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Sims Medieval - Trading

This guide has been updated and improved here: The Sims Medieval Trading Guide

Sims Medieval Traits

Not all Sims are created equal—especially in medieval times. Each Sim has their own unique traits that not only shapes and defines who they are but influences how they interact with others and how they behave in general. When you create a Sim, you choose these traits as part of the process. You can view a Sim’s traits on the Simology Panel, and if you hover your mouse over a trait in the panel, you can read more about it.

Getting Acquainted

When one of your Sims meets another Sim they can learn that Sim’s traits by engaging in conversation and other interactions. Sims usually get along better when they have at least one trait in common. Once your Sim has learned another’s traits, you can view these in the Relationship Panel by mousing over the specific Sim’s portrait.

Fatal Flaws

In addition to their two traits, each medieval Sim has one fatal flaw. Most fatal flaws are, as you might guess, negative and they present unique challenges for Sims. However, any Sim who works hard enough can overcome their fatal flaw by successfully completing the Legendary Trait quest. If they’re successful, their fatal flaw is replaced by the Legendary trait. This quest isn’t available right away though; you need to discover it before your Sim can attempt to fulfill it.

The Diversity of Sims

Whether your Sims is adventurous and eloquent but plagued with a cruel streak, or a greedy, vain Sim who suffers from hubris, their traits and fatal flaw determine everything in their lives. The list below includes the variety of traits that you can assign to your Sims, as well as the fatal flaws that you can hamper them with.


Creative Cook
Hopeful Orphan
Loves Family
Whale Ate My Parents

Fatal Flaws

Compulsive Gambler
Weak Constitution

Sims Medieval Cooking/Brewing Guide

There are three different options for preparing food: A spit, an oven, and a cauldron, which can be over an open fire or in a fireplace. There is also one type of item for preparing beverages.

Note: From what I understand, more expensive cooking items do not increase the food level like with Sims 3, but do have higher enviroment scores.


Name Ingredients
Gruel None
Bear soup Bear Meat -1
Bear stew – large Bear Meat - 1 | Cabbage - 1 | Mushroom - 1 | Potato - 2
Boar soup Boar Meat - 1
Boar stew large Boar Meat - 1 | Cabbage - 1 | Mushroom - 1
Double boar stew large Boar Meat - 2 | Cabbage - 1 | Onion - 1
Eel soup Eel - 1
Eel stew large Cabbage - 1 | Eel -1 | Egg - 1 | Onion - 1
Fish Stew - Large Herring - 1 | Trout - 1
Fowl soup Fowl Meat - 1
Frog soup Frog - 1
Frog stew large Frog - 2 | Potato - 1
Herring Soup Herring - 1
Hunters stew large Bear Meat - 1 | Boar Meat - 1 | Fowl Meat - 1 | Rabbit Meat - 1 | Venison - 1
Meat soup Haunch of Meat - 1
Mushroom soup Mushroom -1
Onion soup Onion - 1
Pigeon soup Pigeon - 1
Potato soup Potato - 1
Rabbit soup Rabbit Meat - 1
Rabbit stew – large Rabbit Meat - 1 | Turnip - 1
Salmon soup Salmon - 1
Seafood stew – large Potato - 1 | Salmon - 1 | Trout - 1
Seed porridge Seeds - 4
Stewed fowl – large Fowl Meat - 1 | Potato - 1 | Turnip - 1
Sweet porridge large Apple - 1 | Barley - 1 | Honey - 1
Swordfish soup Swordfish - 1
Tench soup Tench - 1
Trout soup Trout - 1
Turbot soup Turbot - 1
Turnip soup Turnip - 1
Vegetable stew - Large Cabbage - 1 | Mushroom - 1 | Onion - 1 | Turnip - 1
Venison soup Venison - 1
Venison stew – large Cabbage - 1 | Cheese - 1 | Onion - 1 | Venison - 1
Whale soup Whale Meat - 1
Whale stew – large Whale Meat - 2



Name Ingredients
Apple Pie - Large Apple - 2 | Barley - 3 | Egg - 1 | Honey - 1
Barley Bread - Large Barley - 3
Boar Pie Boar Meat - 1
Broiled Bear Bear Meat - 1
Broiled Eel Eel - 1
Broiled Fowl Fowl Meat - 1
Broiled Frog Frog -1
Broiled Herring Herring - 1
Broiled Meat Haunch of Meat - 1
Broiled Pigeon Pigeon - 1
Broiled Rabbit Rabbit Meat - 1
Broiled Salmon Salmon - 1
Broiled Swordfish Swordfish - 1
Broiled Tench Tench - 1
Broiled Trout Trout - 1
Broiled Turbot Turbot -1
Broiled Venison Venison - 1
Broiled Whale Whale Meat - 1
Cheese Pie - Large Cheese - 3 | Egg - 3 | Wheat - 3
Eel Pie - Large Eel - 1 | Egg - 1 | Spices - 1 | Wheat - 1
Feast Bread - Large Egg - 3 | Grapes - 3 | Wheat - 3
Fine Loaf - Large Wheat - 3
Flat Bread None
Fowl Pie Egg - 1 | Fowl Meat - 1 | Spices - 1 | Wheat - 1



Name Ingredients
Bear Steak - Large Bear Meat - 1 | Cabbage - 1 | Mushroom - 1
Braised Boar - Large Boar Meat - 1 | Cheese - 1 | Egg - 1
Braised Whale - Large Mushroom - 1 | Whale Meat - 1 | Whale Meat - Choice Cut - 1
Delicious Venison - Large Cheese - 1 | Potato - 1 | Venison - 1
Fried Fowl - Large Fowl Meat - 1 | Mushroom - 1 | Turnip -1
Grilled Trout - Large Potato - 1 | Spices - 1 | Trout - 1
Roast Bear Bear Meat - 1
Roast Rat None
Roasted Boar Boar Meat - 1
Roasted Eel Eel - 1
Roasted Fowl Fowl Meat - 1
Roasted Frog Frog - 1
Roasted Herring Herring - 1
Roasted Meat Haunch of Meat - 1
Roasted Pigeon Pigeon - 1
Roasted Rabbit Rabbit Meat - 1
Roasted Salmon Salmon - 1
Roasted Swordfish Swordfish - 1
Roasted Tench Tench - 1
Roasted Trout Trout - 1
Roated Turbot Turbot - 1
Roasted Venison Venison - 1
Roasted Whale Whale Meat - 1
Royal Rabbit - Large Cheese -1 | Potato - 1 | Rabbit Meat - 1
Seasoned Boar Meat - Large Boar Meat - 1 | Onion - 1 | Spices - 1
Spiced Pheasant - Large Fowl Meat - 1 | Potato - 1 | Spices - 1
Spiced Venison - Large Spices - 1 | Turnip - 1 | Venison - 1
Sweet Bear - Large Apple - 1 | Bear Meat - 1
Sweet Swordfish - Large Honey - 1 | Spices - 1 | Swordfish - 1



Name Ingredients
Ale None
Barley Ale Barley - 3
Blood Moss Mary Bloodmoss - 4
Cider Apple - 3
Feast Ale Barley - 1 | Honey - 1 | Wheat - 1
Honey Mead Honey - 3
Hypocores Grapes - 3 | Spices - 2
Mulled Wine Grapes - 5
Sparkling wine Apple - 1 | Grapes - 2
Sweet wine Grapes - 2 | Honey - 1
Wheat beer. Wheat - 3
Wine None

Sims Medieval - Responsiblity

Life in the realm is busy for your Sims. In addition to embarking on quests and finding true romance, each Hero Sim has different responsibilities they need to fulfill. Some of these are basic responsibilities that any citizen in the kingdom has, such as paying taxes. Some responsibilities, however, are dependent on a Sim’s profession. For instance, a bard may have a certain amount of time within which to write a play, while the physician may be called upon to administer first aid.

Rewards and Punishment

Responsibilities must be performed within the time allocated or your Sim suffers consequences, such as a negative moodlet, a penalty, or, after prolonged shirking of responsibilities, even the ultimate punishment: execution. However, if your Sim does fulfill their responsibility, they gain a positive moodlet, greater Focus, and, in some cases, even achieve progress on their quest.

