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Created for: The Sims 3
A useful face mask to create your own Na'vis, it can be found at COSTUME MAKEUPs!
Tips: After applying create the typical Na'vi characteristics first: wide nosebridge, big eyes which are farther from each other and so on.
To get that great Na'vi look it's necessary to have those elven-like ears, you can achieve it by using CmarNYC's ear mod which adds +sliders to CAS ear category with you can make pointed ears. Available on MTS2, link: http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=374167 (you must be logged in to download)
If you want to create a characteristic Na'vi body shape too then there's an other mod by jonha which adds +sliders to CAS mouth! category with you can modify things like breast, hip, waist, butt, head, neck and more. Available also on MTS2, link: http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=378416 (you must be logged in to download)
Last but not least it's recommended to have a skin tone which matches my Na'vi face mask's tone so therefore I made a new blue skin tone which replaces the original blue. It can be downloaded separately from this link: http://users1.ml.mindenkilapja.hu/users/dubai/uploads/senemm_naviblue_skintone.package (created by me, trust me it's secure:)
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/943131
ItemID: 943131
Filesize: 548 KB
Please read instructions!
Credits: Workshop
- Age : Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Elder
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