![Sims 3 — Mommy Don't Go! by jessesue2 — Mommy is leaving and the toddler is being left behind with an adult. Perhaps,](/scaled/3540/w-600h-450-3540021.jpg)
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Mommy is leaving and the toddler is being left behind with an adult. Perhaps, dad, uncle or even the babysitter. The toddler is very upset and mom has to calm them down. I will be doing a daddy is leaving with mom holding the toddler next.
*20 poses -pose list compatible
**pose code users can find a non pose list download on my site posesbybee under Family category
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1658243
ItemID: 1658243
Filesize: 327 KB
1. You will need to use the MOO cheat for pose 1 to get mom's hand on the door knob.
2. The toddler I used in the pics is altered with sliders so the poses with look different on your toddler sim. By different I mean better. I apologize for that.
a_bmit_goodbye1 (adult leaving, holding door knob)
a_bmit_goodbye2 (adult holding toddler, waving)
p_bmit_goodbye3 (being held by adult waving, goes with pose 3 and 4)
p_bmit_goodbye4 (toddler held by adult, finger to mouth)
a_bmit_goodbye5 (adult holding crying toddler)
p_bmit_goodbye6 (toddler crying, goes with pose 5)
a_bmit_goodbye7 (adult reaching for toddler pose 9)
a_bmit_goodbye8 (adult holding toddler pose 9)
p_bmit_goodbye9 (toddler being passed to pose 7)
a_bmit_goodbye10 (adult holding pose 12)
a_bmit_goodbye11 (adult with hand on back of pose 12)
p_bmit_goodbye12 (toddler being held by pose 10)
a_bmit_goodbye13 (adult holding pose 15 toddler)
a_bmit_goodbye14 (adult talking to toddler pose 15)
p_bmit_goodbye15 (toddler being held by pose 13)
a_bmit_goodbye16 (adult kissing pose 17 toddler)
p_bmit_goodbye17 (toddler being held by pose 16)
a_bmit_goodbye18 (adult reaching for toddler pose 20)
a_bmit_goodbye19 (adult holding toddler pose 20)
p_bmit_goodbye20 (toddler)
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