Tag the World - Front
Published Jun 28, 2007

An entry for the scribblers campers contest. Front of the Tag the World game box. *tag the world game blurb* Tag the world is an exciting fast paced game that has you running from the very start! Playing as Apollo, you wake up one morning to find out the buzz on the street is that the local thug (Smash Jones) is 'lookin for ya.' Turns you you tagged the wrong car... HIS car. Which means you better get your move on and build up some street cred, quick, before Smash Jones finds you. Explore your world and tag everything in sight to build up your street cred. When you have enough, use that street cred to buy protection, new spray paint colors, or faster skateboards for speedy getaways. Run from security, the police, and angry business owners. Work your way up in the world till you get so famous you can even risk tagging some of the world most known monuments! Leave your mark. Don't get caught. Tag the world.
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