Career Responsibilities

As mentioned above, some of the responsibilities that befall your Hero Sim are dependent on their chosen career. Read on to get a gander at what sorts of things your Sim might be called upon to perform in each role.
Please note, a specific career can be filled with either a male or a female, depending on what you choose when you assign a Sim to these roles. The gender-specific pronouns below are therefore random. Additionally, the list below is not an all-inclusive list of each role’s responsibilities, merely a sample of some of what you can expect.

Check this gallery for responsibility related images: http://www.thesimsresource.com/staff/sww/galleries/details/id/1568/


The Bard’s responsibility first and foremost is to provide his fellow Sims with some respite from their daily toils and troubles – you might even say a distraction from their own responsibilities! Whether he’s gathering inspiration on his own, being inspired by other Sims, practicing the lute, or writing poems, the Bard spends most of his life in service to his art.


If she’s not crafting armor or fixing swords, the Blacksmith can often be found wandering the surrounds of the realm in search of minerals. Her responsibilities all help ensure that the kingdom is well protected. Every time she sweats over the forge creating another sword or stave, she can rest assured that her hard work lets the Monarch sleep easy.

Jacoban Priest

This strict priest offers his fellow Sims another type of support, that of the spiritual leader. Whether converting Sims to his faith, absolving them of their sins, giving sermons, or healing with The Watcher’s Touch, the Jacoban Priest is tasked with keeping his flock spiritually well.


The strong arm of the realm, the Knight enforces the laws of the kingdom. The Knight may be called upon to engage in a duel, to maintain her weapons by sharpening her sword, to guard the forest entrance, or to discuss foreign affairs.


The responsibilities of the Merchant mostly revolve around providing the realm with the goods that Sims both need and want. He must at turns hustle customers, butter up potential buyers, sail to other territories to engage in trade, and much more.


The responsibilities of the Monarch are to oversee the entire welfare of her realm. She must ask about the Sims living in her kingdom to gain knowledge, pass edicts, write treaties, hear petitions, sail to new territories, and more. Any of her actions might greatly impact her kingdom, so she must be mindful in all that she does.

Peteran Priest

This peace-loving priest is often found evangelizing for his faith as he seeks to convert Sims and bestow The Watcher’s blessing. Whether giving sermons or studying The Watcher, the Peteran Priest always concentrates his focus on a higher power.


In contrast to the Peteran Priest, the Physician’s sole focus is on the corporal welfare of her fellow Sims. Her many responsibilities include collecting herbs, diagnosing Sims, giving first aid, crafting cures, and more. Once her skills are sufficiently advanced, she might even find herself operating on Sims as she pursues her quintessential responsibility: healing Sims.


The Spy’s responsibilities sometimes find themselves outside the law, sometimes for the good of the realm and sometimes, well not so good for the realm. Crafting poisons, serving “tampered” drinks, eavesdropping, and stealing funds are some of the tasks that fall to a dedicated Spy.


With her mind focused on magic, the Wizard spends her days – and sometimes nights – collecting herbs, crafting potions, conducting research, and, yes, casting spells.

Sims Medieval - Heroes


Package 2: Heroes

Whether engaging in combat, crafting poisons to dispose of a rival, or applying leeches in an effort to cure other Sims, your hero Sims help set the overall tone of your kingdom. From the decrees of the Monarch to the poems and plays of the Bard, the actions of your hero Sims help shape the experience of all of the Sims in the realm.

Heroes – The Basics

Hero Sims are the Sims that you can control. There are ten different hero Sims in all: the Monarch, Bard, Blacksmith, Jacoban Priest, Peteran Priest, Knight, Merchant, Physician, Spy, and Wizard. You begin with the Monarch and, as you complete quests, you earn Resource Points which you can spend on a new building and new hero.

Each hero has special abilities, their own signature objects, and a unique building they call home. Heroes also have special ways to earn money, although all Sims can earn Simoles by fishing or and gathering wildflowers.

The Heroes

The ten different heroes are described below. One thing to note: any hero can be either a male or a female. You decide this when you add a hero to your realm.

The Bard

With a love for the arts and life in general, the Bard makes his home at the tavern. He spends his time serenading fellow Sims with his lute, composing poems, and writing and performing plays. When not devoting himself to his craft, he seeks out experiences, drawing inspiration from other Sims and the world at large.

The Blacksmith

This hero forges the steel that is the backbone of your kingdom. Although her usual fare includes armor, swords, and other weapons, she has also been known to create one-of-a-kind objects. The Blacksmith ekes out her living at the smithy and, in addition to crafting a range of metal goods, can mine ore and sell her goods at the market.

The Jacoban Priest

Adhering to a strict moral code that sometimes condones using vigorous force to compel other Sims to practice what he preaches, the Jacoban Priest lives in the grand cathedral, surrounded by luxury—well, medieval luxury anyway. Known to issue bold proclamations and exact punishment for transgressions, this priest is often both revered and feared.

The Knight

Like the finely honed sword she wields, the Knight was made for war. When not engaged in battle, she can be found in the training yard preparing for the next campaign. Her superb fighting skills make the Knight particularly adept at hunting—and she is not above using her threatening demeanor to extort Simoles from fellow Sims.

The Merchant

Traveling far and wide to procure the most exquisite—or at any rate, unusual—goods, the Merchant gives the Sims in your realm what they want at a competitive price. Buying low and selling high helps him ensure not just a profit but the melodious jangle of Simoles in his own purse.

The Monarch

Whether benevolent or terrifying, the Monarch has the power of the realm in her hands. The yoke of authority can be heavy though as every choice the ruler makes impacts all within her kingdom. A busy Sim, the Monarch must find time to hear petitions from her subjects, propose edicts, order any offending Sims to the stocks—or worse to the pit—and maintain her fighting skills to ensure that she’s combat-ready.

The Peteran Priest

Gentler than his Jacoban brothers, the Peteran priest prides himself on being a sage ascetic—or he would if pride weren’t a sin. Preaching compassion, he strives to help others live according to The Watcher’s principles and spends his time writing when not giving sermons or blessing well water.

The Physician

Conditions in medieval times are nearly perfect for the spread of disease and so the role of the Physician is an important one. Using her vast arsenal of cutting-edge treatments, she applies leeches, administers tonics, and occasionally performs surgeries if there is no safer alternative. In her spare time, she wanders the fields of the kingdom seeking herbs that she can sell or craft into tonics.

The Spy

Not so much secretive as discreet, the Spy maintains a network of informers that he uses to further his agenda. Whether crafting a subtle poison, picking pockets, or eavesdropping on important conversations, he is always thinking two steps ahead of his adversaries—and his allies.

The Wizard

Born with special skills, the Wizard’s power grows as she studies the arcane arts and applies her formidable willpower. Secluded in her tower, the Wizard crafts potions and magic items and perfects new spells. Fellow Sims rejoice when she ventures out, as her powerful spells can bestow abundance on the town.



Unrelated to heroes, but I saw this screenshot on facebook\sims medieval and thought I should share :) Even with the more realistic features, we can still make very pretty sims!

Sims Medieval - Quests

EA UK just released this info :)


Package 1: Quests

The Middle Ages were a time of adventure and intrigue so of course The Sims Medieval includes a variety of heroic quests for your Sims to undertake. From initiating an Inquisition to arranging a politically advantageous marriage, the quests that your Sims engage in shape and color the experience of all of the Sims in your realm.

Quests – The Basics

The information that you need to monitor and direct your Sims on their quests is easily accessible from the Quest Panel. There you can see who is assigned to your current quest, what they need to do (broken down in to tasks that they need to complete), and how well they’re doing. Sometimes your Sims have options in how they accomplish certain tasks on their quest. The direction you choose will of course impact what impact the quest has on your kingdom, so choose wisely!

Quest Selection

You start quests in Kingdom Mode by choosing one from the Quest book. Quests can play out in a wide variety of ways, depending on the “approach” you take at the start, and on the choices you make as your Sims progress. Your approach also pre-determines which heroes you need to complete the quest. You will then choose your quest leader and the primary hero for the selected quest.

As you make choices, the right-most section of the quest book records each selection, so by the end, it shows a summary of all the quest decisions you’ve made. If you forget some of the finer details of your current quest, you can check out the quest book to remind yourself. You can also quit the current quest from the quest book, but beware, you will not regain the Quest Points you spent.

Quest Performance

How well are your Sims doing on the quest? There a couple of indicators that let you know. The first is the goblet and small meter next to it in the UI panel. This goblet and meter reflect your current medal ranking (bronze, silver, or gold). You can also review your quest performance meter by hovering over the Quest Performance goblet. The higher your performance and medal ranking when you complete the quest, the better your rewards! When a quest ends, your current Performance Level dictates both the medal and the rewards you receive.

