Yep, I've recolored some hair. I have a set of five coming out soon.
They aren't perfect by any means - I'm new at this whole thing - but thanks to the unending patience of MsBarrows, I have four colors I'm reasonably happy with.
Four? But wait, there are five??? Yep, the fifth one, the Barak Blue that is the one in the set preview, was done for me by MsBarrows. Barak de la Sangre, the oldest sim in my legacy (he's from generation 2...I'm on Generation 12) has had blue hair since the beginning, and I wanted a better blue. I adore the K&B Gel Rock mesh, so MsB kindly obliged by recoloring the texture...but she made me assemble it into a package. She went on about how it's 5 minutes work to do the I decided to try it.
Two months later, I have four colors. (Yeah, it's 5 minutes work if you know what you're doing!) With the exception of the "Blimey" color, the point of these is to be obviously a dye job (although some of these will work well on alien/fantasy sims) but not glaringly bright...and actually even the Blimey color isn't as bright as some I've seen. :)
They're binned custom, because...well, there isn't really a green, purple, or blue bin, now is there? They're adult/YA/Elder only, I've removed the other ages as the original mesh just has the short 'fro for those. (Thank you, Windkeeper, for the tutorial on that!)
Anyway, hopefully someone will find some use for them. :)
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