zul_94's Blog
New avatar & header image
As you can see on my profile page, I've changed my avatar and header image. The avatar looks out of place and the header image looks a little tacky, but I'm just trying the features out.
I'll update it again soon! And by soon, I mean in a few months' time. Lol.
Merry Christmas!
As the title says, I wish everyone on TSR (no matter who you are or where you come from) a very merry Christmas! It's the season of giving and to be thankful, so let's all count our blessings and try to give back in a way or another. :)
I'm looking into submitting a couple of things onto TSR, and I've begun working on them already. So, I'll probably upload them by perhaps next year? I'll try my best to make it happen. :)
See you around!
Oh my God. I just logged onto TSR and realised that my screenshot The Rise Of The Moon has been featured in the Studio Spotlight! I'm really surprised and I'm feeling over the moon now! (please excuse the bad pun, I just had to lol) Thanks so much, TSR! :)
Upcoming The Sims 3 expansion packs
So...I just read that The Sims 3 will see two brand new expansion packs coming our way this fall and winter. Specifically, they are none other than Supernatural as well as Seasons EP. OH EM GEE.
The Sims 3: Supernatural is set for release on the 4th September in NA and 6th September in EU.
This is the one that I'm most looking forward to. It's set for release in 13th November 2012. That's sooooooo soon! Fingers crossed that it'll be worth the wait, nonetheless!
While I find the title of the expansion packs to be gravely lacking in creativity, I'm no doubt really excited for it! Especially with the new laptop that my brother got which has a far more powerful set of specs, I truly cannot wait to see how the features of the expansion packs will be played out.
In addition, with these two expansion packs, I feel that all hope may not be lost for EA. :')
This is very important!
Okay, so here's the thing. I just previewed this new Sim that I will be uploading in a matter of minutes, but I find that there's one major problem.
It says that the only expansion pack that is needed is World Adventure. PLEASE TAKE NOTE: you would need all expansion packs as well as stuff packs up till Generations for the upcoming Sim!
In fact, for TS3 work that I upload to TSR, I'd be sure to specify what EPs and SPs you need, and the version that my game was in when I crafted the work.
Hence, before you download TS3 stuff from me, do be sure to click Show Details and check through the details!
I'm feeling a bit disappointed though, because of errors like these that I can't get rid of. Trust me, because I try to never compromise integrity & honesty when it comes to work. For now, the only way to work around the problem is for me to do whatever I've mentioned in the third paragraph. So, I really hope you would co-operate with me on this one!
I'll clarify this matter with the TSR admin ASAP.
For now, I'll see you guys soon!
Enquiry about my newly-submitted Sim, Ford Perry
Hi guys!
I'd just like to quickly clarify that the Sim that I've just submitted, Ford Perry, requires all expansion packs and stuff packs up until Generations! Yeah, I'm not sure why it displayed World Adventures as the only required EP when I submitted my Sim. :/ I'm really sorry if I've inconvenienced any of you guys, though. I'll do my best to eliminate such errors in the future!
Just a side note though, the version of Generations that I had when I created Ford Perry was v8.0!
Bad things do happen... (most of the time)
Boooo...just as I thought of uploading a lot that looked quite good, I realised that my Sim had taken the furniture with her after she got married to my male Sim. I forgot how I placed the object, not to mention pictures on walls. Sigh....I was planning for a sort of COMEBACK. How dumb and exaggerated can I sound? -__- Anyway, I am working on a few residential lots and an apartment that is probably due by the end of this December?
Man...I promised to provide TSR anytime this year....apparently, I haven't submitted a lot AT ALL. Oh gosh. I better get working on those structures or I can't make the deadline. =O That's when I'll be dead meat. Well, not literally. I've tons of homework to complete too, hopefully I could find time to do that in the midst of my 'COMEBACK'. Oh whatever, I'm starting to sound like a person with a supernova-sized ego.
Well, hope you guys have a happy December, with Christmas around the corner and a new year ahead! =D
The Sims 3...
I've been to many forums that discussed about the much-awaited The Sims 3, including TSR's.
I've noticed that there are many people unhappy about the game because of some cool features that are absent from the game. The Sims 3 was criticized because the magical feeling that the Sims 3 emit was far thinner than the previous Sim games.
First of all, I feel sorry for anyone who feels that The Sims 3 was dissapointing and felt that it was not worth investing their cash into the game. Many claimed that the hype of The Sims 3 spurred imaginative ideas and made you think that Sims 3 was going to have features that are beyond your wildest dreams. The feeling was so inducing that we totally forget about the possible negative aspects that The Sims 3 can hold. That happened to me when EA announced that the next expansion pack for The Sims 2 was Seasons.
I joined in the hype of that cool expansion pack; I frantically searched for videos on the game, get the latest details on it - I ended up thinking what Seasons would contain. Would you be able to dig snow during Winter, as ordered by your parents? Would your Sim families sit down by the warm fireplace and cuddle each other? Would your Sims feel cool and smile while sleeping soundly? I totally forget that EA can be really selfish and not passionate when deciding the features to include in the game. So, when I played the game, I was massively dissapointed and agreed with some reviews that gave The Sims 2: Seasons a thumbs down.
However, when I looked at the big picture, I figured that I should blame myself for not enjoying the game. Due to this, I would ignore all Sims games preview, sneak peek and rumours. I did that for Bon Voyage, Freetime and Apartment Life. I found myself becoming fond of Sims again.
I have two advice for Sims 3 players, as for now.
ONE: You should never be excited about a Sims expansion pack because you will tend to create imaginations about the game, which will never come true. So, you should stay calm and flush out the thought of that expansion pack from your mind, then only will you find yourself liking the game once you have played it.
TWO: For Sims 3 players, I know most of you are dissapointed about the game. Perhaps you should stay calm and try to explore the game a little more? Give it a more time. (3 months or so) I'm quite sure that you would adore the game. :)
What's wrong?
I had finished designing some houses that I intend to upload to TSR. Before that though, I came to know of the news on the breakdown here. I hoped and prayed that it would not affect my ability to submit some work that I am longing to share. However, to my dissapointment, the preview picture did not appear when I previewed my submission. :(
I don't know whether it's a deliberate occurrance or an error, but I hope someone could enlighten me on this or I hope that TSR will update on this matter ASAP. :)
Might be a bad news to avid Sims fans.
I'm not sure if TSR has heard about it, but I heard that Maxis may delay the release of Sims 3. [I heard about it from Insimenator first, then it had the link to the website which has the full details.]
"We are evaluating the launch window. The game looks great and in the near future we'll have more information."
So we wouldn't bank on being able to play it on 20th February.
- Eurogamer.net
I hope TSR might put this news on the frontpage as soon as possible.
Also, I hope that with the extra time Maxis might have, they would perfect the game and make it as enjoyable as the first and second.