Your performance doesn’t just entitle you to better rewards. If your Quest Performance drops below the bronze medal ranking, you will be thrown in the stocks! So remember, neglecting quest tasks for extended periods of time lowers your performance until a quest task is completed.

Go Forth Gallantly!

That’s it! Those are the basics of quests in The Sims Medieval. So gird your loins, summon your courage, and send your Sims out in your name to make their mark on history!

And more screenshot time :D http://www.thesimsresource.com/staff/sww/galleries/details/id/1552/

Sims Medieval Hands On

The 21st of February 2011, I got a Hands On experience with Sims Medieval. In this article I will give you my thoughts/opinions on it. I will say that during this Hands On experience I had only 2 hours ish and only played with CAS and the monarch . Before going to the event I had a list of ~22 questions prepared that I wanted to ask and investigate. Because of this I was fortunate that I got some time with Nicola Jenkins and she answered most of the questions, some of the answers are posted at the end, but most are written through out the article, not as Q&A.
I also wrote down a lot of things like all the types of food.

I did not play final version of the game! Remember that while reading this. Also, I’m going to use the word authentic in this article. But I was, obviously, not born in medieval times. So my personal knowledge of that time comes from tv shows (tudors), movies (mist of avalon, a knights tale, first knight), books (R. Garcia y Robertson) and wikipedia.

Also I got the best experience you can have with a game, they put us behind beasts of computers. You know, those computers that us simmers dream of having and dream of how well our Sim games will run on it.

Now to the game!

First impressions.


Second impressions and first line of thoughts.


They took a bit of CAS, a bit of the menu, you obviously got the Sims themselves and there is furniture to interact with. But that is roughly where the similarities between Sims Medieval and Sims 3 stops. The rest is a completely new and a beautiful game. This is what impresses me. With Sims 2 stories, you had a dressed down version of Sims 2 and a bit of a story line. If you could play Sims 2, you could play Sims 2 stories. The 2 hours(ish) we had with Sims Medieval was not enough to even understand where all the buttons are or get properly into the game. This means that you can play a very long time with Sims Medieval.

We at TSR recently had a Medieval theme with medieval related downloads. I’m sorry to say and remember I’m very loyal to TSR it has been my internet-home for the last 8-9 years. But content wise, Sims Medieval beats TSR with a  landslide, hands down, etc.  It is just beautiful.

Starting your medieval Game.

You start the game with choosing a name for your kingdom and then you make a Monarch, every kingdom needs a Monarch. You choose the appearance (clothes, face, hair), you can also choose if he/she is young adult or elder. However the age is in appearance, an elder looking sim will still behave like a regular adult.

Of course if you take into account that in medieval times the harshness of the world and life expecentancy was quite different than it is these days. Elders had to be in fantastic shape as an elder.

The clothes and hair! The CLOTHES and HAIR!!!!  *ahem, cough*yeah I was almost drooling in CAS.  Look at the following screenshots. This is just monarch female, imagine each hero has their own clothes:

Few screenshots of hair/clothes and link to gallery

See the other screenshots here: http://www.thesimsresource.com/staff/sww/galleries/browse

What you will also notice, the faces/fabric look much more detailed and realistic than our cartoony Sims 3.


With these traits you decide how your sim acts in the game, a friendly sim obviously has different intereactions and options than a vulgar sim.

You pick 2 traits for your sim from the following list:


















Loves Family







Whale Ate My Parents

Whale ate my parents trait?? The info in game says: ‘Carnivourous, Sim-eating whales were a constant threat back in Medieval times. Indeed, legend has it that the ocean was formed from the tears of orphaned children whose parents were devoured by these underwater menaces.’ :D

You also pick one fatal flaw, this is like an addiction. These are your fatal flaw options:



Compulsive gambler














Weak Constitution

These affect your Sims life in such a way that a licentious sim needs a cuddle/kiss every once in a while or his focus (more on that later) drops. There is a rumour that you can overcome this fatal flaw, probably with a quest? Do not ask me about this, stalk your local EA person, I did not have enough time to explore this. I got the rumour from this page: http://thesimsmedieval.wikia.com/wiki/Fatal_Flaw

So the last thing to do is give your sim a name. There is a random name generator in game and it gives you medieval sounding names! Very useful. I want a name generator in Sims 3, pretty please.

The game itself

Ok made the perfect monarch, time to play the game!

The monarch starts in the castle, there are two types of rooms public and private. Private consists of a bathroom (no toilet for your sim! Chamber pot!), bedroom and a dining room (here you can also cook food and get ale (costs 60§). The public rooms has the throne, a scribe table a tactical map and more. On this tactical map you can see the different territories and kingdoms neighboring your kingdom and you can perform edicts.

An edict is an announcement of a law, often associated with monarchism. /wikipedia

The chance your edict passes depends on the relationships with people who can vote on it. *double check who these people are*. An edict can increase or decrease the relationship of your kingdom with the surrounding kingdoms. This adds a fun strategic bit, which I personally like. What will happen when the relationship becomes very low??


The needs are less involved, your Sim only cares if they are hungry or tired. But when they are, they get a negative moodlet. Things like a cheap bed or bland food also gives negative moodlets, of course vice versa is true. Good beds/food/etc give positive moodlets. These in turn lower or raise your focus.

Focus is like ‘mood’ in Sims 3 however, they affect how well your sim does things. Like a low focus decreases the chance you win a sword fight. This is just an example, but imagine focus influences success/failure of the tasks your Sim does. We have a new learning curve, to find all the positive moodlets.

Quests and daily life (responsiblities).

It has been wildly advertised that your Sims can do quests, but what are they? They are in my opinion like a set of tasks your sim has to do from talking to sims, to spitting in a well. Imagine the adventures from World Adventures, but much more… well… detailed. There are also parts in the quest where your sim can choose not to do something. For example, my sim was told by her evil cousin to spit in someones face. I said that my Sim does not want to do this. This does not mean your quest stops, you move onto the next part, but the story is ‘you are too nice to spit in somones face’. World Adventures did not give options like that.

Next to the quest, your sim has two daily responsibilities, like writing a law or hunting a bear (yes you can hunt! Its like rabbit hole, Sim disappears for a short amount of time). You get a day to do these responsibilities, if you do not do them, your focus drops a lot.

So a quick summery of quests vs respnsibilities, both are tasks but quests you can take your time with and responsibilites have to be done in a short(ish) time frame.

This is how far I got with playing the monarch sim, I think I could have played this game for days if I was given the opportunity.

Kingdom mode

Kingdom mode is a like world view of your kingdom, you can see the different areas and buildings quite fast. In this mode you can also place buildings (note: NOT build, will come to that later). You have to spend resource points when you want to build like a hero building, your sim earns them by doing quests. Here is a list of all the areas I saw in the game:


A village (outside your gate)

A shop for buying ingredients and other stuff.


Hero Building – Knight


Hero Building - Monarch


Hero Building – Physician


Your ship is anchored here.


Can hunt boar here (for example)

Graveyard & cove


Jacoban Cathedral

Hero Building - Jacoban Priest

King ball court






Peteran monastary

Hero Building - Peteran Priest


Hero Building – Blacksmith



The judgement zone

You can punish bad sims here ;)

Town Square

Interact with town folk.

Watcher pavillion


Wizard tower

Hero Building – Wizard

In kingdom mode you can also furnish your castle, furnish mode is similar to Sims 3 except different and more medieval icons (duh). You have the regular ‘category’ option to look for objects, however and this got me excited...

There was a collection option too! You could pick like noble themed objects and nature themed. Hopefully this is means the much hoped for collections will come to Sims 3 too. (please)
I wish I had more time to explore kingdom mode, but alas.

Angela and AnoeskaB got the chance to play a bit with the spy and they told me there are funny interactions like pickpocketing.

Questions/random things

My first question to Nicola Jenkins was this:

What makes this game interesting for fans of the regular Sims Franchise?
There is a lot in this Sims Medieval game we already love, but a lot of additional gameplay and its challenging to create and control Sims in medieval times.

My personal view, this is not a Sims game in such a way that we know. You do not go to work every day, build up your career, build up your charisma skill. There are no tasks like that. This is what makes it interesting, it is completely new.

