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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
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Cost: 6169 Simoleons
Included is a topview of the room to get a better idea of the size and shape!
*Make sure to check the Required tab if you want it to look the same!
**Don't re-upload or claim this room as your own!
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1580220
ItemID: 1580220
Filesize: 46 KB
Packs installed;
- Base Game
- Free Holiday Pack
Made and playtested by me
Fully functional
I originally built the bathtub side part of the room on a platform, but in doing so the game considered it a separate room so I had to level it again. I do suggest putting it on a 1 up platform again to make it look extra nice! :)
Make sure MOO is on!
Hope you like it! :)
Credits: All the incredible creators whose CC I have used!
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