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tambriah's Guestbook

boogie woogieJan 27, 2009

Hi tambriah! I'm a guestbook signer so thought I'd stop by and say hello so..........Hello \:D Plus it gives you more kudos and you can never have to many of those. Can you? *scratches head*

topaz27Jan 27, 2009

Hi, Thank you so much for taking part in my first poll, and for your 'GB' entry, you are so kind. \:\)

lisa9999Jan 27, 2009

Me again, I know what a surprise. LOL\:D I was just going through comments and wanted to thank you for the comment on the Carried away dining set. I like the old way to find comments. Now I have to go to each object or set to find them. It takes alot of time and I don't want to miss thanking someone.  Have fun!Lisa\:\)

lisa9999Jan 27, 2009

Good Morning! We are expecting 7 to 13 inches of snow by tomorrow afternoon. Want some. I love to look at it but hate to clean it.  I doubt the kids will have school tomorrow.  My son has mid terms all week. Today is Spanish, I was trying to figure out time differences between here and Africa and he told me to stop because he was running Spanish words through his head and I was messing him up and making him do math.LOL! He is 16.He is fun and a great kid.  My oldest was a terrible teenager, he is 23 now. In April is our 25th wedding anniversary. God I feel old!\:eek\: Time just flies by. There I rambled on again.LOL\:D I must run off and get some things done before I have to go pick up my kid. As soon as his test is over he will be calling. Have a fantastic day! Lisa\:\)

lisa9999Jan 26, 2009

Actually yes I do I just do not want to do it!\:wub\:

lisa9999Jan 26, 2009

I know, doesn't this woman have anything better to do with her time!LOL\:wub\:

lisa9999Jan 26, 2009

I wounder if I can get a whole page of just my entries on here!\:wub\:

lisa9999Jan 26, 2009

Kudos,  I put up a new poll today! I am I the only one that write?  I sure have a lot of entries here!LOL Have a great evening! Lisa\:wub\:

lisa9999Jan 25, 2009

\:\) Kudos! Hope you are having a good Sunday! Lisa

topaz27Jan 25, 2009

Hi, Just thought I would let you know that I have made my very first poll, and it works, do hope you will check it out. \:D

princess_moomooJan 25, 2009

thanks for all the help , i apreeciate it. Have a FANTASTIC day! =)

Ame-CJan 23, 2009

Hi Tambriah, thought I stop by and check on you! How are you? It is nice to hear Joe is such a good husband. Hope you guys are still surviving the winter?? \:D

lisa9999Jan 22, 2009

Kudos!  Boy you and I sound a lot alike.  I have more scares on my hand, burn from heat gun from stripping paint, cuts from case cutters cutting up boxes and carpet a huge one from a broken glass in the dish water. No one is ever surprised when I get hurt.  Heck I fell in the driveway this morning bringing the garbage cans back.  I remember washing clothes by hand and hanging the after the washer broke.  What fun we have as mothers and wives. But I wouldn't trade it in for the world.\:wub\: Today sounds like a good day for you to just paly around and have fun. Take it easy and heal quick! Lisa\:\)

lisa9999Jan 21, 2009

Kudos! I am glad it was an easy fix. We have become so dependent on our appliences that I don't think we could survive without them. Have some fun today! Lisa\:\)

princess_moomooJan 21, 2009

I am good! =) and also thanks for commenting in my guestbook!

lisa9999Jan 20, 2009

Morning,  Like I always say (so do all the old folks) you have to take some bad with the good. I hung hooks in the basement and I have some clothes line with loops on the end ready for use when the dryer goes, because it has happened before.  The belt brook and I had to replace it. I also use it for when I sweaters that can't go in the dryer.  Your recolor today was great! I hope your laundry situation gets better.  Have a good day! Lisa\:\)

lisa9999Jan 20, 2009

Hey,  thank you for the comment on the dining room.  They finally fixed it to link comments back to the person that gave them! \:D Yeah! Lisa

lisa9999Jan 20, 2009

Kudos! I hope you had a good week end.\:\) Not much new and exciting here. I just repackaged house and I am getting around to submitting it.  I have three more sets of recolors I am just finishing.  I do all this between laundry, cooking, and cleaning. I need a vacation.  Hope all is well. Lisa\:\)

lisa9999Jan 17, 2009

Hey tambriah, I forgot to submitt the new pole, it is up now! Have a fantastic day! Lisa\:\)

lisa9999Jan 17, 2009

Morning, Hope all is well with you today. We are supposed to get up in the double digets toay. Heat wave. They are working on the new site right now and closed it down so I am on the old one. I don't like to waite. Hope you have a fun day! Lisa\:\)

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