![Sims 4 — Summer Ray by fashSIMnista — Hey simmers, in honor of my favorite season thought I'd share my beauty, Summer.](/scaled/2950/w-600h-450-2950135.jpg)
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Created for: The Sims 4
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Hey simmers, in honor of my favorite season thought I'd share my beauty, Summer. Enjoy! :)
Please do not re-upload my sim and claim as your own. If you use her, please credit me. Greatly appreciated!
Please make sure your game is fully updated.
Sim goes into Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Tray
You must unzip the file and place only the tray items in your tray folder, not the zip file.
CC goes into Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods folder!!
**Please read Creator Notes for all the CC you must have in order for her to look exactly how she is pictured. Thank you!
The Sims 4 Digital Deluxe
Get To Work
Get Together
City Living
Cats and Dogs
Dine Out
Outdoor Retreat
Spa Day
Laundry Day
Vintage Glamour
Bowling Night
Kids Room
Movie Hangout
Romantic Garden
Cool Kitchen
Perfect Patio
Luxury Party
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1420253
ItemID: 1420253
Filesize: 109 KB
(Please read carefully)
Skin Overlay by SayaSims [CLICK HERE]
Eyes by Praline [CLICK HERE]
Eyebrows by Praline [CLICK HERE]
Mole by MartyP [CLICK HERE]
Nose Mask 02 by RemusSirion [CLICK HERE]
Tattoo by Reevaly [CLICK HERE]
Hairline 03 by RemusSirion --Extract all package files! [CLICK HERE]
3D Lashes Version 2 by Kijiko --Extract all package files! [CLICK HERE]
Hair by Ade [CLICK HERE]
Bodysuit by Trillyke [CLICK HERE]
Ripped jeans by Maria MissMerry [CLICK HERE]
Eyeshadow by RemusSirion [CLICK HERE]
Eyeliner by S-Club [CLICK HERE]
Face shine by Praline [CLICK HERE]
Earrings by Praline [CLICK HERE]
Lipstick by Praline [CLICK HERE]
Nails by MorganeParis [CLICK HERE]
Shoes by MJ95 [CLICK HERE]
Hair by Ade [CLICK HERE]
Dress by belal1997 [CLICK HERE]
Outfit by Saliwa [CLICK HERE]
Dress by Harmonia [CLICK HERE]
Bikini by _Simalicious_ [CLICK HERE]
Toe nail polish by S-Club [CLICK HERE]
Credits: Thank you to all CC and pose creators!!
- Custom content: Creation needs CC (links to all needed CC listed in the description)
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.