
189Creations 486,206Downloads

twin2162's Blog

Been Busy...

You should be use to that title... Lots of people have those months where not much is really happening, My real life takes over and to be honest work, wedding planning and everyday stuff is filling my free time...

I LOVE my fiance and we are only now really getting into this wedding planning. Got our Intension to Wed from the celebrant. Can't fill that out till October as In Australia you can only submit it not sooner then 18months till the big day... of course its like 20months till our big day being "21st April 2012"

I'm excited and cant wait to start looking/trying on dresses, I want to loooooooosssse those horrid few kilos I put on last year (what bride doesnt) I'm Not THAT fat... ok, I'm extremely cruvy Aus size 12/14. Which I think in US is 10/12?? correct me if I'm wrong. So Ricki-Lee (singer) Cruvey. Diet so far is Nothing dramatic, just aiming healthy, I dont exercise... makes me eat more and I put myself on a reward system which means "Oh I did 30mins exercise, I deserve that cake" LOL

So... Hmmmm, thinking what else I should try, Well I actually have recoloured MORE wedding stuff, dont know if people were too interested in them, So maybe I should CAN those???

What would you be interested in?

Female Swimwear

Male Swimwear

More childrens clothes

More toddlers variation of clothes?

Or Other - make a suggestion?

Another Collection Uploaded

Its been a month now since my last blog "not sure what to do" people suggested to try a mesh.... Mmmmm, no, I dont have a mesh program and I my aim is to colour meshes (base game meshes) So the people out there only needed to download a recolour rather then a mesh and recolour package. Just my way of making it easier. I tell you what though, If I had a mesh programm I would definatley amend all the sims 2 base game meshes that I feel would be better if they had a touch of things added or removed. E.G. skirt length shortened. Here is my new collection: I have retextured and recoloured everything excluded dress hem, that was just recoloured as it was plain anyway! Not to extravigant, But I felt I needed more simple creations, simple recolours... I only create the things I WANT in a game.

Yeah its not the greatest screenshot as others, I just cant seem to get thold of creating Great backgrounds, if I think I did a good job someone always makes theirs look better... Grrrrrrr... the envy of them, lol

Thank you to everyone who has downloaded my work, I really appreciate it!! Thanks!!

Not Sure what to do now?

I've enjoyed starting to create houses, which isn't my speciality, but I take pride in producing extravigant or cute little wonders that your sims and yourself will enjoy living in. I try hard to find a layout that people will love, and wont have to change. Of course I'm not one to create my own personalised wall paper or flooring, which takes out the fun of something new! Then again, I do create something that uses base game products for you to enjoy. I'm aiming to create starter house packages, that are under 20,000 that your sim starts with. But have done more bigger homes, for your more well developed sim family... As for my sims clothing, I have 2 things to upload soon, a wedding party which is a red/black theme. Then a recolour of one of my dresses I did early on last year. Something different. Now, when they are all uploaded, I am stuck on what to do next, I attempted another swimsuit, but quickly became frustrated! I wana try and do something else, that people will want!! But I need some inspiration, I'll have to start taking pictures of my clothes again to get some textures... Thats a task and a half, lol... Anyway, lets just enjoy the fact that I have 211,700 downloads.... YAY!! take it all in... breathe... such a good feelin, remember to leave me lovely comments, hints and suggestions one my creations, they are a wonderful suprise and much appreciatesd!!! Thanks ((hugs)) Twin2162

My Pictures, should I bother uploading?

I had been fiddling around a few months ago with doing my first painting... Ah, but I failed to create a new picture rather then just recolouring it using Simpe... so I gave up... But I can still give it a go by just recolouring...

These drawing I did myself... dont believe me? I have the originals, so thats enough proof... i uploaded them to my facebook on request cuz at the moment they are just sitting on the cold floor under my computer desk - not a good place for storage, though my Fiance promised me he'd buy me an art desk that can hold my drawings in slots so they dont crease.

here they are:

"Maybe it's Maybellene" -Copy right laws, Nope, in Art Class we were told you only need to change a picture by 20% to make it your own creation... and I'm a crap sketcher, so thats 20% difference, hahaha!! I have got drawings of family members, but who here wants to see them! OMG - had to show you the Veronica one, I did that YEARS ago, when I wasn't that great!

