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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
Single Bedroom in natural and black colors.
Size: 6x7
Built of small walls.
This room is fully equipped.
Custom Content was used - Please check all cc's in the Required Tab.
Please read the instructions in the Notice tab.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1665771
ItemID: 1665771
Filesize: 110 KB
Make sure your game is fully updated.
I used only Base Game and CC objects.
To install this room into your game:
- download the room
- unzip room files
- copy room files and paste them into your Tray catalog ([...]My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Tray]
- all CC - objects from --> Required Tab go to the Mods folder.
Credits: Thank you to All TSR CC's Creators
- Recoloring Allowed: No
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- Manteca Dining Chair
- Gaming room set_computer
- [SJB] Eliza set part II end table by Ylka
- kardofe_Bedroom Portobello_Wall deco
- Minimalsim - Malcolm kidsroom bed blanket
- Odette Bedroom Dresser
- Elna - Side Table
- Naturalis Powder room Hanging plant 1 - small
- Set Clayton - Sloping Ceiling
- kardofe_Micke Studio_Books
- Millennial - Hanging plant (V1 - short)
- kardofe_Micke Studio_TableLamp
- Millennial - Hanging plant (V3 - short)
- Nina Puff Chair
- Bokhai bedroom - bed metall canopy
- Rose Room Books 2
- Charlotte - Double window Closed
- kardofe_Narlu Bedroom_Bed
- [Twins kidsroom] - sloping ceiling
- Charlotte - Triple window Closed
- Sherman Dinning Room Lamp
- Keep Life Simple Entrance Plant
- MinimalSIM Love the Less Plant
- Japandi - vase with flower
- Hazel. Pictures
- Small box of goodies 11 - Meow - Cat Plant 2
- Sculpture GiraffeSmall
- Loreto Commode
- Charlotte - Single door
- Loreto Desk
- Curiosities cabinet - Rug
- Millennial - Hanging plant (V2 - short)
- Clean bedroom set curtain 1x3
- Praline Wood Planks 2
- Modern Home Office WoodenFloor
- VOX Wood Walls
- [MM]Insta Pastel Wallpaper