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Created for: The Sims 3 Creator Terms of Use
This was a requested set. The player needed a set where one sim was standing and another was lying on the couch, which led to a romantic encounter
*19 Poses
*pose list compatible
**non pose list download can be found on my WP site posesbybee
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1615394
ItemID: 1615394
Filesize: 280 KB
Standing poses will not snap so you can put them anywhere
Lying poses snap to couch
a_bmit_janice1 (lying pose, hand behind head)
a_bmit_janice2 (standing sim, animated talk with hands out)
a_bmit_janice3 (lying pose, sim laughing)
a_bmit_janice4 (lying sim, hand on forehead)
a_bmit_janice5 (standing pose, one hand extended)
a_bmit_janice6 (standing pose, two hands in front)
a_bmit_janice7 (standing pose, sim smirking)
a_bmit_janice8 (lying pose pointing at standing sim)
a_bmit_janice9 (standing pose, hand on stomach, hand up)
a_bmit_janice10 (lying pose hand on leg of pose 11)
a_bmit_janice11 (sitting pose)
a_bmit_janice12 (sitting up kissing pose 13)
a_bmit_janice13 (sitting pose, kissing pose 12)
a_bmit_janice14 (lying pose holding arm of pose 14)
a_bmit_janice15 (standing pose looking back at pose 13)
a_bmit_janice16 (sitting pose leaning back)
a_bmit_janice17 (left knee on couch, leaning towards pose 16)
a_bmit_janice18 (lying back, kissing pose 20)
a_bmit_janice19 (leaning over pose 18, kissing)
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
Note that those downloads are not required for the Creation to work!