Happy February!!!
About time I update here. ^_^ I've been preoccupied with work too much. I said to myself its the end of the Sims 2 but am happy to see that the release of Sims 3 is moved to June this year. I hardly have time to play now really and I missed the old days. What else is new? I was interviewed by Pier in Koinup and an article about how I do my Sims 2 screenshots can be read from this link.
Since there is still 4 months to enoy this game, yes, I am going to finish another music video. The concept and storyline is actually by my husband. I just am gonna translate it to Sims 2. XD Hope to finish it before Sims 3 is released. I'm so happy to find more stuff that is helpful on making realistic animations for the game and since my game suffered a meltdown last month from a corrupted NPC memory file, I'm glad to say I have tweaked my game back to that old cinematic settings I have before the meltdown.
I also found a very cool, talented, webdesigner who can finally fix/help me manage my Sims 2 story/movie site. I payed a hefty 200USdollars for it but I can't for the life of me tweak it. I'm so happy this webdesigner, and a special friend joined my team! It will be a surprise! She's well known Sims 2 figure on storytelling, photoediting ~ frankensteining, webdesign and make the awesomest CC's and hair recolors! (She did one for my simmie Kyle. ^_^) I'm really excited to work with her.
Okay, I won't bore you much! Just keeping everyone updated! Thanks always for adding me to your bookmarks, the screenshot comments and the visit! I always appreciate them. Belated Happy V-day.
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