This item has 76 required items.
Please make sure to go back to the
required items tab on this detail page to download
all required items.
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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
an industrial office/studio. enjoy!
short walls
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1551640
ItemID: 1551640
Filesize: 62 KB
this creation needs all the items listed under the 'Required' tab to look as the previews and function properly.
Snowy Escape
Eco Lifestyle
Discover University
Island Living
Get famous
Cats and Dogs
City Living
Get Together
Get To Work
Dream Home Decorator
Realm Of Magic
Jungle Adventure
Dine Out
Spa Day
Outdoor Retreat
Nifty Knitting
Tiny Living
My First Pet
Laundry Day
Bowling Night
Vintage Glamour
Kids Room
Romantic Garden
Movie Hangout
Spooky Stuff
Cool Kitchen
Perfect Patio
Luxury Party
Ghoulish guitar
make sure your game is updated with the patch - June 29th 2021 or more recent
1st : unzip the files
2nd : place .package files in your MODS folder
3rd: other files(.room, .trayitem, .blueprint, .bpi, etc) go to your TRAY folder
you can find further instructions under 'Installation help'
to make sure this creation will look like the previews above you also need to activate the following cheats in BUILD MODE. press 'CTRL SHIFT C' or 'COMMAND SHIFT C' and a dialogue box will open at the top of your screen. then copy+paste+press enter, one at the time and in this order:
testingcheats true
bb.moveobjects on
once you finished you can open your library and place this item.
happy simming!!
please don't reupload or claim as your own!
Credits: the cc artists in the Required tab
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- Casa Binary Painting Stand
- Escuda Painting
- Marsilia Giant Painting
- Oakes Paintings Trio
- Hillsdale Skeleton Shelf Narrow
- Hillsdale Skeleton Shelf Wide
- Hillsdale Storage Box Long
- Hillsdale Storage Box Short
- Hillsdale File Storage Box
- Hillsdale Organizer Storage Box
- Hillsdale Books
- Hillsdale Painting Frame And Calendar
- Hillsdale Pen Holder, Stapler, Eraser, Post-It
- Hillsdale Paperclip Holder
- Hillsdale Paper Basket
- Hillsdale Plant
- Zwickau Big Painting Frames
- Zwickau Painting Frames
- Zwickau Books
- Zwickau Phonograph Record
- Zwickau Round Storage Box
- Zwickau Rectangle Storage Box
- Zwickau Double Glass Vases
- Zwickau Decor Spheres
- Zwickau Bowl
- Zwickau Vase
- Zwickau Star Perforated Circle Decor
- Zwickau Plant
- kardofe_Keiji Study_Basket with books
- kardofe_Keiji Study_Basket with cushions
- kardofe_Keiji Study_Brushes
- kardofe_Keiji Study_Canvases
- kardofe_Keiji Study_Desk
- kardofe_Keiji Study_DeskChair
- kardofe_Keiji Study_Divider
- kardofe_Keiji Study_Easel
- kardofe_Keiji Study_LivingChair
- kardofe_Keiji Study_Oil paintings
- kardofe_Keiji Study_Paint cans
- kardofe_Keiji Study_Shelving
- NIEDEN Nordic Hanging Creeper Plant
- NIEDEN Nordic Weaved Plant Pot
- Tuomo Palm Plant V1
- Tuomo Palm Plant V2
- Tuomo Palm Plant Pot
- Tuomo Round Magazine Basket
- Tuomo Nordic Wall Art
- Tuomo Palm Tree Wall Art
- Tuomo Glass Candle
- Tuomo Modern Chess Board
- Tuomo Nordic Succulent Terrarium
- Tuomo Nordic Crane Figurine
- Tuomo Wire Hand Sculpture
- Tuomo Nordic Octo-Candle
- Tuomo Mother-in-law's Tongue Plant
- Tuomo Bookcase Clutter V1
- Tuomo Bookcase Clutter V2
- Tuomo Bookcase Clutter V3
- Tuomo Bookcase Clutter V4
- Tuomo Bookcase Clutter V5
- Tuomo Bookcase Clutter V6