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World in Development: Diamond Key

I am working on my first major word in Create-A-World for the Sims 3. It's called Diamond Key!



One of Diamond Key's lighted nature trails at sunset.


Diamond Key is a medium-sized island world. My main goals in designing this world are:

1. Mostly flat land to make for easy lot management for players and builders

2. Leave enough space between lots to allow players to delete the original lot and put another one of similiar size in it's place

3. Provide a few nice, non-cookie-cutter pre-built homes in different sections of the town

4. Keep custom content to a minimum to curtail size and make it easer to install

5. Provide beautiful, realistic, and original landscaping with spawners for exploration or storytelling

6. Create each section of the town around a basic theme

7. Build in simple but diversified transportation options

8. Provide enough scenery around lot areas to enhance picture-taking for lots

9. Design world with enough pre-existing Rabbit Holes to start a substantial game with little or no pre-building


Diamond Key World Specs:


World Size: Medium

Population: 0 (at present)

# Residential Lots:

# Non-Residential Lots:

# of Residential Lots with ready-built home: 3


Rabbit Holes included:



Rustler's Den (Criminal Warehouse)



World Features:

I wanted to design a world with a small-town feel to both rural and urban areas, to look like an older town that has the "beautiful but slightly spooky" feel. Each section of town has it's own theme and contains flat or mostly-flat lots surrounded by theme-appropriate scenery. Old Miner's Town and Ancient Ruins feature lighted nature trails for sims to peruse and explore. Plenty of spawners, mostly theme-appropriate. Industrial Section and Wharf offer interactive objects such as chess, easel, and bonfire for sims to use ad lib. Town sections are each built around a theme as follows: Downtown, Boardwalk Beach, Old Lighthouse, The Swamp, The Wharf, Industrial Section, Business Section, Old Miner's Town, Ancient Ruins, Inland Lake, Farmland, and Banyan Peninsula. Other features include: 4 waterfalls, 4 bridges, mini-graveyard, inland lake. Most sections are accessible by roadways and sidewalks including navigable bridges. An extensive subway system accesses all parts of the island. Diamond Key currently has no custom content and no store content.

This is a work in progress. Please come back to my TSR page to check for updates or development news. When complete, I plan to make Diamond Key available via a mediafire link in the Create-A-World forum on this site.

Comments and/or constructive criticism is always welcome.


More Pictures of Diamond Key



Harvestables of all kinds can be found in all the navigable parts of Diamond Key.


Trails in Diamond Key feature themed scenery, seats, and lights.


Banyan Falls is one of four waterfalls in Diamond Key.


 A pre-built lot in the Old Lighthouse section of town.


 Old Mining Town's beautiful but spooky scenery invites only the bravest sims to explore.


The old mine is guaranteed to turn up rare (or not so rare) gems and metals.



The Industrial Section features intriguing urban locations including an old favorite, "The Grind". 


Drifter/Homeless sims will find it easier to start life near the Industrial Section where useful items may be found among the scenery or in lots.


Downtown in Diamond Key, sims will find a mix of modern conveniences among scenery that hints at the town's history.


Wildlife are attracted to every part of Diamond Key.



Fishing spots are beautiful and easy to find.

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