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Created for: The Sims 4
So here's the campground in the town! Easily to spend your night or weekend after your work or school! Just go with your family, or invite your friends to hangout, you can even have your next party there! The most important thing is: it's free of charge!
2 double-tent sites and 6 single-tent sites with tents, campfire, picnic tables, grills, chairs, coolers.
Campground also has one office(self-service, no reservation is needed. First come, first serve.), bathroom, swimming pond, parking lot.
Bushes are planted for late night fertilization and fun:)
Fishing is not on the site but can easily walk down to the beach if you place the lot in the location as I recommand.
Von-Windenburg Campground
Lot Type: National Park
Lot Size: 64 x 64
CC: No
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1346788
ItemID: 1346788
Filesize: 203 KB
This campground is located in Windenburg, 64 x 64, replace the big house on the island.
You need these packs:Get Together/Outdoor Retreat
Packs I have:Get to Work/Get Together/Outdoor Retreat/Spa Day/Dine Out
Please do not re-upload without permission.
Please Note:
I used 'bb.moveobjects on' and 'bb.showhiddenobjects' when building this lot. Please make sure to turn these on before you place the lot. Bathroom, park map are the only two objects under hidden objects. If you cannot find them in the lot, please use the cheat and find them by searching 'Trusty Rustic Bathroom' and 'Campground Information' under the objects.
There should be 6 files altogether: 1 .trayitem, 1 .blueprint, 4 .bpi. Unzip the file and put them into your Tray folder.
- Value: 94035
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Stories: 1
- Lot Size: Other
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