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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
Cost: 12347 Simoleons
Included is a topview of the room to get a better idea of the size and shape!
*Make sure to check the Required tab if you want it to look the same!
**Don't re-upload or claim this room as your own!
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1581359
ItemID: 1581359
Filesize: 53 KB
Packs installed;
- Base Game
- Free Holiday Pack
Made and playtested by me
Fully functioning
Make sure MOO is on!
Hope you like it! :)
Credits: All the incredible creators whose CC I have used!
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- Naturalis scales
- Funny kitchen - Time to Plug - Blender
- Funny kitchen - Time to Plug - citrus juicer
- Giavanna Soap Dispenser
- Frosted Grove - Tea Set
- Tea Time sugar cubes
- Country Coffee canister
- Country Coffee cream
- Peg To Differ - Pots and Pans
- Nuance cutting board
- Hemisphere Olive oil
- Avis Kitchen Utensils
- Nuance Kitchen tools
- Kitchen Collection - ramekins
- Kitchen Collection - paper products
- Funny kitchen - Time to Plug Extra - spice
- Elewelds - Seasoning
- Kala Bathroom - Towel V3
- Ingrid - Plates pile
- Tea Time teacup
- Manon Kitchen - Plate
- Manon Kitchen - Bowl
- Young Way Goodies - candies
- Funny kitchen - Time to Pasta and Pizza - sauces
- Screaming retro - tomatoes
- Pepper
- Onion (half)
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