The game is like one big story and you lead where it goes. Cannot wait to discuss with everyone in the community where their personal actions/choices got them where in the game!

The usual screenshot/video tools are there too btw :).

I know medieval times had a lot of conflicts with religion (english church/catholic/etc). But I was worried about religion in game, my sims are mine – I do not want the game to give them morals  that at every step they do, something will smite them *extreme example* ;)

This is not the case, religion I would say is there as something that can be used while sims interact and may cause some dislike between sims. (I cannot confirm this, did not play with religion) There are two religions Jacoban and Preteran, and  you can choose to play with them or not. You have to place the buildings in the game to get the religion.

This question has been asked many times ‘are there horses, are there horses’ well NO there are no horses. Your sim walks everywhere, but your kingdom is not that large.
However, there is a ship that actually sails away!

My monarch cooked her own food on a cauldron in her dining room, you get the ingredients for the food by collecting or hunting! For example, you see a shrub somewhere, you click on it and ‘discover’ and it turns out to be wildflowers, which you can then collect. Or you go hunt for boar and come back with 3 steaks of boar.

I found the amount of foods fascinating so I wrote it all down:



Bear soup

Bear stew – large

Boar soup

Boar stew large

Double boar stew large

Eel soup

Eel stew large

Fish stew large

Fowl soup

Frog soup

Frog stew large

Herring soup

Hunters stew large

Meat soup

Mushroom soup

Onion soup

Pigeon soup

Potato soup

Rabbit soup

Rabbit stew – large

Salmon soup

Seafood stew – large

Seed porridge

Stewed fowl – large

Sweet porridge large

Swordfish soup

Tench soup

Trout soup

Turbot soup

Turnip soup

Vegetable soup

Venison soup

Venison stew – large

Whale soup

Whale stew – large

Next to food I also found ales! Cant have medieval times without ale, as you probably cannot drink the water. Drinking Ale does give you a hangover!



Baley Ale

Blood Moss Mary


Feast Ale

Honey Mead


Mulled Wine

Sparkling wine

Sweet wine

Wheat beer.

There is pregnancy in game, but there is no aging. A child stays a child, does not become an adult. Shame, that does feel a bit like we are going back to Sims 1.

A sim makes money by doing their profession, a physician makes money when he/she heals other sims for example.

The wizard adds funny looking magic, but I didn’t have much chance to explore this myself L
I did hear he meditates instead of sleeping, here is a screenshot:

Yes there are cheats. Angela told me.
No, I have no clue which ones. I didn’t check myself.

Customizable vs authenticity.

As said before there is no build mode, there are also no patterns in create a sim and no custom content. So you may think ‘no way I am buying that game’, but take a few more min to think about it.

EA wanted to give us a medieval game, how would it stay authentic if we could do the same customizable capabilities as in Sims 3? For example I know maybe 3-5 house creators who are talented and patient enough to build a castle in the proper style, I am not one of them – it would just be a square building if I was given a build mode and it would be the same for most players.

So instead they took away that option and gave us a beautiful looking castle.

No custom clothes – have you looked at the screenshots, they clothes they supplied are GORGEOUS! So if you want to complain about no custom clothes, be my guest – I disagree and am happy with the clothes.

I think this game is great for players, especially those who do not like the need system in Sims 3, it’s a lot less in Sims Medieval. It also is great for story, screenshot and video people. But I can imagine for object/clothes and house builders that they will like it less.

For me however (a player) it is great and I want it now… sigh, 28 more days.



Thanks goes to Angela and Anita for the invite to the Hands On event. The screens were taken at The Sims Medieval EU Community Day event (Hever Castle).

Blackgarden was a great help with writing this and last but not least Shouren from EA UK for checking some facts :)

Twitter Q&A with Grant

Grant Rodiek replied to some of the questions on the game including the upcoming EP Late Night and the Fast Lane Stuff pack. Read all the questions below to find out what the new features are! It is a long read, but definitely worth it!


@TheSims3 What is the best part about making a new EP?

@Umi_and_Alter Creating something new and special. Incorporating fan ideas and community requests. Taking our Sims on a new adventure :)

@TheSims3 how would you describe the new world in the EP, city type?

@sww_sww_sww It has a lovely skyline, tons of tall buildings, beautiful coastline.

@TheSims3 Were the Vampires influenced by the Twilight Saga in anyway

@djcharding14 No. They are our own creation.

@TheSims3 What's the name of the new town?

@gtns We haven't settled on a name yet. Have a good suggestion?

@TheSims3 What's new in build mode?

@__Diddle You can now build pools on any floor level, circular pools. We added a fountain tool, you can move paintings up and down on wall.

@TheSims3 when can you say that the release date is going to be?

@BestTPro October 26, 2010 worldwide.

@thesims3 new skin colors?

@notanearthling Vampires have a special skin type of sorts (NOT GLITTER). But no, we don't have new "skin types."

@TheSims3 Will the skin on sims change after becoming a vampire (like get all pale and such) or will it remain the same?

@Indonesian_Cow It changes. It's slightly pale and...unearthly. It looks really cool. Again, NOT GLITTER.

@TheSims3 will Sims be able to ask other sims out on dates now, like official dates?

@aeroprincess87 You will have ability to form groups and hang out together. There are romantic groups as well.

@TheSims3 Will there be bodyguards for famous people??????

@krJU No, but you CAN hire a butler. I love asking him for advice :)

@TheSims3 How many traits will come with Late Night? I hope it's a lot. Please let there be lots! That's my favourite thing about EPs!

@Candi_Dyla This time we only added 2 more traits. But we love them too so don't worry. There's also another trait you'll be getting soon...

@TheSims3 New trait for fast lane?

@WibbyTee Maybe


Fast Lane Stuff Pack

@TheSims3 Do you have any favourite objects in the Fast Lane Stuff Pack?

@knazzer The race car is hilariously awesome. So fast!

@TheSims3 How many new cars come with Fast Lane? and are there more with Late Night?

@Skyline7284 There are a lot of vehicles with fast lane. Maybe 12? I cannot remember the exact number.

Late night Expansion Pack


@Robodl95 One of my favorite new romantic options is to make a move. There are some very sexy new dance animations too...

@TheSims3 Ciao Grant! What new careers and interactions- if any- can we look forward to? :)

@Gavaudin There's a new Film Career that has two branches: Director and Actor. There are some cool things you can do out in the town too!

@TheSims3 The tall buildings that appear in the trailer are decorative?

@SimDown_ The tall buildings can actually be lived in. If you make enough Simoleons you can even buy one of the luxury high rises.

@TheSims3 Is the new neighborhood a neighborhood like Riverview,Twinbork and Sunset Valley or like a neighborhood where you move?

@AnaLucia95 It's like Twinbrook, Riverview, or Sunset Valley. You can import your sims using Edit Town if you want to keep the same family.

@TheSims3 What are the advantages of V.I.P. places over regular ones?

@everythingsims3 Better celebrities, better drinks, and more. Stay tuned for details on clubs!

@TheSims3 Do you know how to make Sims talk while sitting down? And can you tell me about forming a band in Late Night? :)

@WTC4ever We've done a lot of work to make sure Sims can talk while sitting down, having a drink, and more. It looks great!

@thesims3 are there apartments and how do they work? can every floor be viewed?

@shortmikez The apartments are extensions of Shells from World Adventures. Big models, but with some floors that can be built and lived in.

@TheSims3 What are the new skills? Besides Music skills?

@simsmx Mixology is the other new skill. Create tons of awesome new juice drinks, learn some sweet moves, and even work as a mixologist.

@TheSims3 Will we be able to add any elements of Late Night to our existing neighborhoods?

@icreatesims Yes. Celebrities, bars, band stuff -- you can put all of these in your existing neighborhood if you want.

@TheSims3 Will you be able to, as an actor go to auditions and actually be on a set? Will there be premiere events for my celebrity?

@MasonCoe We do have acting auditions out in the neighborhood. You can also go shoot b-roll footage. It's pretty cool!

@TheSims3 :Are the skyscrapers in "The Sims3 - Late Night" only rabbitholes or will they have special and visible interiors too?

@pSIMSp They are shells similar to pyramids in World Adventures. Not rabbit holes!

@TheSims3 And about means of transport, in Late Night there are undergrounds?

@gagatontino Yes, there are undergrounds, or subways as we call them here in the states.

