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ticticc13's Blog

Working on Photoediting Tutorial

Hello guys! I have no content to offer you here except my screenshots and now I've thought about it...

I've been asked a lot on how I edit my pictures or screencaptures here or on my other Sims 2 communities. Not until dear KateK (and two other Simmer friends) asked me that I've finally thought about making a tutorial on how I edit my works or the softwares that I use... I've always thought my editing is plain simple but am happy some of you guys like my in-game works. So, thank you much. :)

I'm planning to upload an editing tutorial (Enhancing your Sims 2 Pictures with Photoimpact) hopefully within the week. Might be out here in my TSR minisite or in my Flickr ( http://www.flickr.com/photos/tictic ). I technically use three softwares for editing: Adobe Photoshop CS2, Photomatix Pro and Photoimpact - but its my works in Photoimpact that I get asked a lot so that's where I'm going to focus. I'm done with all the tutorial screencaptures... Just editing and re-editing the texts that will go along. Stay tuned.

Sora with Kurt (Tutorial Sample Pic)

Above Pic - is the sample pic and the finished product of my upcoming tutorial.

Models: My boy Kurt and Sora made by Celeste ~ 2008 �celestialshores

Merry Christmas Everybody!

Hope you're all having a great time celebrating!

Happy Holidays

My Stories

Haven't updated here in a while... Work is keeping me really busy. If you are looking for my latest story, feel free to check out my Flickr for the story links.

My Sims 2 Flickr

We are moving to another office today, hope we can get all stuff in its right places. Thanks again everyone for stopping by!

Very Busy

Haven't been around much, got sick with the flu and allergies again... This week will be very hectic for me and hubby's workplace so I won't be around much online again. We also have to attend to our new house, on its finishing touches already. We're excited to move in and decorate. Aside from that, there's nothing much to tell. I just missed playing with my Simmies but not much time anymore. As always, thanks for stopping by everyone. I really appreciate it. :)

If any case that I don't upload my screencaps here, feel free to visit my Sims 2 Flickr:

Tic's Sims 2 Flickr

Take Care You All,


Just want to say thanks to everyone here in TSR for adding me to their bookmarks and the comments on my screenshots. I can't answer all questions or If I can't reply, please bear with me. I am also very busy with work and in transition on moving to a new house. :D Our very own home sweet home at last. As always, I appreciate you all coming here, so thanks again.

You can also refer to my other online galleries if you prefer to see uncompressed version of my screenshots.

My Flickr
My DeviantArt
My Koinup

I have been getting some questions about my stories and models too. Harb and Ash are the major characters from my old story from The Sims 2 Story Exchange. I am not very active there anymore as I don't have much time like before so I have their story published in my blog. I do have a Sims 2 Story site but it still needs a major overhaul. In any case you are interested in reading my works, feel free to visit my Flickr profile as I put all the links of everything on here including the updates.

My Flickr Profile
My Main Sims 2 Story Site
Harb & Ash' Tale [Sims 2 Story]

Thanks always for visiting!


Welcome to my TSR mini-site. I have no creations available for download yet but feel free to check my screenshots. I absolutely adore editing screen captures. Have a nice day everyone. :D


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Working on Photoediting Tutorial Merry Christmas Everybody! My Stories Very Busy Thanks Hiya
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