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Created for: The Sims 4
New skin: asian skin for you, for all age.
This version is very different from our A1.0 skintone.We worked on the new skin color(more gentle),and we draw more skin detail for the skin.
There is special thin eyelid(it is just sooooooooo difficile to draw the two line on the right place with the limite of the game, We tryed several several times,
finally we can get a look OK). The eyebag is complete a new essay, to get an effet more realistic with a little&light makeup, to let the eyes more charming.
The nose we add more colors to make it have more Volume levels. The body texture has a soft looking too, less muscle looking for this version.
90% of transparent with the skin, you can change the colors.
From our skin1.0 to now, we had aready done about 10 skins, every skin is our challenge. What can we do, what can we do more are the two big questions for our creations.
During all of the time, we had the moment with the inspiration comes out like the rain fallen from the sky, and also pass the moment every difficult like no water in
the desert, we treasure them all, they are the prove that we grow up with the sims.
Thank you for everything, hope you enjoy our creation and let us make the game more rich and colorful together.
Thank you so much for your download and comments, hope you enjoy with all our creations.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1328608
ItemID: 1328608
Filesize: 3 MB
- Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio
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