Yeah i did get a Tad bit better over the years. Up there is my first Colour picture, I hate Colouring my sketches, it ruins them! So wondering If I should take my pictures and make them Sims 2 Compatable??? Ha, would be funny to see my own drawings in the sims 2.

What are your thoughts, if anyone does read these, I seem to be the only one who reads peoples blogs and comments on them! Guess thats why I'm in the middle of a cufuffal. hahaha!! Oh well...

Wow, I suck!! (Past Creations)

I went from THAT ^ to THIS >

All in around a year, Its not that I have BAD creations, its just I displayed them so badly, Thank goodness I improved, I am quickly trying to upload creations so I dont have to look back at those ugly mistakes. People must honestly Cringe when they look at the stuff I've done, where as now I am being featured!!

I am sooooooooooo ashamed... Oh, and I just had to download my own creation cuz believe it or not, I couldnt find it on my computer database... I was looking into recolouring it, and could I find the original - NO!! So THANK GOODNESS that I submit to TSR and can download my own work... This was done back in the days where I would just "delete" and think nothing of it, as long as it was out of my game (clogs it up) now I have a external hardrive where I save the screenshot pictures as well as the file, so if ever, i can just pop it into the download file and edit away!! Of course to bring you only the best!!

UPDATE; Just uploaded my first house...Nervously biting my nails wondering what people think!! Picture was taken in Autumn so everything looks golden... but its actually a light blue and a greyish roof

HeHe... Feartured again... I'm on a roll

So I'm featured for my cute little winter outfits for your bubs.. well toddlers, so excuse the name "Baby Outerwear" Its so exciting when you know your work is loved by others... Take 2 of the Kitty Kat Swimwear range is coming up, so look out for them. "BubbleGum"

hehe, look at her eyes!! Thought I'd be creative. Dont hold your breathe... There will be more coming soon I just have to finish the screenshots, and I would prefer to span it out abit, leave you all waiting just a tad... many people who only get on once a week wont even notice I took my time.

SPOLIER ALERT: Expect... Black & White and Ice Collection (Mint&Blu) If you have a colour request, well just ask, but recolours are easy, so most will do it themselves (remember no re-uploading my textures, I guess I'm getting serious now, so I have to inforce law)

Hmmmm.... what else is coming up. I attempted my first house, so I will need your opinion on that, its cool looking, but I had to deal with the colours, which I'm not happy about it, but of course you can change that!! lol I used a cheat for a sloped carport/driveway, so Highly suggest you dont remove it, dont worry, I will have the warning in the description, and instructions to fix it!!

Yay!! Featured Item

If you have seen this:

Yep, its mine and it was on the front page of TSR as FEATURED!!! Wow what a boost in downloads I have had with this coverage, Dam' it I should have uploaded all my other creations (instead of the"once a week" I'm aiming for) as you can see my creations are slowly getting better!! slowly... well I've been featured twice now, so I must be doing something right! My secret - I went through the download list on TSR and found the items that havent had a submission in awhile (female swimwear) so Target those areas!!

Hmmmm, its only now I realise how tacky my screen shot looks... needed to ease a bit between her legs and hand (choc) bugger, shouldnt pick out my flaws, I doubt anyone else squints and picks out these things, if they do... you need to get alife... like me, lol :)

Any way, if you enjoyed this.. just wait I have "BubbleGum", "B&W" and "ICE" recolours coming right up... by the end of the week I'd say, atleast early next week... When I make a good texture I do like to recolour. Note: I liked the concept of keeping the colours in sets of 2. They look more formal then a bunch of mismatched rainbow colours like my previous lots...

Thank you EVERYONE for your downloads... I am feeling the love... I'll let jess know... maybe, if you dont Already know, I'm Caitlin the site lookerafterer... (=S) ?? lol Jessica, poor thing doesnt know how to even upload to the site since its changed, one day I'll show her. One day... Maybe...

