![Sims 4 — Adele Studded Slippers by feyona — Slippers come with 3 swatches and weighted to imitate gravity, it means that](/scaled/2889/w-600h-450-2889455.jpg)
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Slippers come with 3 swatches and weighted to imitate gravity, it means that if your sim bends toes slipper will move as real shoes would do. Hope you like them.
All lods. Very high: 2314 High: 1782 Medium: 1061 Low: 621
* New mesh by me
* For teens, young adults, adults and elders
* Feminine style choice. Allowed for vampires, humans, aliens. Base game compatible
* 2048x4096 HQ texture (HQ settings compatible)
* Disallowed for random
* Custom thumbnails
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1398381
ItemID: 1398381
Filesize: 426 KB
Known issue: won't look good on sims with snooty walk style due to the way they bend their toes up and down while walking. But work fine with regular style of walk.
Credits: to Sims 4 Studio for an amazing program.
And special thank you to all people who help spreading a word about my content 🌺
Pants - spectacledchic
Coat and bag - SLYD
Accessory top - daniparadise
Hair - Nightcrawler
Pose - flowerchamber
Pose in the chair was made by me with Melodine rig helper by Brokensims
Chair - Meinkatzcreations
- Recoloring Allowed: Yes
- Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio
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