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Created for: The Sims 3 Creator Terms of Use
Set 2 for Death and Dying, focuses more on the dying, trying to save the patient and then death. There are a few adult family poses included. The poses were created to set up several scenes.
*28 poses - pose list compatible
** non pose list download can be found on my site posesbybee
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1619385
ItemID: 1619385
Filesize: 427 KB
I have created these poses on a regular height bed. They will work on the hospital bed from MTS but I have designed them to sink into the mattress a little. If you use the hospital bed, the sim will lay on top which does not look natural.
The pose codes start after the first Death and Dying pose set, also found on TSR.
a_bmit_dying18 (dead sim, goes with dying 19)
a_bmit_dying19 (sitting on bed, shaking arms of pose 18)
a_bmit_dying22 (dead sim, goes with pose 23)
a_bmit_dying22b (same as pose 22, dead sim, eyes open)
a_bmit_dying23 (checking pulse of pose 22)
a_bmit_dying24 (dying sim, eyes closed)
a_bmit_dying24b (dying sim, eyes open)
a_bmit_dying25 (giving CPR to pose 24)
a_bmit_dying26 (dead sim lying on bed, goes with pose 27)
a_bmit_dying27 (closing the eyes, holding arm of dead sim)
a_bmit_dying28 (hands to mouth scared)
a_bmit_dying29 (arms around pose 28)
a_bmit_dying30 (male standing, worried, watching medical staff)
a_bmit_dying31 (dead sim getting needle)
a_bmit_dying32 (medical staff giving needle in arm)
a_bmit_dying33 (loved one receiving bad news)
a_bmit_dying34 (medical staff giving bad news, goes with pose 33, 37 and 44)
a_bmit_dying35 (checking pulse on neck, goes with pose 39 and pose 42)
a_bmit_dying36 (stopping CPR for pose 35 to check pulse)
a_bmit_dying37 (male loved one hearing bad news)
a_bmit_dying38 (checking pulse of pose 39, looking down at patient)
a_bmit_dying39 (dead sim head turned right)
a_bmit_dying40 (reaching for loved one, being pulled from bed by nurse)
a_bmit_dying41 (medical staff pulling pose 40 off bed)
a_bmit_dying42 (medical staff doing sternum rub and lifting eyelid to check eyes, goes with pose 43)
a_bmit_dying43 (dead sim head to right, left eye lid up, goes with pose 42 and 35)
a_bmit_dying44 (female sim, hands together up at face sad)
a_bmit_dying45 (sim giving needle in shoulder, goes with pose 39)
Credits: Severinka, Koposov
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