@TheSims3 Will Late Night include any new traits?

@knazzer Yes. New traits are Shy and a new one for Celebrity Sims.

@thesims3 is the subway a rabbit hole?

@hellokittysims Yes. You go down into the subway and emerge from another one elsewhere in the world.

@TheSims3 where will the subways go to and from, one side of the world to another?

@sww_sww_sww We have several subways through the neighborhood. You can place your own if you want, even on your Sim's home lot.

@TheSims3 Can we sims actor, singer, director see at work? And how?

@voske1990 Yes, your Sims will sometimes have acting and directing jobs outside the film studio.

@TheSims3 Are there going to be any new places to woohoo?

@sims3blog Yes! You can woohoo in the hot tub and the elevator.

@TheSims3 will there be papparazzi for rockstars??

@_Corbin Yes! They can be very annoying. But, the paparazzi are fun to deal with.

@TheSims3 Are the new jobs like in Ambitions?

@JoaoxLucas The new film Career shares some of the Ambitions features, much like the Doctor career.

@TheSims3 In the trailers there is a Bubble blower, are there any other cool effects such as foam & glitter?

@knazzer Yes! The FX machine is AWESOME. It shoots snow, fire, glitter, bubbles...oh man it is so cool.

@TheSims3: I know there's a Shy trait, but what's this mystery 'Celebrity' one? Can you tell us or is it a surprise?

@Gavaudin It's similar to Eccentric for Inventing. It gives you an edge in being and becoming a celebrity.

@TheSims3 What kind of furniture could we expect in The Sims 3 Late Night?

@konfidentnl Really awesome furniture. our concept team went all out this time. You will love being a celebrity in our comfy new digs.

@TheSims3 Will this EP be opportunity-base yet again? Or will we finally get more simulation?

@Gabryells This is the most simulation driven EP yet. Opportunities are scaled back.


@opmystik We added several new recipes for bars and the new food truck. Hot Wings = Delicious.

@TheSims3 @replies - Will we have crowded parties, with lines and security, or will there be few people, a la The Sims 2?

@ArthurMinegussi My Sim was at a packed dive bar today. It can get nice and busy.

@TheSims3 Grant is there any new dance moves in Late Night?

@Karen445 Yes! And they are smoking hot. Our animators are amazing.

@TheSims3 Can other sims invite us to parties?

@MellsChoco11 Yes! We're really excited to finally get NPC hosted parties. Have fun crashing them (which is possible!)

@TheSims3 are some VIPs from the real world in Late Night?

@iSimsNET We think it's more fun to create our own personality and fiction. But, if you want, YOU can totally create them :)

@TheSims3 Whoa, you can crash the parties? Can you do that at the 'clubs' as well?

@MellsChoco11 If the club has a bouncer you can sneak in, bribe, hack your way in...or get in legitimately with your celeb status.

@TheSims3 about how much do the penthouse cost

@lopezkid33 They will range in price like current homes. Some cheaper, some VERY expensive.

@TheSims3 any new rabbit holes? :(

@Hraklis Yes, there is the new subway and new film studio.

@Hraklis PLUS we made updates to some old rabbit holes for variety.

@TheSims3 Is Late Night going to be rated T?

@beachchickadee T for Teen

@TheSims3 Is the new EP basically gonna be a mix of The Sims: Hot Date, and The Sims: House Party?

@jer012 No, it's not quite that simple. We took a lot of our favorite features and mixed them in a totally new way. (Plus new stuff!)

@TheSims3 when sims go on the subway will there be loading screens or will it just pan as if theyre in a taxi to where theyre going?

@josieandrews96 No loading screens! A short time after entering one subway your Sim will exit another.

@TheSims3 what is the color of the logo and the box of Late Night?

@BricaSims We're not done making the box art or logos yet. So, I cannot tell you. What color would you prefer?

@TheSims3 What? How do you get Mauled by Bears in TS3?

@severedsolo Hang out in the mausoleum WAY too long.

@TheSims3 New Quests for Sims?

@Prosims We added new opportunities for the new skills and career, as well as gigs for the band

@Thesims3 can your sims get jobs at the night clubs???

@oceaneyesxo Your Sim can moonlight as a mixologist or earn money in the band.

@TheSims3 is paparazzi a new job, too???

@krJU No. It's an NPC that lingers around town.

@TheSims3 When will the The Sims 3 Late Night Logo will be "released"? Is it already finished?

@caiolacava It isn't finished yet. We're working on it as we type. I'm actually designing it with my feet.

@TheSims3 what kind of effects will the new drinks have?

@aeroprincess87 There's a little bit of variety to the drink effects. You'll have to wait and see!

@TheSims3 Will Sims be able to live in normal houses as well?

@MellsChoco11 Yep! We've built some gorgeous new homes.

@TheSims3 How fast is the subway as a transportation system? Does it cost money, or is it free?

@Gurra09 The subway is free UNLESS you get mugged. But...that doesn't happen THAT often. It's faster than driving.

@TheSims3 will you get to pick where they go.. or will they just appear somewhere.. what if it malfunctions xD

@josieandrews96 You pick your end destination.

@TheSims3 You can get mugged on the subway? I thought it was Rated T?

@DJD703 It's not a violent mugging. You can get "mauled by bears" technically in The Sims 3. We're silly, not violent!

@TheSims3 Can teenagers go out to the club? lol ;)

@RenzSarayba Yes, they can (assuming it's not too late and curfew kicks in). The focus is definitely for adults, however.

Build/Buy mode

@TheSims3 is there spiral staircases in late night?

@hellokittysims We added a ton of new features for build mode but not spiral staircases (I listed it in a previous tweet). <see featured>


@Doodlesam54321 Hard to explain the fountain tool via twitter. It's a flexible way to make really cool fountains. It's pretty amazing.

@TheSims3 Can we create our own buildings with the height we want?

@ActualidadSims No, but there is a huge variety of buildings to use.


@baileykeates Yes, you can build new stage platforms. There is also a dance floor.

@TheSims3 Are you including elevators in Late Night?

@icreatesims Absolutely! How else would you get to the top floor? Certainly not stairs!

@TheSims3 Will have many new objects in the game? You can name a few?

@lpts3 We have a lot of new objects. Shuffleboard, darts, bubble bar, new professional bars, 3 new instruments, HOT TUBS.

@TheSims3 Is there a bowling alley like in The Sims 2?

@simsmx No bowling alley, sorry. We wanted to change up a few things for Late Night.

@TheSims3 I was wondering if we will have new objetcs or interations for the pools!

@JoaoxLucas The pools have huge updates. You can now build them on any floor (so, top floor of a penthouse!) and they are curved.

@TheSims3 May I build subway stations by my own, on any lot in any neighbourhood? Even the ones I create in CAW?

@Gurra09 Yes, they are basically a big object. You can place them on any lot type, even your own. They will be in buydebug.

@TheSims3 do you know how many hot tubs there will be?

@bafendo 3 new hot tubs. They look fantastic.




@TheSims3 Are there going to many new hairstyles?

@strelitzia19 There are quite a few. I love them.

@TheSims3 have new tattoo designs ?

@redlee_ Yes, we added a few new tats.


@w3by We have this wicked new goatee based on one of our engineers. You can see it on the bouncer in the trailer!

@TheSims3 What new tools create a sim?

@TheSims3Brasil We have new sliders! Also, the new clothing and hair assets are gorgeous.

@TheSims3 will there be more body sliders in CAS to customize our sims more in Late Night?

@jarrodappel There's a new breast slider for females and new muscle sliders for both genders. Let's just say we've had some funny convos.


@TheSims3 Will the celebrity job work like the jobs in base game, like Ambitions jobs, like the celebrity job in Superstar, or in a new way?

@Gurra09 It isn't a job. You build points by acting like a celebrity, such as schmoozing, doing things in careers, and more.

@TheSims3 If a celeb sim has kids, are the kids instant celebs, or will they have to work for it?

@XxSarahLanexX There's a new Teen Celebrity part time job only available to children of celebs :)


@TheSims3 Will there be seperate skills for each instrument?

@WorldWar3434 Absolutely! Guitar/Drums/Bass/Piano all have skills, opportunities, wishes, you name it.

@TheSims3 Hey Grant! Can I play the drums in the Sims 3:After Dark?

