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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
June 19th, 2022 Update - LastException error has been resolved
A delicious set of edible rainbow cupcakes!
These cupcakes can NOT be baked, but rather, there is a decorative cupcake box with an interaction that will allow your sims to get some cupcakes. The cupcakes then appear in that sims inventory as a large group serving. You can then place the cupcakes out in the world, and they will function as any other standard food item. Sims can eat individual servings, put away leftovers, etc, as with any normal food item.
Both the decorative cupcake box (found in Clutter) and any of the food servings can be sold in a retail store with Get To Work. The cupcake box is decorative and will never go bad, but the edible servings will spoil as with any other food. If selling edible servings, you can place them in the Refrigerated Display to extend their shelf life.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1604021
ItemID: 1604021
Revision: 2
Filesize: 1 MB
To install, simply place the .package file into your Mods folder. Both the decorative cupcake box and all of the edible portions are included in the same single file.
Credits: Instant Food Kit and tuning by Anska
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