what am i doing..?
ok, i know i'm a newbie simmer...
so, let's get it out of our systems right now and laugh at me... ...go ahead, i'll wait...
all done? good... now, let me explain: i've been a good girl and downloaded all my cc via sim2pack button and installed everything. but now i have all these little simmy-pack icons everywhere (and yes i'll admit, they are taking up alot of space on my drive)!
here's my stupid question: can i burn & back-up all my cc onto discs and get rid of those pesky sim2pack icons files??? (don't forget, i've already installed the cc) i think it will free up quite a bit of drive space for new content! ;o) haha
plz throw me a comment and let me know... i'll really really appreciate it!
thx ~weezy~