zaligelover (3741438)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1473 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Tinted Lip Balms 4.0
Published Feb 8, 2015
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So good to be back...Written Jul 14, 2012
It only took me six months... but I finally got my e-puter fixed (as opposed to my 'clean' computers which I will never ever expose to possible viruses or hacking). I have missed this site so much, and have finally returned. I now have over a hundred sets anxiously awaiting their publication and have finally started uploading some. I am also now able to finish uploading my "bad places to wake... ...More
Submissions ShutdownWritten Dec 29, 2011
Grrrr...! The sims 2 submissions area is still shut down for remodeling. Of course, that had to happen on the very day I went to upload my Christmas set, and now it is too late for that. I don't know how any new things are coming out at all, but they must have already been uploaded and had the publish date postponed. I wish the submissions page would open up again. I have several... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
SilveryClover76Aug 27, 2015
Thank you.
sirokMar 14, 2014
hair from anarose, retextured by Trapping
KayKayTJun 17, 2013
You are absolutely positively FANTASTIC!!!! There are no words in the English language that can describe how amazing your creations are!!! I absolutely love and admire everything you've done!!