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Created for: The Sims 3 Creator Terms of Use
This home was designed for the 100 baby challenge, but could also be used as a legacy home for a large family of many children. I raised a family of 12 children in this home at one point with 2 adults. The home is not a starter home, but gives you most everything you would need to raise a large family, while still leaving room for you to add your own personal touches from the sim family. The backyard is a blank slate, ready for you to add playground equipment, a pool or anything else your sims may desire. You may also expand the home providing more bedrooms as well. The one bathroom in the home is functional with toilet stalls, and three showers, each in a room to provide optimal use of the bathroom for many sims at one time. The computer desks are provided to help the children complete their homework and make the honor roll, while doubling as extra seating for meal times. 4 cribs have been included in case of multiple births. 2 cribs are located in the master bedroom for the infants, while you may then choose to put any toddlers in the one large nursery. The home is a bungalow which is optimal for moving babies or toddlers to and from the crib. The nursery is large enough for all the children to play in that room leaving all the toys out of the main part of the house.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1336629
ItemID: 1336629
Filesize: 2 MB
1. I have all EP's and SP's installed except Movie Stuff, 70s 80s, 90s stuff. House is built with mostly base game items.
2. My game is fully updated to 1.69.
3. Patterns in game are all EA patterns, re-coloured. No CC patterns installed in game.
4. NO CC included in this build.
5 Check EA creations tab for any store content that may be included
6. Home was designed with the 100 baby challenge in mind. Makes a great legacy home.
7. I used this home to raise a family of 12 children at one point and 2 adults.
8. MOO was used to move four eat up counters to the cupboards.
**Please do not alter and or re-upload this creation to claim as your own. If you use the home in a blog story etc, please credit with a link back here to TSR.
Credits: TSR for their support. EA for store content
- Price Unfurnished: 35506
- Price Furnished: 57545
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Bedrooms: 2
- Bathrooms: 1
- Stories: 1
- Lot Size (z): 40
Expansion packs: World adventures,Ambitions,Generations,Supernatural,Seasons,University
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