@Sunset_Valley_F You can play the drums in Late Night, yes! (It's not After Dark)

@TheSims3 Okay, because I'm going to make a series and that will be good. If you form a band, can they play at clubs?

@WTC4ever Yes! We have gigs that you can perform. Or, just bring your band and start playing.

@TheSims3 Hey Grant, is there going to be a microphone?

@bugisradio No microphone. We have piano, drums, bass, and of course, still the guitar.

again @TheSims3 breast and muscle sliders sound promising how about butt sliders? haha!!!

@Iguirdo haha, that would be fun. For now we're focused on making the breast and muscle sliders great.

@TheSims3 Any new Music Genres , Favourites and colors?

@Hraklis Vampires have a favorite food. O Positive :) and yes, new music too.

@TheSims3 Grant, Will there be a DJ booth in Late Night?

@jilliankloster No DJ booth. We wanted to focus on instruments for now.

@thesims3 Do you get tipped or paid for playing instruments/gigs????

@tinydancer114 Heck yeah! Musicians don't work for free! (Unless they are bad musicians).

@TheSims3 You say that they're new instruments +gigs for bands. Are there any new interactions b/c of this? Like asking ppl 2 join ur band?

@Mainehorse Yes! You can form bands with others, kick people out, have jam sessions...


@TheSims3 Hello will Vampires be able to have, Vampire children?

@FabKail16 How could we have vampires without vampire children! Of course they can reproduce and make vampiric offspring.

@TheSims3 can the vampires ages? how long if i set it to epic when my vampire sims is young adult?

@indrabaru1 Vampires will age, but VERY slowly. Vampires will remain young adults and adults for a LOOOOOOOOOOONG time.

@TheSims3 will vampires die under the sun?

@alexchooo123 They won't die from the sun, but it's worse. They must live without their powers until they recover from their blisters.

@TheSims3 vampires will be able to leave the light of day is normally or as in The Sims 2 Night Life?

@SimDown_ They can go outside into the sun but only at their own peril. It's best to limit their exposure

@TheSims3 Heya Grant Pretty cool you letting us ask you some questions. Here is a question Is there going to be new ways to die?

@N3mb3r Vampires can die by thirst!

@TheSims3 What are plasma packs? Ive heard vampires use them.

@DJD703 Plasma Packs are a new snack to satisfy a vampires' thirst.

@TheSims3 What will vampires do when feed from other sims(i.e. the animation for it)?

@vampsrule13 It depends on whether your Sim is romantically involved with them or not.

@TheSims3 Do you need a high gardening skill to grow plasma fruits? Do you just find the seeds around town?

@FabKail16 No. You can buy seeds or fruit at the store actually. But yes, gardening skill helps.

@TheSims3 Will vampires have a new need?

@JoaoxLucas Thirst replaces hunger. But, vampires play quite differently than other Sims.

@TheSims3 HUH? if the vampires shouldn't be outside, then how will they grow there plasma fruit? greenhouse? or.. eat or be eaten? lol.

@baileykeates Go outside during the night! Moonlight doesn't burn them. Only the sun.

@thesims3 what special powers do vampires have?

@prosperousacres They can read minds, hunt others, and become super powerful very quickly.

@TheSims3 Its just killing me now! Do vampire children need to attend school, do they have a curfew?

@FabKail16 All children, vampire or no, must go to school. It's the law! Plus, we don't want them to be dumb.

@TheSims3 What's your favorite playable creature from the entire Sims series?

@CamiiMania Honestly, the new vampires are by far my favorite. They really rock

@TheSims3 Is vampirism genetic? Or is it like it was in TS2?

@CamiiMania It is genetic.

@TheSims3 how can a vampire die?

@_InJuReD_ Death by Thirst, Old Age...really any death except Hunger.

@TheSims3 Will plasma have a chance to give a vampire a small age reversal?

@Akasen1226 No, it's only a food. But, Life Fruit is guaranteed to make them younger...

@TheSims3 does the vampires need to sleep?

@indrabaru1 Yes. We even added a new special bed for them that's quite haunting.

@TheSims3 Can vampires have babies with a regular sim (and make a half vampire baby?)

@silver_moon525 Yes, but there are no half vampires. They either are, or are not a vampire.

@TheSims3 Grant, Please tell me the Vamps don't sleep in coffins!

@AbiKat No, no coffins. They use regular beds and the new vampire altar.

@TheSims3 Is it going to exist a potion to make vampires become normal Sims? Or they have to be like that until they die?

@carolina_sofia We have a vampire cure that is a potion.

@TheSims3 please tell, is a vampire's death by thirst a new ghost or the same as death by hunger?

@eduardog3000 New ghost!

@TheSims3 Hows does a Sim become a Vampire in Late Night?

@DamienF519 You need to find a vampire, befriend them, and convince them to turn you. I bet the hidden vampire bar is a good place...

@TheSims3 will there be Grilled Cheese flavored plasma? Vampires even need a little bit of grilled cheese!! :)

@InfiniteSims Vampires can eat grilled cheese if they want, but...it won't satisfy them.

@TheSims3 last try before i need to go to sleep (it's one am in Denmark) is there still gonna be that cheesy vampire outfit from The Sims 2?

@karensejer No. The Vampires in Late Night are awesome, modern, and cool. No goofball blood suckers here.

@TheSims3 Can you just randomly attack a sim and drink their "plasma" or do you have to ask them?

@Indonesian_Cow You need to ask. We're not too big on wanton violence :)

@TheSims3 What happens when a Vampire eats Garlic?

@Lehdkat They aren't happy :) I have to leave SOME surprises.

@TheSims3 How wil kid vampires go to school during the day?

@Wolfgang814 Very quickly to avoid the sun. (Though to be honest the full effects of vampirism hit later in life).

@TheSims3 Will the vampires have special clothing (like gothic clothing)?

@Indonesian_Cow We didn't create vampire specific clothing but we did add a ton of new outfits. They are easily the best we've made.



Grant Humour/Personal

@TheSims3 do you imagine you doing another job than Sims? :D

@carolina_sofia I think it'd be fun to be a teacher. Or own a bookstore.

@TheSims3 No, I don't smell as good as you - but future children may LOOK like me! Related topic: will there be any half asians in the game?

@Slansing97 I dunno Slansing97. Do you SMELL like me? No.

@TheSims3 Give us a hint for what we can expect next.

@Ganjray It's going to be a game. I promise you that.

@TheSims3 I'm a Team Jacob fan and Would Love a Wolf PET! forget the Vamps! Go for HOT!

@AbiKat Team Edward all the way. You know it's meant to be.

@TheSims3 How many non-Sims related tweets have you received? eg "OMG Grant u r SO hawt!!!"

@alissa_g Not that many actually! It's great, b/c it's awesome how many good questions you guys have.

@TheSims3 how do actors get paid?

@MasonCoe By the local restaurant they tend to wait tables at.

@MasonCoe OH you meant in Late Night. Sorry, that was mean. They get paid just like any other career.

@TheSims3 Hey Grant, do you think you're as addicted to Sims as some of its players? If so, why are YOU addicted?

@JessaLGreen Yeah, I really love the game. I'm addicted b/c of the humor. I laugh a lot when playing The Sims.

@TheSims3 Our talented Articles' Developer wonders if you can marry her http://twitpic.com/29tlvv/full

@darasims_ru YES. Actually I have to say no. I'm already in love.


@TheSims3 Mr Rodiek: Does Twinbrook have any relation to Innsmouth by Lovecraft ?

@sims3blog No. Twinbrook is inspired by the gulf coastline, i.e. Louisiana, Georgia, Mississippi.

@TheSims3 In the new city, will there be the Ambitions places? If you don't have Ambitions, will there be blank spots?

@dylanrandomness Yes, you can incorporate your ambitions locations into the new neighborhood. We always try to leave some empty space!

@TheSims3 What other expansion packs are in the works? I know there's late night - I'm 'cited for it!

@TheOtherAuti Only Late Night is in the works. I'm not sure we can handle more than one at a time!

@TheSims3 Will there be any pets,weather, or college in the future?

@Desire0367 Anything and everything is possible with The Sims 3.

@TheSims3 will there be zombies,witches or other strange creatures in the future??

@Bi92 Anything is possible!

@TheSims3 What about the driving system being improved in the future? I don't like it when Sims simply vanish in and out of vehicles...

@gtns Currently the system lets us create ANY car. Fire trucks, racing cars. We prefer this flexibility which we might not otherwise have.

