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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
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5 bedroom home with a big garden around, that will be perfect for a family. Downstairs you will find hallway, spacious living room with fireplace, master bedroom, kitchen with dining and 1st bedroom. Upstairs there are 2 kids rooms, 2 bedrooms, 2nd bathroom and balcony with a place to seat. Enjoy!
Lot Size - 50x40
Total Cost - 105 930$
House tested in the game
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1715664
ItemID: 1715664
Filesize: 245 KB
I've used Custom Content to decorate this house.
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Install Instructions:
Download the house,
Unzip files,
Copy files,
Paste files into your Tray catalog.
All required CC objects from "Required" Section go to the Mods folder.
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Credits: All TSR CC's Creators
- Value: 105.93
- Recoloring Allowed: No
- Furnished: Fully
- Stories: 2
- Lot Size: Other
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- Spring Aroma picnic basket
- Office Time notebook and mug
- Gardening Foyer plants - plant small
- Candy Covered Elephants
- Gardening Foyer plants - plant large
- Philo_Bellamy Standing Frames
- Jersey Painting Frames
- Vienna Dining Room Cup and dish
- Keep Life Simple Kitchen Fridge
- Naturalis Candle cage basket
- Country Coffee Dining flower
- Hacienda Sink
- Home office mugs
- Agnes - wall art 10
- [Daisy bathroom clutter] - toothbrush
- Naturalis Plants III - 3 - small
- (Recolour) Simple Curtains Medium
- Keep Life Simple Kitchen Green Onion
- [Katarina bedroom] - bed blanket
- Rustiko rug jute
- Agnes - wall art 09
- Comiko Book Nook Books Stacked
- [Katarina bedroom] - painting02
- Naturalis wall cutting board and kitchen cloth
- [Daisy bathroom clutter] - dispenser
- Hacienda Table high
- Marrakesh Mirror
- Nature Kids Activity Table
- kardofe_Xabia Hall_Rug
- [Alwine bedroom] - bed pillows
- Boho Mojo - Wall light
- Naturalis Office plants duo
- Naturalis Shower
- Beachy Days Small Box of goodies #7 - Coffee table
- Naturalis wall cutting glasses
- Naturalis Flowers- 1
- Naturalis Powder room cotton
- Brighterie - Shelf
- Advent Calendar 2022 - Plant Large 2
- Naturalis kids room plant
- Vienna Dining Room Curtains
- Chlorophyll plant 4
- Drapery drama - Italian curtain (short left)
- Drapery drama - Italian curtain (short right)
- cafeteria counter 2
- Vienna Dining Room Pictures
- Naturalis Powder room Mirror
- Hacienda cabinet with plates
- Vienna Dining Room Tray
- Monica bathroom - tub R
- Drapery Drama - Curtains (short - left)
- East Oak - Wicker Jar V2
- Xenia Decor. Leaf, v1
- Hacienda cabinet for fridge
- Naturalis Reading Nook Vintage Turntable Stereo
- Gardening Foyer plants - potted banana leaves
- Rustiko Vases duo and plant
- Rimless wall hung toilet - Deluxe bathroom set
- Naturalis Powder room Toilet
- Chantelle Lamp
- Naturalis Cushions
- Chlorophyll plant 3
- Breezic - Candle Light II
- Clarity mini plant
- Rustiko Wall Towel
- Monica bathroom - old mirror
- kardofe_Rhodes Bedroom_Bed
- Chlorophyll plant large
- [Katarina bedroom] - bed pillows
- Plant Lover Hanging Wall Planter
- cafeteria counter
- Severinka TS4 KidsLight - leo
- Nikadema Ibiza El Salon Mirror
- Naturalis sink
- Naturalis Powder room Toilet paper
- Astrid - Tea cups
- Elna - Candles
- Agnes - bed blanket
- Sea breeze_Lantern
- Boron Rug
- Twin candles - Deluxe bathroom set
- Wedine - Framed Picture
- Aurum Dresser
- Nova decor - table poster
- [Agata bedroom] - sign board v01
- Naturalis Teddy bear
- Agnes - wall art 06
- [Alisha bedroom] - double bed blanket
- Provence paintings Flowers 01
- Un Style Colore Cushions for baby
- East Oak - Basket with books
- Life Bathroom - Baskets
- Naturalis Guest Bedroom shoes
- Latitude wall towel hanger
- Gardening Foyer decor - boots (galoshes)
- [Agata bedroom] - sign board v02
- Keep Life Simple Kitchen Paper Bag
- Naturalis Pencils
- East Oak - Wicker Jar V1
- Europium Ceiling Lamp
- Drapery Drama - Curtains (short - right)
- Captured Moonlight - Harmony set
- Zenotta Lounge Potted Tree
- Traveller - Duffle bag (basegame decor)
- Nova decor - Dragonfly
- Rustiko Rug patterns
- Wood Natural Floor
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