ulker (1390791)
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I have updated Hair Fashionista 2Written Apr 06, 2010
Please download the updated version. My other hairs should work unless you have a certain .package file in your Mods folder. Remove that file and my hairs will show in game. Thanks for your patience :) Ülker ...More
I have something to confessWritten Apr 01, 2010
There's no easy way to say this, but here it goes: I'm afraid I can't update hair fashionista 2 because I can't find its texture and meshes. I looked everywhere but nope, it's not on my machine anymore. I must have deleted them accidentally. I must learn to name my work properly and put them in properly named folders to avoid this stuff. Yeah I know, this isn't cool. It was my favorite hair... ...More
Sorry!Written Dec 09, 2009
I wanted to thank to those who posted nice comments on my creations and in my guestbook. I apologize for not replying but I really don't have the time to reply to each and every one of them these days. But I read my comments and really appreciate them :) Many of you ask me to make non- subscriber hair. I'm afraid I can't, my hair styles will always be subscriber-only. Sorry about that.... ...More