ought to be drug out into the streets and shot!\:D I like it to be light out in the morning.Right now it is 15 degrees burrrr! It is supposed to go up to 45 today.  I wish it were 45 in the morning. Alright now that I got all my complaints how.  How are you feeling today?  How is the weather in your part of this country? You have never told me what state you live in.  If I had to guess I would say midwest. (I almost think around Texas) I am just playing a guessing game.  Anyhow, I hope you have a fantastic day and let me know how it all goes. My prayers are with you! Love, Lisa\:wub\:

xtinabobinaMar 23, 2009

thank you so much for reading episode one! im going to release episode 2 this weekend..ill definately stop by and tell you when..tonight im uploading something also..you'll have to check it out! anyway, what are you up to these days? ~xtinabobina.

lisa9999Mar 23, 2009

Good morning! I have to write between chores. You sound like my sister she is 48 and she has her period almost every day. She may get five days free a month.  I am just the opposite, I go nine months without and spot for two weeks. Both my mom and my grandmother had hystorectomies (cna't spell it) My mom said it was the best thing she ever had done. Now a days doctors don't like to do it unless it is really neccessary. Do you get hot flashes? I hope not you have enough on your palte.  I am so happy you are enjoying your company. \:\)  I wasn't be nasty about saying I can't always write a lot, I just want you to know I never forget about you! Even if I don't get a chance to write.  You are a wounderful person and I consider you a great friend.  TSR is one of the best palces to make GOOD friends.\:wub\: I have one for you, it is 18 degrees right now at 9 a.m. and the street sweepers are out.  First they spray with water and another machine comes by and scrubs and then the water truck sprays again. I think they are trying to make ICE.  We live on a hill and it is about a 75 degree angle and ice and cars on this street don't do well together.  I knocked out the front end alignment last year on my car. That is our tax dollars at work. I think to be a polititian you must have a collage degree but NO common sense.LOL Have a great day.  And I will be praying your doctor visit goes alright. Keep having fun with the kids! Love, Lisa\:wub\:

topaz27Mar 23, 2009

Hi tambriah, It is so lovely to hear you, I can't wait to see your new banner and avatar \:\) , I'm sure both your grandsons look so adorable \:\) , glad you had a nice weekend, I had a nice weekend too, I hope this week will be a wonderful week for you, take lots of care  \:wub\:

topaz27Mar 21, 2009

Hi tambriah, Kudos, hope you have a lovely weekend \:wub\:

xtinabobinaMar 20, 2009

ive just submitted my story!!! keep your eyes open! it should show up here pretty soon!!! love, xtinabobina.

damnanoirMar 20, 2009

hi there!!!!!!

lisa9999Mar 19, 2009

Hey even if I don't write a book I will always care! Sometimes I have a busy day trying to get things done around the house or I help my neighbors alot (they are mostly elderly) so I don't get to write  as much as I like, so never think if I write a short message that I am to busy for you, I write a short message so you know I am still here for you. And sometimes my day is so boring there isn't anything to write about! LOL\:D  That is going to be today. Sick kid home, laundry and groceries. Of course cooking, picking up and dishes. I took Chester for his walk already, it is so cloudy and gloomy today. I want sunshine, it gives me a boost. Enjoy your visit and I bet it will be a grand party! Have a great time. Lisa\:wub\:

lisa9999Mar 17, 2009

Good morning! I hope they made there alright. Sorry I didn't write yesterday I just dind't feel good. I think it is the change in weather. Hope you are feeling well. I know what you mean about pets. I had a cat for fifteen years and when I went into the hospital to have my youngest (sixteen years ago) my husband couldn't get her to eat and she wouldn't even get up and walk, she just dragged herself around howling.  He called me at the hospital and made me talk to her on the phone to get her to eat. She was my baby, she has been gone seven years and I still miss her. We get just as attached to them as they do to us. My dad used to breed beagles and we had a lab when I was a kid, I never really cared for dogs.  I was a cat person. Always had one.  When the boys were five and twelve they bugged us to get one and we got Diana.  Well I am the one home all of the time so guess who had to feed, walk and bathe her. I got attached. Then when she developed diabetes I had to cook her food and test her urine and give her insulin shots twice a day. ( I found out it is easy to give a dog a shot rather than a human)LOL But when they discovered cancer in advanced stages in her this past fall, it was like loosing a child. I had to have another one (Chester) SO I guess I have convered to a dog person.  Sorry I wrote a book again! LOL. Have a great visit with the family! You are all in my thoughts! Lisa\:wub\:

topaz27Mar 16, 2009

Hi tambriah, Kudos, Shame about the news, but now you still have it all ahead of you and that is good \:D , your all going to have such a lovely time together \:\) , by the way I have just put up a new poll \:D , do check it out sometime, will be thinking of you tomorrow \:wub\:

evetsangelMar 16, 2009

Sending you morning kudos. \:\) Thanks for the info about the polls. Have a wonderful day. \:wub\:

lisa9999Mar 15, 2009

Good evening! SSOrry I got on late today, busy, busy.  Your family sounds like mine.  My oldest moved to Florida and got mariied and had a baby.  I didn't see them until the baby was six months when they moved back up here.  They just had another baby in February and I haven't seen her yet. I hope to in a couple of weeks. You will have a great time! Don't worry it will be easy, the best part is it is at your house you meet them.  I will be thinking of you and praying all goes smooth. When we leave the house our puppy Chester sleeps in front of the door and waites for me to get back.  He doesn't do that with anyone else.  Of course I am the one that feeds him and takes him for walks, so to him if I am not here who will feed him?! Have a great time! Lisa\:wub\:

topaz27Mar 15, 2009

Hi tambriah, That's lovely news, your all going to have such a lovely time, and you must be so excited to meet your grandson, enjoy every moment \:wub\:

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