@TheSims3 Will we have any rabbit hole opened?

@JoaoxLucas We haven't opened up existing rabbit holes.

@TheSims3 Will we have water reflection?

@JoaoxLucas Yes. Our engineers put in some gorgeous new water reflections. Load up China or Egypt especially -- GORGEOUS.

@TheSims3 I love CAW and CAP, any plans to make some new tools?

@Umi_and_Alter We're glad you like them. We would love any suggestions you have for other new tools!

@TheSims3 Would you consider making a vacations expansion that is different from WA that has more of a relaxing nonquest theme or was WA it?

@Candi_Dyla Yeah, we would consider anything actually. That's a good idea. I do so love vacation :)

@TheSims3 If you have Sims in say Sunset Valley how do we transfer them to the new city?

@knazzer go to Edit Town, put them in the library, load the new town, then place them down from the library.

Sims 3 Ambition Preview (Nederlands)

Op vrijdag 21 mei mocht ik met Angela mee naar een Nederlandse preview van Sims Ambitions. (<3 Voor haar en natuurlijk EA Nederland om haar uit te nodigen).

Ik heb het gevoel dat EA een nieuwe weg heeft ingeslagen met De Sims 3 uitbreidingen. Met Sims 1 en Sims 2 breidden ze het spel uit maar het originele spel was nog steeds DE manier om het spel te spelen. Met Sims 3 voegen ze compleet nieuwe manieren van spelen toe. We zagen dit al met Wereld Avonturen en het is weer gebeurd met Ambitions.

Sorry als ik sommige dingen niet de goede titel geef in het Nederlands, ik heb thuis een Engelse versie van het spel en tijdens de preview waren we met een Nederlandse versie aan het spelen. Het is allemaal wat verwarrend!

De nieuwe beroepen zijn nog maar het topje van de ijsberg, Blackgarden heeft een goede preview van alle beroepen in haar blog. Aangezien we maar 2,5 uur hadden om te spelen, had ik geen tijd om alles uit te proberen, dus ik bespreek alleen de dingen waar ik zelf mee heb gespeeld of grappige dingen van andere mensen tijdens de preview.


Wat als eerste opvalt is hoe het carrière menu is weergegeven. Je kan geen negatieve prestatie meer hebben maar je bouwt nu ervaring op en gaat zo naar volgende niveaus. Er zijn nu ook simpele icoontjes die aangeven wat je kan doen om meer ervaring te krijgen in plaats van smileys.

Het meest leuke dat ik heb gezien, het was echt zo enorm grappig, is op de uitkijk staan als de Privédetective. In een tv serie of boek betekent dit dat de persoon in een auto zit en uren lang naar een gebouw of persoon staart, heel saai. In de Sims betekent dit dat je sim in het midden van een kavel gaat staan en twee takken pakt, elk in 1 hand en heel subtiel haar hoofd erachter verstopt en klaar! Verstopte sim! Zelfs als de telefoon gaat zien andere Sims jouw Sim niet. Hier moest ik echt 5 minuten om lachen…was zo grappig.

Informatie van Blackgarden: Grant had tijdens de Engelse preview verteld hoe ze met dit idee waren gekomen. In San Francisco is er blijkbaar een man verkleed als struik, in het midden van een leeg park.

Het beroep van privédetective is verder net zoals een avontuur in WA, maar dan in je eigen buurt. Daarnaast verbetert je ervaring ook door je skills te verbeteren.

Ik heb ook als brandweer gespeeld, voor het grootste gedeelte van de werkdag zit je gewoon te loungen bij de kazerne. Kletsen met collega’s, stuiteren op de trampoline (vertel ik straks meer over, en nee het is niet springen!), de wagen onderhouden (wat zou er gebeuren als je hem niet onderhoud, gaat het dan kapot onderweg naar een brand en brand je huis tot op de grond af? Moet ik eens proberen) ALARM!!! Dit is echt heel luid, pas op dat je niet doof wordt.

Je springt op de wagen en gaat naar het huis waar de brand is. Toen mijn Sim aankwam was ze een lieve engel en bluste het vuur. AnoeskaBs Sim was niet zo lief, hij stal van het slachtoffer. Het kan nog erger…in plaats van het vuur te blussen kan je Sim het ook stoppen door de objecten kapot te slaan met een bijl. Nog steeds effectief... alleen niet zo aardig.

Dumdi dum GHOSTBUSTERS! Something strange in the neighbourhood.. Who you gonna call? GHOST BUSTERS! Deze film moet je gewoon gezien hebben, anders moet je je schamen! Je kan dus op jacht gaan naar spoken in dit spel! En het is heel vergelijkbaar met de ghostbusters film. Je Sim wordt door de huiseigenaar gebeld, hij heeft last van spoken (die op de groene spoken lijken in Casper). Je sim gaat naar dat huis, zapt de spoken en je hebt dan 1 spook in je rugtas. Dan kan je het een naam geven of vrij laten.

Dan komen we bij de uitvinder, hier heb ik niet echt veel mee gespeeld, maar mijn buurman bij de preview wel (cheetah). Hij kreeg zijn Sim op zo’n hoog niveau dat hij dingen kon opblazen om schroot te krijgen. Dit zijn geen kleine explosies! En hij vond het zo leuk dat hij langs de hele buurt ging en alle auto’s opblies! Een keer werd zijn Sim weggestuurd omdat hij zich niet netjes gedroeg ... Dus toen maar tafeltjes opgeblazen bij een restaurant. Hier kreeg hij een boete voor! Niet gearresteerd... geen politie...

Een andere jongen bij de preview had een tijdmachine gemaakt en daarin een kind verwerkt, die geboren werd als tiener! Ik wou dat ik meer tijd gehad had, dan had ik ook nog de uitvinder geprobeerd, klinkt erg leuk!

Voor de andere beroepen verwijs ik je naar de Engelse preview van Blackgarden, ik heb er zelf niet mee gespeeld. Ik begreep ook niet helemaal hoe de Sims betaald worden, per week en per klus.. ? Wie betaald het wekelijks loon dan?

Andere nieuwe dingen

Ik heb met verschillende objecten gespeeld, zoals de trampoline. Een waarschuwing voor ouders, laat je kinderen niet met de trampolines in het spel spelen. Het zal ze het verkeerde idee geven! Het ziet er heel erg grappig uit!  Je Sim springt wel erg dicht bij de rand..

De was is een schattig detail dat ze hebben toegevoegd aan het spel, er is zelfs een wasserette. Je kan ook beeldhouwen om geld te verdienen, ik heb er niet veel mee gespeeld maar ik wil wel even zeggen dat je Sim een ENORM blok klei krijgt en uiteindelijk maar een klein standbeeldje maakt, typische Sims humor.

Ik heb in de buurt rondgekeken, het heet Twinbrook. Het heeft een meer donkere atmosfeer en er zijn  moerassen! In totaal zijn er 5 nieuwe openbare plekken:





Hangplek (niet echt een goede naam naar mijn mening, geeft voor mijn gevoel een negatief beeld) maar het was bijvoorbeeld een café

En een kringloopwinkel, waar je Sims hun uitvindingen of kunstwerken kunnen geven. Pas als een andere Sim dit koopt krijgt je eigen Sim het geld. Het is dus niet automatisch geld voor je Sim wat ik weer een geinig detail vind.

Als je Sunset Valley of Riverview laadt krijg je een pop-up om deze openbare plekken te plaatsen, dus daar zijn geen problemen!

In CAS heb ik leuk haar gezien voor vrouwen, niet echt leuke kleding maar van Blackgarden heb ik gehoord dat er ook kleren in de salon zijn. En ik heb iets gevonden dat ik altijd wou hebben maar was vergeten te vragen aan EA: Make-up heeft een nieuwe slider: transparancy. Je kan dus hele felle kleuren wat matter maken :D het is erg handig!

Iets voor de mensen die huizen bouwen: pilaren kunnen nu 3 niveaus hoog zijn! Ik heb ook nieuwe terreinverf, bomen en planten gezien. Je kan ook individueel de hoogte van verschillende daken veranderen.

Je Sim kan ook openbare kavels kopen, hiervoor kon je wel rabbit-holes kopen maar nu koop je de kavel zelf. Je kan dan de naam van het kavel veranderen of dingen bouwen/kopen. Een kavel heeft nu 3 niveaus, je krijgt meer winst van een hoger kavel. Maar ik vraag me af hoe dit werkt, want een park is gratis – hoe kan je daar dan winst op maken?

