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Created for: The Sims 4
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
I present to the handsome Vincent. He is a creative, outgoing and romantic young man! He dreams of one day becoming a great actor, and why not, a great movie and theater star! But first of all he must prepare at an important university! Which career will you choose? It is up to you!
I hope you like it and enjoy it in your game!
You require:
Digital Deluxe Edition
Get to Work
Get Together
City Living
Cats and Dogs
Get Famous
Island Living
Discover University
Eco Lifestyle
Outdoor Retreat
Spa Day
Dine out
Jungle Adventure
Realm of Magic
Star Wars Journey to Batuu
Luxury party
Perfect Patio
Cool Kitchen
Movie Hangout
Romantic Garden
Kids Room
Vintage Glamour
Bowling Night
Laundry day
My first pet
Tiny Living
Nifty Knitting
Holiday Celebration Pack
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1506815
ItemID: 1506815
Filesize: 79 KB
No sliders
CC Genetic:
Hair - Nightcrawler Hair03 by Nightcrawler Sims TSR
Skin - S-Club WMLL ts4 BS3.0 FM skin by S-Club TSR
Mouthcorner - Mouthcorner N02 by Pralinesims TSR
Nosemask - Nosemask N01 by Pralinesims TSR
Faceshine - Faceshine N19 by Pralinesims TSR
Eyes - Mystica Eyes N66 by Pralinesims TSR
Eyebrows - Eyebrow Style 07 Male by Serpentrogue TSR
Eyelashes - 3D Lashes Version2 by Kijiko
Eyeliner - Antihero Smoky Eyeliner N32 by Pralinesims TSR
Lipstick - Lips Set 12 by ShojoAngel TSR
Beard - Beard Style 24 by Serpentrogue TSR
CC Closet:
Parka - Parka with Turtleneck Sweater - V2 by Darte77 TSR
Shirt - Men's short sleeve shirt tucked in front by Sims House TSR
Sunglasses - Island Paradise Sun Glasses ma by Severinka TSR
Bonnet - PZC Beanies 04 Mesh Required by Pinkzombiecupcakes TSR
Visor - Visor Hat by Oranos TSR
CAS Background - CAS Background 2018 Autumn Part1 by Annett85
- Custom content: CC used
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- Hair03 by Nightcrawler Sims TSR
- S-Club WMLL ts4 BS3.0 FM skin by S-Club TSR
- Mouthcorner N02 by Pralinesims TSR
- Nosemask N01 by Pralinesims TSR
- Faceshine N19 by Pralinesims TSR
- Mystica Eyes N66 by Pralinesims TSR
- Eyebrow Style 07 Male by Serpentrogue TSR
- 3D Lashes Version2 by Kijiko
- Antihero Smoky Eyeliner N32 by Pralinesims TSR
- Lips Set 12 by ShojoAngel TSR
- Beard Style 24 by Serpentrogue TSR