Not Sure what to do now?
I've enjoyed starting to create houses, which isn't my speciality, but I take pride in producing extravigant or cute little wonders that your sims and yourself will enjoy living in. I try hard to find a layout that people will love, and wont have to change. Of course I'm not one to create my own personalised wall paper or flooring, which takes out the fun of something new! Then again, I do create something that uses base game products for you to enjoy. I'm aiming to create starter house packages, that are under 20,000 that your sim starts with. But have done more bigger homes, for your more well developed sim family... As for my sims clothing, I have 2 things to upload soon, a wedding party which is a red/black theme. Then a recolour of one of my dresses I did early on last year. Something different. Now, when they are all uploaded, I am stuck on what to do next, I attempted another swimsuit, but quickly became frustrated! I wana try and do something else, that people will want!! But I need some inspiration, I'll have to start taking pictures of my clothes again to get some textures... Thats a task and a half, lol... Anyway, lets just enjoy the fact that I have 211,700 downloads.... YAY!! take it all in... breathe... such a good feelin, remember to leave me lovely comments, hints and suggestions one my creations, they are a wonderful suprise and much appreciatesd!!! Thanks ((hugs)) Twin2162