deagh's Blog
New Banner!
I want to say a huuuuge THANK YOU! to Saoz for making my banner. I suck at this kind of thing, so when she graciously offered to do it, I took her up on it so fast it made her head spin.
My banner features a selection of my boys. I'm very proud of them. :) Now, who are those boys, anyway? From right to left we have:
General Buzz Grunt: Yep, the Maxis sim. Give him a bit of a makeover and he's mighty hot. He is the star of my forum story Sound Decision, which can be found here:
Next we have Lhuwhon Yij Jipak - he is an alien. He is the star of my "Catch a Falling Star" series of site stories - most easily found here -
To Lhuwhon's right is Iram Sharpe, who is modeling one of my Gel Rock Recolors. Iram is one of my legacy sims, and a mighty handsome one at that. He is currently still living in my legacy neighborhood, although he is now well into his 80's.
After Iram we have Jachin. He is my 10th Generation legacy co-heir, along with his wife Jordan. Jachin is also still living in my legacy neighborhood, along with his wife, children, and grandchildren.
To Jachin's right is Diarmuid McEwan. He is a clone of Octavian Wallace, who is one of MsBarrows' sims...and if you don't know who he is, go read her Soup legacy and find out! Diarmuid lives in my legacy neighborhood - he's a Selkie in-story. He and his wife Rowena have two children and 1 grandchild with one on the way. Their grandson Linus has gone to live in the Dunstan legacy, by ECFanaticDoodle (which you slhould also go read).
And finally....Dathan. What can I say about Dathan? He is my favorite sim ever. Dathan was actually an accident. His parents had the want to woohoo in the hot tub, so I indulged it - his mother didn't have her LTW yet, and it was a quick 3000 points. His father had just gone elder and his mother was about 10 days off, and they already had two kids - I had my heir - no plans for more. Well, apparently if you are just a pixel or two off when you click on end up having "try for baby" highlighted instead. That's right, folks, Dathan wasn't planned. He lived a long happy life in my legacy neighborhood - he was 155 days old when he died. I think that just about all of my sims are descended from him, one way or another. Him or his clones, anyway. He's always been fun to play, and oh so cooperative for whatever I choose to do to him...and he makes the best looking babies ever! I'm just glad he's willing to let me keep breeding him. :D
Anyway, there are my boys, or some of them, anyway. Thank you again, Saoz, for doing the banner for me!
Yep, I've recolored some hair. I have a set of five coming out soon.
Have you ever noticed that sim houses are...well, perfect? They never have holes in their drywall, they never have cracked stucco...perfect! Now, one can certainly change that - there are lots of wallpapers one can download to fix this, for example, MsBarrows' lovely crumbled plaster and shoddy brick sets. However, that requires having a different wallpaper for each color of trashed texture, etc. That's a lot of wallpaper! This is where I come in. I needed a hole in a wall for a story I'm you think I could find what I wanted? Of course not! I went kvetching about this to the download finding queen, MsBarrows, and she suggested that I make one, perhaps using linegud's lovely Stencillissimo mesh. So I did.

Thanks for the input!
Thank you to everyone who responded to my poll about Pollination Technicians and Ideal Plantsim replacements. I really do appreciate the feedback! The general consensus was that you like pointy ears, want a poll tech that is a bit different looking but not too weird, and you like elven-featured ideal plantsims. If anyone would like to help me test an Ideal Plantsim template and Pollination technician template, I have created one of each.

New Poll
In my quest to become Default Replacement Girl (Strike superhero pose here) I'm learning all kinds of new things. My latest thing is I have learned how to do an Ideal Plantsim replacement and a default pollination technician replacement. Yay for less ugly sporebabies and half alien babies!But if I'm going to upload one or more of these bad boys, I'd like to know what the folks want! I know what *I* want, but I'd like to see if there's a trend here, and work with that. So with that in mind, I've created a poll. You'll note that one of the answers to each of the more detailed questions is "Um, I'll PM you". If you have a thought or want that isn't remotely close to what's listed, please do PM me and I'll take it under advisement. Please do note that while I value input and suggestions, the final decision is mine, and I will certainly not be able to please everyone - as Bill Cosby said: "I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is
trying to please everybody."
Oooh, new stuff!
Well, in the form of more default replacement eyes. Hey, it's something I can do. Trust me, I can't do much.Thanks to MsBarrows for letting me play with her new eyes - I should have another DR set coming out soonish, as she has another new set. :D
Please note that you can mix and match to some extent, but you may only have ONE default replacement for each Maxis color. If you like all the colors then you can pick them up as custom eyes from MsBarrows. :)
And yes, that's Dathan...he's kind enough to model all kinds of things for me. :) The boy just cannot manage to look bad, no matter what I do to him. He even makes a pretty girl. :D
Hi! Welcome to my mostly empty mini-site
Well, I just got this thing today, and I just cannot leave this blog with nothing in it. OMG!I'll work to flesh out the rest of it a little later. :)
I have a few creations up on TSR - just some default replacement eyes - but my main thing is my stories. I have two legacies and several short stories, and while I think they could be better (believe me, we can always improve!) I'm overall quite pleased with most of them.
If you're interested, head over to the forums and check them out. :)
Or just follow the link below to take you to a page that has links to all my stuff. Note: This is the same link that is in my TSR forums signature, so no worries - it's all PG13. :)
deagh's Sims 2 Stories