General Rules

I know all these rules, yet I havent actually read them, they are common sense really! But I wont lie, people actually are doing the wrong thing. Like XMsims or Peggy any one read the site rules? Your not allowed to recolour or upload to any other site. This includes TSR and the Officially sims 2 site. YET I see them everywhere here and there. Did you know everytime you download a XMsims hair colour (that another person had uploaded) and rush to there site (XM) and download a mesh you are actually downloading an illegal recolour?? Everyone is doing it, so everyone else feels its ok!

Hint: XMsims, usually has every recolour under the sun, better off going there. The downloaders are getting credit for something that isnt really theres??

These are the general rules that must be followed when it comes to using TSR, its content and our services.

  • You may not ask for free items in comments or PM's, doing so will result in your account being suspended.
  • You may only submit creations made by you, no submissions made by others and submitted by you will be accepted.
  • You may not post recolors of other paysites meshes, unless they are freely available and you have the permission to do so from the original artist.
  • You may not recolor creations downloaded from TSR, unless you get express permission from the original artist.
  • Meshes made by Featured Artists may not be uploaded elsewhere and, if you upload recolors of them to other sites, you must include a link for people to come to TSR to download the mesh.
  • You may not upload any creations you download from here on any other site, including the official exchange.
  • You may not link directly to our files, you must link to the page(s) that contain the file and download link.
  • We do not allow content that is not suitable for a PG13 audience, all such submissions will be rejected.

One I didnt know "You cant ask for free items" Well, I've seen that alot in Featured Artists Guestbooks. I think that it should change to show "Meshes made by "Featured" ANY Artists may not be uploaded elsewhere and, if you upload recolors of them to other sites, you must ASK FOR PERMISSION and include a link for people to come to TSR to download the mesh"

So you should always read the Rules of the site before downloading, as you never know, you may have a mesh sitting in your folders 6months later, recolour it and upload (you may not remember the Creator, but the creator knows there Mesh) Some people let you have free meshes just as long as you email a link because in some cases they like to see what you have done with it!!

Get Ready, I'M BACK!!

Are you ready for it, Get excited for it....

Yay! I have updated my "Flora Bikini" set, it now comes as a set instead of taking a detour to my page to find the other recolours (which most dont) Here is is!! Coming soon....

The images are clear, you can see what your going to get, so get excited for it! This is probably my most favourite creation, and I was SOOOOOOOO disappointed with how I displayed it to the world of TSR the first time round! So here is my re-creation! These look so GREAT in the game, and you will be so pleased, it will go with your theme of (plant/nature sim) or just a fancy dress... Only as SWIMWEAR, but I am sure you little cool heads could categorise it as anything you want (outerwear? Brrrr...)


I will keep up updated with any other creations I decide to upload... may move into toddler wear?? Something a bit different!!

Well I've been a busy bee...

I am dissappointed in myself that I cant keep continuing to upload my creations, having an engagement party an 18th and a 21st Birthday party to plan all in the first 3months of the year I am feeling the stress... along with my new workload from staff shortage I am stressed to thy max!!

Just found out I have endometriosous. If you under 16 dont bother looking into it... But some older woman may know what it is... causes me lots of pain... =S Unfortunatley the doctor is baffled why I am in pain all the time consdiering the "Hormone Therapy" medication us girlys take everyday (wink) should stop it... I've been having rough nights as its been getting worse...

Anyway, it has stopped me creating, not that I think anyone reads this, simpathizes and believes they will miss my work. Its very basic stuff!!

Turning 21 on April the 27th. Then its on to planning my wedding, the date is set on the 21st April 2012. Two years, but its better sooner then later to get all my bookings down, plus its sooooo hard to just pick ONE colour scheme, I may regret it for the rest of my living life. My friend recently got married in a VERY close family "suprise" ceremony, she was pregnany. I got my invite last week, they are doing the whole wedding thing again, this time with friends and extended family!

Hmmmm, wouldnt it be nice to do it all over again... squeeze my fat A$$ in to my wedding dress that fit me 10years ago... its good movitation to lose weight I guess... Which reminds me, 7kgs down. I really have noticed a difference... 3more to go.


Latest Headlines

Been Busy... Another Collection Uploaded Not Sure what to do now? My Pictures, should I bother... Wow, I suck!! (Past Creations) HeHe... Feartured again... I'm... Yay!! Featured Item General Rules Get Ready, I'M BACK!! Well I've been a busy bee...
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