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Created for: The Sims 3 Creator Terms of Use
Another set from my portrait poses design to include a child and a baby. This pose works with the EA wrapped up bundle or the mod for baby feet. This pose set is designed to fit in with the larger family portraits, which are coming soon.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1376629
ItemID: 1376629
Filesize: 27 KB
*2 poses
*Pose list compatible
*tested in game both as individual poses and in the pose set.
*The poses should snap together. I tried them about four different times and each time they did. But use of the moveobjects on cheat with alt on your keyboard may be required to tweak them a bit. In game they snapped together for me with no tweaking needed.
Hair on child is heart break by Cazy:
Pattern on top is EA recoloured
Pose Codes if Needed
Credits: TSR for their wonderful help!
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