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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
This beautiful little modern home is there and waiting for your sims. This 2 bedroom. 2 bathroom house is great for a starter home for a family or just a working couple.
Ground floor: Huge kitchen/dining area, perfect for entertaining. Bathroom, and a conservatory to sit and chill or just watch a little telly with. Large garden area in beautiful surroundings.
First floor: 2 bedrooms, 1 with a veranda, and a large spacious bathroom.
Made in Newcrest. 30 x 20
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1411246
ItemID: 1411246
Filesize: 346 KB
The technical bit so you can enjoy this lot:
Packs used: City Living, Get Together, Get to Work, Dine Out, Spa Day, Backyard Stuff, Romantic Garden Stuff, Luxury Party Stuff
and these beautiful artists need crediting as there is so much lovely stuff to choose from and you can get the items here:
Severinka: CLICK CLICK
ArtVitalex: CLICK
TheNumbersWoman: CLICK
JomSims: CLICK
BuffSumm: CLICK
Kardofe: CLICK
SimCredible!: CLICK
NynaeveDesign: CLICK
Angela: CLICK
Wondymoon: CLICK
Soloriya: CLICK
Download and unzip in tray file. Make sure your game is up to date before installing, and that bb.moveobjects is switched on.
If you cant see it in the Gallery make sure your cc is ticked on left hand side for it to show up. Follow this link if you have issues: CLICK HERE
Please do not upload as your own, and all feedback is welcome :)
- Value: 87678
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Bedrooms: 2
- Bathrooms: 2
- Stories: 2
- Lot Size: 30x20
- Custom content: Creation needs CC (links to all needed CC listed in the description)
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- Era livingroom furniture
- 'Tea in the garden' set
- Siena Young Bedroom
- Needful Things Car Props
- Kitchen Alobi
- Affectum Bedroom
- WindowSet ScanLine 2x1 v2
- kardofe_Carolina Room_Rug
- Plain Color Wall Tiles
- Stone Floor 3
- Nature In
- Grass Terrain
- Pavement Terrain 27
- Designer Floor Tiles
- Praline Wood Boards
- Skylights
- Milford Plants and Pictures
- Nebo Windows
- Altara Build Set
- Tree Branch Walls
- Farlane Carpet Collection
- Oriental Tiles...
- Lily Art Walls
- Keira Hallway
- Livermorium Bathroom
- Bye Summer