We hebben een geweldig tool, create-a-world, maar het kost moeite en tijd om het goed te leren. Om het makkelijker te maken kan in het spel een paar kleine dingen gedaan worden, kavels kunnen worden toegevoegd (ik neem aan ook verwijderd), bomen, planten en stenen  kunnen ook overal in de buurt geplaatst worden.

En als laatste, je Sim kan nu ook het onderwijs in!


Ze hebben dingen gegeven voor bouwers, spelers, ontwerpers en hebben het allemaal gedaan met humor. Ik ben blij dat ze bij EA weten dat niet iedereen het spel op dezelfde manier speelt en ze voor elk type speler iets toevoegen. We kunnen allemaal erg blij zijn met deze uitbreiding ^_^ EA heeft het weer gedaan, fantastisch!

PS. Je kan ook een gat op je kavel plaatsen... En dan weer opvullen, ik heb het nut daarvan nog niet gevonden.

PPS. ALSJEBLIEFT EA geef ons weer collecties, we missen dit echt in The Sims 3!

Sims 3 Ambition Preview

On Friday may 21st I was very fortunate to tag along with Angela to the Dutch preview of Sims 3 Ambitions (much love to her and of course the Dutch EA for inviting her in the first place).

We played with a dutch version of the game so the English translation may be wrong, tell me so that I can fix that :) Also this was not the final version of the game, so there were bugs (fog inside the house?).

I have a feeling EA is going a new route with The Sims 3 expansion packs, with Sims 1 and 2 they expanded onto the game but the original game was still the main way of playing. With Sims 3 they add completely new angles of playing. This was shown in world adventures and has happened again with ambitions.

The new occupations are just a tip of the iceberg that they added, Blackgarden has a very good preview of these in her blog. As we only had a 2.5 hour preview, I did not have time to play with everything, so I will only discuss the things that I played with myself or either amused me severely that the other people played with.


The first notable difference with professions is how the career menu is shown, work progress bar has changed, you cannot go into the negative! Technically, you build up work experience now, instead of performing well or not. And instead of smileys for each thing that influences your performance, you now get simple icons explaining things that improve your work experience.

By far, very FAAAAAAR and maybe even further the most amusing thing I saw was from the private investigator profession. Your sim can go on a stake out, this in every detective tv show I have seen means you sit in a car hidden and just watch a building. In the humorous world of EA this ‘stake out’ means your sim stands in the middle of a lot, displaying all the subtlety of an elephant in ballet shoes, gets a branch with leaves in each hand and holds it in front of him-/herself and voilà covertly hidden sim! So hidden that other sims do not even notice your sim when her phone rings. I was laughing for like 5 minutes about that, it is so funny.

Side information from Blackgarden: 
Grant told them at UK preview how they came up with the stake out, apparently there is a guy who dresses up as a bush and stands in an empty park in SF. And it's like a TOTALLY empty park, no foliage anywhere.

The rest of the private investigation profession is similar to an adventure in WA, but in your home hood.  You can also increase your work experience by building up skills.

I also played with the fire-fighter profession, for a lot of the working ‘day’ you sit around and just lounge at the firestation. Chat with co-workers, bounce on the trampoline (more on that later), maintain the fire truck (I wonder what happens if you don’t maintain it, does it breaks down on the way to a fire.. and the house burns down? Something to try later...). ALARM!!!! Seriously, it is super loud, do not get deaf from the fire alarm. EA should add warning signs about that in the game.

You jump onto the big fire truck and go to the house that is on fire, when my sim arrived there she was a good girl and put out the fire. AnoeskaB’s sim was not such a good guy, he started stealing from the poor sim!  Can be even worse, instead of using a fire extinguisher you can also destroy the object to put out the fire... effective I suppose, not very nice.

Dumdi dum GHOSTBUSTERS! Something strange in the neighbourhood.. Who you gonna call? GHOST BUSTERS! If you think I am a fool here spraying nonsense, be ashamed of yourself, it means you have not seen the brilliant ghost busters movies. So yes, there is ghost hunting in this game! And it is very similar to how it is done in the ghost busters movie. Your sim gets called by the owner of a haunted house, sim goes there and finds the ghosts (who look more like the green colored ‘bad’ ghosts in Casper), your sim zaps it with a cool looking zapping gun (I am sure it has a more proper name, but I did not check) and then has 1 ghost in his inventory bag. You can then give it a name or release it.

Then we come to the inventor, I did not play with this much myself, but my neighbour at the preview did. He got his sim to such a high level he could blow things up to get some scrap. This blowing up of things is not a small thing, blowing up car is BOOM! This neighbour was a guy (cheetah)  who thought blowing things up was so much fun, he went around the neighbourhood and destroyed everyone’s car!! He got caught once and was asked to leave for misbehaving... just a minor behaviour problem. Then moved onto a community lot and started blowing up tables, at least he got some punishment for this, a fine. His sim did not even get in touch with law enforcement.

Then another person at the preview made a time machine and created a baby that started at teen years. I wish I had more time to play with the inventor myself... it sounds very funny.

For the other professions I refer you to Blackgardens preview, I did not play with them. There is also a confusing bit about how much your sim gets paid, they get paid for each job but.. also get a weekly salary? Something to check.

Other new things

I did play with some objects, like the trampoline. Warning for all the parents who have a trampoline at home, do not let your children play with the trampolines in game, it will give them the wrong idea. The sim regular jumping action on the trampoline is already hilarious! But they can also fall off (I think I saw that once, it went fast), somersault and it looks just hilarious. But I noticed the sim jumps near the side of a trampoline instead of in the middle.. very safe....

Laundry is a cute touch that they added to the game, there is an even a laundromat where you can wash your clothes if you don’t own a laundry machine yourself.  You can also sculpt and make money that way, I did not play with this so much. I did find it funny how enormous the block of clay is that your sim starts with and the eventual object can be tiny... very typical Sims humour.

I did look around the new neighbourhood a bit, it is called TwinBrooks and has a more darky/dirty bit to it (aka, swamps – cyclonesue is going to like them). This darky mood is also created with a fog object, from the buydebug menu. In total there are 5 new community lot types:




Beauty salon

Meeting point? Dutch translation was hang plek (literally 'hanging about spot') in game it was like  a cafe but in Dutch hang plek means a place where (bad) kids hang about do nothing/skip school... they should change that name I think.

Last community lot is the Consignment Store.The Consignment Store allows your inventor/sculptor/painter to sell their goods, they give it to the store and when another sim buys it, your sim gets money. It’s not an automatic sell, which I personally found cute. It’s a small detail that EA did keep in mind.

If you load sunset valley or riverview, you will get the option to add these community lots, so the neighbourhoods are still compatible.

In CAS I found new hairs! Very cute hair for females, not so much cute clothes – but blackgarden has told me they may be in the salon in game not in CAS. And I found something I wanted but forgot to ask EA! You got influence on your sims makeup with the use of transparency! No more fighting with the colors to make the makeup not THAT bold.. just use the transparency slider.

Something for the builders that I found: columns can be 1, 2 or 3 stories high, just by changing a slider. I also saw new terrain paints and trees and possibly plants. You can adjust the height of each roof individually, allowing more freedom with them. You can also add ceilings now and that was all the build stuff I found, there could be more.

Your sim can also buy community lots, there was something similar before, you could own a rabit hole. Now you own the entire lot, this means you can change the name of the lot, and build/buy on it. Also, a community lot has 3 levels. The higher the level the higher the more profit from that lot your sim gets. I do not know how this works exactly, cause in my mind – a park is free to use so no profit from that. This is something we will have to see when we got the game.  

So we got the wonderful create a world tool, but it is tricky to use and some real effort needs to be put into it to learn it. Now you can also edit the neighbourhood, add trees everywhere and new lots of different sizes with the in-town editing tools, very useful if you just want a little change.

And last there is a new education career, did not play with this but I am glad they added it.


They gave things for builders, players, decorators and did it all with humour. I am glad to see they know on how many different ways people play the game and catered for all of them. We all can be very happy with this EP ^_^ EA went all out yet again, fantastic.

Ps. You can put a hole on your property from the buydebug menu and then your sim can fill it up ... I am not sure how useful this is.

Pps. EA please give us back collections, pretty please, I miss collections.


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