This pic is a few months old, but i HAD to upload it! This is a very rare moment in Sims 2: one of my students in my favorite private dorm sneaked out of my view & apparently glazed at the stars... I only saw a flashing light in the corner of the screen - too busy with the other students - & zam, she was dead, crushed by a SATELLITE!! It's the only time i ever saw that satellite in my game & hope to NEVER sees it again! D'oh! Afterward, i tried to keep her tomb in my students' private dorm but her ghost kept terrifying the others! So i finally resigned to bury her in the cemetary but found out i couldn't take the satellite on the cemetary lot to put it on her tomb... I ended up doing a memorial in the outdoor garden where she died, with the satellite as her tomb & flowers & candles in front of it & a beautiful little fence.... Gee it's so sad!